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Interactive EAR

Chapter VII

§ 743.9 Reporting requirements for “front-end fabricators” producing “applicable advanced logic integrated circuits” for authorized integrated circuit designers.

This version is the current regulation | Last updated: February 4, 2025

(a) Requirement. “Front-end fabricators” producing any integrated circuit specified under ECCN 3A090.a or presumed to be specified under ECCN 3A090.a by Note 1 to 3A090 for any authorized integrated circuit designer must submit reports to BIS in accordance with this section. Reports need not, however, include information about exports, reexports, or in-country transfers to an entity that is both an approved integrated circuit designer listed in supplement no. 6 to part 740 of the EAR and an authorized integrated circuit designer, as described in Note 1 to ECCN 3A090.a.

(b) Information to be included in the reports. The following information must be collected by the “front-end fabricator” and included in each report to BIS:

(1) The name, address, and point of contact of the authorized integrated circuit designer;

(2) The “front-end fabricator's” name and address must appear at the top of each page;

(3) The end-user Know Your Customer (KYC) vetting form included in supplement no. 2 of this part;

(4) Description of each category of integrated circuit classified under ECCN 3A090.a sold by the “front-end fabricator” to the authorized integrated circuit designer during the reporting quarter, including all of the following:

(i) Designer of the integrated circuit classified under ECCN 3A090.a;

(ii) Product names associated with the integrated circuit specified or presumed to be specified under ECCN 3A090.a, including model number (if known); and

(iii) Quantity of the integrated circuits classified under ECCN 3A090.a sold by the “front-end fabricator” to the integrated circuit designer during the reporting quarter.

(c) Quarterly reporting requirement. (1) You must submit the first report by May 31, 2025. The report shall cover any exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) of integrated circuits classified under ECCN 3A090.a during the time between January 15, 2025 and April 30, 2025. Thereafter, reports are due according to the provisions of paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(2)(i) After May 31, 2025, you must submit a report for each reporting period. There are four reporting periods:

(A) May 1 to July 31;

(B) August 1 to October 31;

(C) November 1 to January 31; and

(D) February 1 to April 30.

(ii) The report for a given period shall cover any exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) of integrated circuits classified under ECCN 3A090.a during that period. Each report is due no later than 30 days after the end of the relevant reporting period.

(d) Where to submit reports required under this section. Reports may be emailed to EAR [email protected] and must specify “Authorized integrated circuit designer” in the subject line.

(e) Contacts. General information or questions about these reports can be directed to the Office of National Security Controls, Tel. (202) 482-0092, or Email: EAR [email protected].

[90 FR 5310, Jan. 16, 2025]