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§ 748.15 Authorization Validated End-User (VEU).

Validated end-users (VEU) are those who have been previously approved by BIS pursuant to the requirements of this section. To be eligible for authorization VEU, exporters, reexporters, and validated end-user applicants must adhere to the conditions and restrictions set forth in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section. If a request for VEU Authorization for a particular end-user is not granted, no new license requirement is triggered. In addition, such a result does not render the end user ineligible for license approvals from BIS.

§ 748.14 Granting of exceptions to the support documentation requirements.

(a) Overview. A request for an exception to obtaining the required support documentation will be considered by BIS; however, an exception will not be granted contrary to the objectives of the U.S. export control program. A request for exception may involve either a single transaction or, where the reason necessitating the request is continuing in nature, multiple transactions. If satisfied by the evidence presented, BIS may waive the support document requirement and accept the license application for processing. (b) Procedure for requesting an exception.

§ 748.12 Firearms import certificate or import permit.

License applications for certain firearms and related commodities require support documents in accordance with this section. (a) Requirement to obtain and submit documentation. Unless an exception in § 748.9(c) applies, an import certificate or permit is required for license applications for firearms and related commodities, regardless of value, if required by the importing country. For OAS member states, this requirement is consistent with the OAS Model Regulations described in § 742.17 of the EAR.

§ 748.11 Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser.

(a) Requirement to obtain document—(1) General requirement for all countries excluding the People's Republic of China (PRC). Unless an exception in § 748.9(c) or paragraph (a)(3) of this section applies, a Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser is required if the license application includes “600 Series Major Defense Equipment” (600 series MDE) requiring a license for any reason on the Commerce Control List and such items are destined for a country other than the PRC. (2) Permissive substitute of Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser in place of PRC End-User Statement.

§ 748.9 Support documents for evaluation of foreign parties in license applications and/or for promoting compliance with license requirements.

(a) Scope. License applicants may be required to obtain support documents concerning the foreign parties and the disposition of the items intended for export, reexport, or transfer (in-country). Some support documents are issued by foreign governments, while other support documents are signed and issued by the purchaser and/or ultimate consignee. For support documents issued by foreign governments, any foreign legal restrictions or obligations exercised by the government issuing the support document are in addition to the conditions and restrictions placed on the transaction by BIS.

§ 748.8 Unique application and submission requirements.

In addition to the instructions contained in supplement no. 1 to this part 748, you must also ensure that the additional requirements for certain items or types of transactions described in this section are addressed in your license application. See supplement no. 2 to this part 748 if your application involves: (a) Chemicals, medicinals, and pharmaceuticals. (b) Communications intercepting devices. (c) Digital computers, telecommunications, and related equipment. (d) U.S.

§ 748.7 Registering for electronic submission of license applications and related documents.

(a) Scope. This section describes the procedures for registering to submit electronic documents to BIS. The procedures in this section apply to submission of export and reexport license applications, classification requests, and License Exception AGR notifications. (b) Registration and use of BIS's Simplified Network Applications System—Redesign (SNAP-R). Parties wishing to submit electronically must log on to to register.

§ 748.6 General instructions for license applications.

(a) Instructions. (1) General instructions for filling out license applications are in supplement no. 1 to this part. (2) License applications may require additional information due to the type of items requested in the application or the characteristics of the transaction. Special instructions for applications requiring such additional information are listed in § 748.8 and described fully in supplement no. 2 to this part. (3) License applications may also require additional information for evaluation of the parties in the transaction.
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