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A tool to help you quickly and easily navigate the Export Administration Regulations.

Classify your item

Determine the correct Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for an item subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

What is an ECCN?

A key in determining whether you need a Department of Commerce export license is knowing whether your item has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). ECCNs are alpha-numeric codes that describe the item and indicate licensing requirements. You can find and search for the current list of ECCNs via the Commerce Control List (CCL).

How can I classify my item?

There are three ways to determine the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for your product.

1. Go to the source

Contact the manufacturer, producer, or developer of the item you are exporting to see if they have classified their product and can provide you with the ECCN. If they have exported the item in the past, it is likely they have the ECCN. Keep in mind that ECCNs may change over time, so please review the ECCN to be sure you are in agreement. BIS has also created a resource with publicly available information on Commodity Classifications.

View publicly available classification information

2. Self-classify

To classify your item, you'll need to understand its technical specifications and know the structure of the Commerce Control List (CCL). The CCL is organized into ten categories and five product groups, and you'll need to match your item's characteristics to a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN).

Learn about the ECCN format

Use the Commerce Control List Index to navigate the CCL by searching for your item. Once you find a potential ECCN, read the ECCN entry on the CCL to see if your item fits the parameters of that ECCN. If the ECCN has a list under the “Items” heading, review the subparagraph(s) to ensure your item meets the technical specifications listed. You may need to review multiple ECCN descriptions before finding the correct ECCN.

View the CCL Index

For specific instructions on how to use the CCL, read Part 738 of the EAR. You can also access the "Introduction to Commerce Department Export Controls", which is a user-friendly guide that provides step-by-step guidance for the classification process.

Read the EAR Part 738


3. Request BIS to classify

Submit a commodity classification request online using SNAP-R.

Go to SNAP-R


What if my item is not listed in the CCL?

If your item is subject to the EAR, but is not described in any ECCN after reviewing the CCL, it may be designated as EAR99. EAR99 items do not require a license in most situations. However, you may be required to obtain a license if you plan to export an EAR99 item to an embargoed country, to an end-user of concern, or in support of a prohibited end-use, et al.