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§ 762.7 Producing and inspecting records.

(a) Persons located in the United States. Persons located in the United States may be asked to produce books, records, and other information that are required to be kept by any provision of the EAR, or any license, order, or authorization issued thereunder and to make them available for inspection and copying by any authorized official of the BIS, or any other official of the United States designated by BIS, without any charge or expense to such official. OEE and the Office of Antiboycott Compliance encourage voluntary cooperation with such requests.

§ 762.5 Reproduction of original records.

(a) The regulated person may maintain reproductions instead of the original records provided all of the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section are met. (b) In order to maintain the records required by § 762.2 of this part, the regulated persons defined in § 762.1 of this part may use any photographic, photostatic, miniature photographic, micrographic, automated archival storage, or other process that completely, accurately, legibly and durably reproduces the original records (whether on paper, microfilm, or through electronic digital storage techniques).

§ 762.4 Original records required.

The regulated person must maintain the original records in the form in which that person receives or creates them unless that person meets all of the conditions of § 762.5 of this part relating to reproduction of records. If the original record does not meet the standards of legibility and readability described in § 762.5 of this part and the regulated person intends to rely on that record to meet the recordkeeping requirements of the EAR, that person must retain the original record.

§ 762.3 Records exempt from recordkeeping requirements.

(a) The following types of records have been determined to be exempt from the recordkeeping requirement procedures: (1) Export information page; (2) Special export file list; (3) Vessel log from freight forwarder; (4) Inspection certificate; (5) Warranty certificate, except for a warranty certificate issued for an address located outside the United States for any firearm controlled in ECCNs 0A501.a or .b, 0A506 or 0A507 and for shotguns with barrel length less than 18 inches controlled in 0A502 or 0A508; (6) Guarantee certificate; (7) Packing material certificate; (8) Goods quality c
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