Special Issues
Commerce Department Prohibits Russian Kaspersky Software for U.S. Customers
On June 20, 2024, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced a Final Determination prohibiting Kaspersky Lab, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of a Russia-based anti-virus software and cybersecurity company, from directly or indirectly providing anti-virus software and cybersecurity products or services in the United States or to U.S. persons.
Six Years of Enhancing Scrutiny & Expanding Controls: BIS Licensing Policy Toward the People’s Republic of China (2018-2023)
BIS is providing data on license applications processed from January 2018 through December 2023 for entities on the Entity List that are located in the PRC. In light of Congressional and public interest in this topic, BIS is providing additional information and context for this data in accordance with the confidentiality requirements of Section 1761(h) of the Export Control Reform Act of 2018.
Commerce Strengthens Restrictions on Advanced Computing Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment, and Supercomputing Items to Countries of Concern
Updates to Modify and Reinforce Restrictions Initially Released on October 7, 2022, to Address National Security Concerns Posed by PRC Military Modernization
Firearms Rule
On April 30, 2024, BIS will publish an interim final rule (IFR) updating the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to enhance the control structure for firearms and related items under BIS’s jurisdiction. The April 2024 IFR, which will be effective on May 30, 2024, includes, among other updates, revised license review policies for firearms and related items.