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Interactive EAR

Chapter VII

Supplement No. 4 to Part 744—Entity List

This version is the current regulation | Last updated: February 4, 2025

This supplement lists certain entities or addresses subject to license requirements for specified items under this part 744 and part 746 of the EAR . License requirements for these entities include exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) unless otherwise stated. A license is required, to the extent specified on the Entity List, to export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) any item subject to the EAR when an entity or a party to the transaction is operating at an address that is listed on the Entity List under an address entry is a party to the transaction as described in § 748.5(c) through (f) of the EAR . This list is revised and updated on a periodic basis in this supplement by adding new or amended notifications and deleting notifications no longer in effect.

Country Entity License requirement License review
Federal Register citation
AFGHANISTAN Abdul Satar Ghoura, 501, 5th Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Flat No. 41 Block No. 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Afghan-German Construction Company, Golaye Park, Shari Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan, and Dasht Qala, Takhar Province, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ). Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Assadullah Majed, 42S WD 18476 22167 Kabul, Afghanistan; and A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Emal Bilal Construction Company (EBCC), a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Imal Bilal Road Construction Company; and
—Aimal and Balal Company.

Kolola Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Afghanistan.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Emal Bilal Mangal, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Imal Bilal; and
—Aimal Balal; and
—Bellal Mangal.

Kolola Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Afghanistan.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Fazal Rahim Farid, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Fazel Rahim Farid;
—Farid; and
—Engineer Idris.

Microrayan 3rd Apt. 45, block #21, Kabul, Afghanistan; and A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Gulf Gate Sea Cargo LLC, Gulzaad Market Building, 4th Floor, Room 2, Kabul, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 40178, 6/21/16.
Habib ur Rahman, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hanif; and
—Habib Rahman.

Ghazni City, Afghanistan.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Haji Khalil Construction Company, Wazir Akbar Khan, Road Number 10, In front of National Bank, District 10, Kabul, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Hanif Computer Zone (HCZ), Ghazni City, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Heim German Afghan Khalil Company, Wazir Akbar Khan, District 10, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Shahr-e-Now, Kabul, Afghanistan, and Paktiyakoot, Jalalabad Road, District #9, Kabul, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Ibrahim Haqqani, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hajji Sahib; and
—Maulawi Haji Ibrahim Haqqani

For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Iqra Computer Products, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Iqra IT solutions; and
—Iqra Computer Store.

A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Khalil Zadran, a.k.a., the following eight aliases:
—Samar Gul Khalil;
—Khalil Samar Gul;
—Samer Khalil;
—Samer Gul Khalil;
—Khlil Khalil;
—Kalil Khalil;
—Khalil Khualil; and
—Haji Khalil.

Shahreno, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate address in Pakistan).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Khalil Zadran Company, a.k.a., the following alias:
—Khalil Construction.

Afghanistan (See alternate address in Pakistan).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Kurshid Ghoura, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Kurshed Ghoura; and
—Kursheed Ghoura.

501, 5th Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Flat No. 41 Block No. 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Lapcom Computer Stores, A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate address under Pakistan). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Mohammad Jan Khan Mangal, Kolola Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Mohammad Jan Mangal Construction Company (MMCC), Kolola Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 56003, 9/18/14.
Muhammad Halim Ghoura, 501, 5th Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Flat No. 41 Block No. 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Ologh Beg International Forwarders Ltd., 501, 5th Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate address under Pakistan). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Onyx Construction Company, Shahr-e-Now, Charahi Haji Yaqoub, In front of the AIB Bank, District 10, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Char Rahi Ansari, Toaward Kolola Poshta, Shar-Naw Kabul, Afghanistan 11496. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Qazi Abdallah, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Khan Dilawar;
—Ibrahim Valid Javaid;
—Jawid, Sa'id Jan 'Abd-al-Salam; and
—Ibrahim Walid

Microrayan 3rd Apt. 45, Block No. 21, Kabul, Afghanistan.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Shan Mahmoud Khan Mangal, Kolola Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Triangle Technologies, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Wahab Karwan Construction Company (WKCC), Qabel Boy, Jalalabad Road, District 9, Kabul, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Zurmat Construction Company offices, House No. 319, 10th Street Wazeer Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Wazir Akbar Khan, District 10, Apartment 319, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Tarin Cot City, Afghanistan; and Behind UNAMA Office, Pir Bagh Office, Gardez, Afghanistan; and House No. 01, Street No. 01, Muhaqeq Road (Behind Pakistan and Turkish Embassies), Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan; and Hazratan Street (Behind Jalalalabad Teaching Hospital), Jalalalabad, Afghanistan, and Aino Mena, Street No. 22 (Blue Color House Left Side of Road), Kandahar, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Zurmat Foundation, House No. 319, 10th Street Wazeer Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Wazir Muhammad—Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Wazir Akbar Khan, District 10, Apartment 319, Kabul, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Zurmat Group of Companies, House No. 319, 10th Street Wazeer Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
Zurmat Material Testing Laboratory, House 01, Street 01, Kart-e-3 (opposite of Habibia High School), Dar-ul-Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan; and House No. 02, Street No. 01, Kart-e-Malemin, Khandahar, Afghanistan. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/27/12.
ARGENTINA Huawei Cloud Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Tech Investment Co., Ltd., Argentina, Av. Leandro N. Alem 815, C1054 CABA, Argentina. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
ARMENIA Aram Kocharyan, Aram Khachatrian 12, Apt 93, Yerevan, 0015, Armenia. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
ARM-BEKAR LLC, Aram Khachatrian 12, Apt 93, Yerevan, 0015, Armenia. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
Bold Bridge International, LLC, a.k.a. the following alias:
—BB Bold Bridge International.

Room 463, H. Hakobyan 3, Yerevan, Armenia.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 1701, 1/13/10.
77 FR 24590, 4/25/12.
Hermine Kocharyan, Aram Khachatrian 12, Apt 93, Yerevan, 0015, Armenia. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
Markel Closed Joint Stock Company (Markel CJSC),

17, Apt 31, Mashtoc Avenue, Yerevan, Armenia, 375002; and 26 Dzorapi Street, Yerevan, 0015, Armenia
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
Medisar, LLC, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—“Medisar” LLC.

4/9 Getari St., 0023 Yerevan, Armenia.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 32642, 5/22/23.
Tako LLC, the following one alias:
—Taco LLC.

17 Garegin Nzhdehi Street, Shengavit, Yerevan, 0026, Armenia.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Vertir Airlines, 8/3 D Angaght Street, 376009, Yerevan, Armenia; and 54-100 Mamikonyan Str., Yerevan, Armenial 79, Armenia. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
Veteran Avia LLC a.k.a., the following alias:
—Veteran Airline.

64, Baghramyam Avenue, Apt 16, Yerevan 0033, Armenia; and 1 Eervand Kochari Street Room 1, 375070 Yerevan, Armenia (See also addresses under Greece, Pakistan, and U.K.)
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14. 81 FR 8829, 2/23/16. 82 FR 2887, 1/10/17.
Yerevan Telecommunications Research Institute (YETRI) Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC), 26, Dzorapy Street, 0015, Yerevan, Armenia For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
AUSTRALIA Huawei Technologies (Australia) Pty Ltd., L6 799 Pacific Hwy, Chatswood, New South Wales, 2067, Australia. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
AUSTRIA Gulf Gate Spedition GmbH, A-1040 Argentinierstrasse 35/6, Vienna, Austria. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 40178, 6/21/16.
BAHRAIN Huawei Technologies Bahrain, Building 647 2811 Road 2811, Block 428, Muharraq, Bahrain. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Marzoghi Ltd., 12-20 Albaba Building 119 Road 1507, Manama, Bahrain. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 61541, 11/13/19.
Mohammed Marzoghi, 12-20 Albaba Building 119 Road 1507, Manama, Bahrain. (See also addresses in the United Arab (Emirates). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 61541, 11/13/19.
BELARUS 140 Repair Plant JSC, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Open Joint Stock Company 140 Repair Plant; and
—JSC 140 Repair Plant.

19 Luysi Chalovskoy St., Borisov, 222512, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—JSC 558 ARP.

7 50 Years VLKSM St., Baranovichi, Brest region, 225320, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
2566 Radioelectronic Armament Repair Plant JSC, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—JSC 2566 ZRREV.

54 Gagarina St., Borisov, 222511, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
AGAT—Control Systems—Managing Company of Geoinformation Control Systems Holding JSC, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—AGAT—Control Systems.

117/1 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, 220114, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Agat-Electromechanical Plant OJSC, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—JSC Agat Electromechanical Plant; and
—Agat-Elektromekhanicheski Zavod.

6 Volgogradskaya St., Minsk, 220012, Belarus; and 117, bld. 3, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220114, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
AGAT-SYSTEM, 51B Francyska Skaryna St., Minsk, 220141, Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
ATE-Engineering LLC, 15A Smolenskaya St., Minsk, 220088, Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Bel Huawei Technologies LLC, a.k.a., the following one alias,
—BellHuawei Technologies LLC. 5 Dzerzhinsky Ave., Minsk, 220036, Belarus.
For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Belmicrosystems Research and Design Center, Office 313, 12 Korzhenevsky Street, 20108 Minsk, Republic of Belarus; and Korjenevsky Str., 12, Minsk, 220108, Republic of Belarus; and 12, Korzhenevskogo Str., Minsk, 220108, Republic of Belarus. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 36516, 6/28/10.
77 FR 58006, 9/19/12.
BelOMO Holding, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—The Belarusian Optical and Mechanical Association.

23 Makaenka St., Minsk, 220114, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Belspetsyneshtechnika SFTUE, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—State-Owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise Belspetsvneshtechnika; and

8 Kalinovsky St., Minsk, 220103, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Beltechexport, CJSC, 86-B Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, 220012, Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
BSVT-New Technologies, 187 Soltysa Street, Minsk, Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Department of Internal Affairs of the Gomel Region Executive Committee, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—UVD of the Gomel Region Executive Committee.

3 Kommunarov Street, Gomel, 246050, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
DMT Trading LLC, 89/2 Pobediteley Ave., 220020 Minsk, Belarus. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Internal Troops of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—MVD Internal Troops.

4 Gorodskoi Val, Minsk, 220030, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Joint Stock Company Eleron, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—JSC FCS&HT “SNPO “Eleron”; and
—SNPO Eleron.

11 Kalinina Per., Minsk, 220012, Belarus.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR .) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 34157, 6/6/22.
JSC Integral, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—OAO Integral; and
—Joint-Stock Company Integral—Holding Managing Company.

121A, Kazintsa I.P. Str., Minsk, 220108, Belarus; and 12 Korzhenevskogo Str., Minsk, 220108, Belarus; and 137 Brestskaya Str., Pinsk, Brest region, 225710, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ). This license requirement may be overcome by License Exception GOV under § 740.11(b)(2) and (e) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99 and for U.S. Government supported use in the International Space Station (ISS), which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 13061, 3/8/22.
87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
KGB Alpha, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—the State Security Committee Alpha;
—Alpha Group; and
—Group A.

All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Kidma Tech OJSC, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—BSVT-New Technologies; and

187 Soltysa Street, Minsk, 220070, Belarus; and 5/1 Ustenskiy Selsovyet, Orshanskiy Region, Vitebskaya Oblast, Ag. Ustye, 211003, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Minotor-Service, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Industrial-Commercial Private Unitary Enterprise Minotor-Service.

40 Radialnaya St., Minsk, 220070, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—MZKT; and
—Production Republican Unitary Enterprise Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant.

150 Partizansky Avenue, Minsk, 220021, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Mohammad Ghassem Najafi, Unit 705, No. 103, Potbediteley Ave., Minsk, Belarus. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 48534, 9/26/18.
Nanotech Ltd, a.k.a., the following one alias:

6 Oginskogo Street, Minsk, 220114, Belarus.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
Nilco Group, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Nilfam Khazar Co.

Unit 705, No. 103, Potbediteley Ave., Minsk, Belarus (see alternate addresses under Iran and Russia.)
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 48534, 9/26/18.
Oboronnye Initsiativy LLC, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—LLC Defense Initiatives.

18 1st lane F. Skaryna, Minsk, 220070, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
OJS KB Radar Managing Company, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—JSC KB Radar; and
—KB Radar.

64A Partizanskyi Prospect, Minsk, 220026, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Peleng JSC, 25 Makaenka St., Minsk, 220114, Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
SOE Semiconductor Devices Factory, Office 313, 12 Korzhenevsky Street, 20108 Minsk, Republic of Belarus; and Korjenevsky Str., 12, Minsk, 220108, Republic of Belarus; and 12, Korzhenevskogo Str., Minsk, 220108, Republic of Belarus. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 36516, 6/28/10.
77 FR 58006, 9/19/12.
State Authority for Military Industry of the Republic of Belarus, 115 Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk, 220114, Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 17 Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk, 220030, Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus, including the Armed Forces of Belarus and all operating units wherever located. This includes the national armed services (army and air force), as well as the national guard and national police, government intelligence or reconnaissance organizations of the Republic of Belarus. All addresses located in Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 13061, 3/8/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Transaviaexport Airlines JSC, 44 Zakhariva Street, Minsk, 220034, Republic of Belarus. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
Vasili Kuntsevich, Office 313, 12 Korzhenevsky Street, 20108 Minsk, Republic of Belarus; and Korjenevsky Str., 12, Minsk, 220108, Republic of Belarus; and 12, Korzhenevskogo Str., Minsk, 220108, Republic of Belarus. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 36516, 6/28/10.
77 FR 58006, 9/19/12.
Volatavto OJSC, a.k.a., the following one alias:

2/1 Kulman St., office 1-143, Minsk, 220013, Belarus; and 133 Socialist Street, Slutsk, Minsk Region, 223610, Belarus.
All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 20299, 4/7/22. 87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.
BELGIUM European Technical Trading BV, a.k.a., the following one alias:

24 Booiebos, Ghent, Flemish Region, 9031, Belgium.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
Hans Maria De Geetere, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hans De Geetere.

121 Paul Parmentierlaan, Knokke-Heist, 8300, Belgium; and 4 Nyckeestraat, Knokke-Heist, 8300, Belgium.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
Huawei Technologies Research & Development Belgium NV, Technologiepark 19, 9052 Zwijnaarde Belgium. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Industrial Metals and Commodities,

Goffarstraad 16, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
Knokke-Heist Support Management Corporation, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hasa-Invest; and
—Knokke-Heist Support Corporation Management.

121 Paul Parmentierlaan, Knokke-Heist, 8300, Belgium; and 4 Nyckeestraat, Knokke-Heist, 8300, Belgium.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
Nicolas Kaiga, a.k.a., the following one alias: Nicholas Kaiga

Goffarstraad 16, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium. (See alternate addresses under Netherlands and United Kingdom)
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
BELIZE Ecotherm-Cryo Limited, 11/2 Miles Northern Highway, Belize City, Belize. (See alternate address under Latvia). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial 87 FR 13143, 3/9/22.
Experian Holdings, Inc., N Eyre Str, Blake Bldg, Suite 302, Belize City, Belize 99008; and Corner Hutson Eyre Str, Blake Bldg, Suite 302, Belize City, Belize 99008. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
BOLIVIA Huawei Technologies (Bolivia) S.R.L., La Paz, Bolivia. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
BRAZIL Huawei Cloud Brazil, Sau Paulo, Brazil. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 8182, 2/14/22. 87 FR 21012, 4/11/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei do Brasil Telecomunicacões Ltda, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Av. Jerome Case, 2600, Sorocaba—SP, 18087-220, Brazil. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
BULGARIA Dimitar Milanov Dimitrov,

G.K. Dianabad, BL.57, ET.11, AP.74. Sofia, Bulgaria.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Iskren Georgiev, 51 Aleksandar Malinov Blvd., Sofia 1712, Bulgaria. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 3580, 1/26/18.
Lyubka Hristova, 51 Aleksandar Malinov Blvd., Sofia 1712, Bulgaria. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 3580, 1/26/18.
Mariana Marinova Gargova, G.K. Dianabad, BL. 32, VH. V, AP. 53, 1172 Sofia, Bulgaria; and UL.132, NO.14, ET.2, AP.11, Sofia, Bulgaria. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Mihaela Nenova, a.k.a., the following one alias: Mihaela Nenova-Muhy, 51 Aleksandar Malinov Blvd., Sofia 1712, Bulgaria. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 3580, 1/26/18.
Milan Dimitrov, UL.132, NO.14, ET.2, AP.11, Sofia, Bulgaria. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Multi Technology Integration Group EOOD (MTIG), G.K. Dianabad, BL. 32, VH. V, AP. 53, 1172 Sofia, Bulgaria; and UL 132 No 14 AP 11, Sofia, Bulgaria. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Zhelyaz Andreev, 51 Aleksandar Malinov Blvd., Sofia 1712, Bulgaria. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 3580, 1/26/18.
BURMA FISCA Security & Communication Co., Ltd., No-1/B, FISCA Building, 9 Miles, Pyay Road, Mayangone Township, Yangon City, Burma. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for telecommunications infrastructure items described in Category 5 Part 1 or Category 5 Part 2 and consumer communications devices identified in § 740.19; Presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Huawei Technologies (Yangon) Co., Ltd., Yangon, Burma. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
King Royal Technologies Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

4, Min Dhama Rd., Shwe Gabar 6th St, Shwe Gabar Housing, Mayangone, Yangon , Burma; and
Room 4 Shwe Gabar 6th Yangon, Burma.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 35391, 7/6/21.
Ministry of Defence, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Ministry of Defense; and

Building 24, Nay Pyi Taw, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 13180, 3/8/21.
Ministry of Home Affairs, a.k.a., the following one alias:

Building 10, Nay Pyi Taw, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 13180, 3/8/21.
Ministry of Transport and Communications, Office No. 2, Kyidaunggan, Naypidaw, Burma. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for telecommunications infrastructure items described in Category 5 Part 1 or Category 5 Part 2 and consumer communications devices identified in § 740.19; Presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Miya Win International Ltd., 3rd street, Thit Sarhousing, No.3/401, (8) Ward, South Okkalapatownship, Yangon Region, Burma, 11091; and Kokkineresidence Street, No.12/B, Shwe Taungkyar (2) Ward, Bahan Township, Yangon Region, Burma, 11201. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 18985, 3/30/23.
Myanmar Economic Corporation, a.k.a., the following one alias:

Corner of Ahlone Road and Strand Road, Ahlone Township, Yangon, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 13180, 3/8/21. 86 FR 35391, 7/6/21.
Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited, a.k.a., the following eight aliases:
—Myanma Economic Holdings Limited;
—Myanma Economic Holdings Public Company Limited;
—Myanmar Business Holdings Public Company Limited;
—Myanmar Economic Holdings Public Company Limited;
—Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Company Limited; and
—Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited.

189-191 Maha Bandoola Road, Botahtaung Township, Yangon, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 13180, 3/8/21.
Myanmar New Era Trading Company Ltd., Bo Myint Swe Street, No. (B/193), Aung Chan Thar (2) Ward, Thanlyin Township, Yangon Region, Burma, 01-655200. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 18985, 3/30/23.
Myanmar Wanbao Mining Copper, Ltd., Yangon Office 70 (I)Bo Chein Street Pyay Road, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Burma. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 35391, 7/6/21.
Myanmar Yang Tse Copper, Ltd., 70/I, Bo Chein St., Ward (11), Hlaing, Yangon, Burma. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 35391, 7/6/21.
Naung Yoe Technologies Co., Ltd., No. 92, Thiri Yadanar Shopping Complex Nay Pyi Taw,Zabuthiri Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw, Burma; and No. 16, Aung Min Khaung (2) Street, Kamaryut Township, Yangon, Burma; and Block-4, Unit-4, Corner of Mingalar 2 Street & Blue Diamond Street, Mingalar Mandalay, 73rd Street Between Thazin & Ngu Wah Street, MyoThit1, Chan Mya Tharsi Township, Mandalay, Burma; and No. 315, Aung San Street, Myine Thar Yar Quater, Mawlamyine, Burma; and No. 131, Saw San Tun Street, Myoma Quatar, Taunggyi, Burma. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for telecommunications infrastructure items described in Category 5 Part 1 or Category 5 Part 2 and consumer communications devices identified in § 740.19; Presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Sky Aviator Company Limited, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Sky Aviator Company Ltd.;
—Sky Aviator Co.;
—Sky Aviator.; and
—Sky Aviator Co. Ltd.

No. (204/2), Myinthar 11th Street, 14/1 Ward, South Okkalarpa Township, Yangon Region, Burma; and No. 286, Bogyoke Street, Ward No. 2, Waibargi, North Okkalarpa Township, Yangon Region, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 99703, 12/11/24.
Suntac Group, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Suntac International Trading Co.; and
—Suntac Group of Companies.

151 (B) Thiri Mingalar Lane, Mayangon Township, Yangon, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 18985, 3/30/23.
Synpex Shwe Company Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—SS Techniques Company Limited.

Nat Yay Kann (1) Street, No.1259, (35) Quarter, North Dagon Township, Yangon Region, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 99703, 12/11/24.
Telecom International Myanmar Company Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Mytel; and

61-63 Zoological Garden Road, Yangon, Burma.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Wanbao Mining, Ltd., 70 Bo Chain Ln, Yangon, Burma. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 35391, 7/6/21.
CANADA Abou El-Khir Al Joundi, a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Abou El Kheir Joundi;
—Abou Elkhir Al Joundi;
—Abou Joundi Et Kheir;
—Al Joundi;
—Al Jundi; and
—Elkheir Aljoundi Abou.

2706 Carre Denise Pelletier, Montreal, Quebec, H4R 2T5 Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 23116
Alex Woolf, 2021 Atwater Street, Suite 216, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H2P2. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Alexandre Ivjenko, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Alexander Ivjenko, 7150 Rue Chouinard, Montreal, QC, H8N 2Z6 Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Ali Bakhshien, 909-4005 Bayview Ave., Toronto, Canada M2M 3Z9; and HSBC Tower, Suite 502, 3601 Highway 7 East, Markham, Ontario, L3R 0M3, Canada. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 73 FR 54504, 9/22/08. 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Anastasiya Ivjenko, 7150 Rue Chouinard, Montreal, QC, H8N 2Z6, Canada. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Anastassia Voronkevitch, 7150 Rue Chouinard, Montreal, QC H8N 2Z6 Canada For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61249, 10/9/12, 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
Canada Lab Instruments, a.k.a., the following alias: SCO North America

5995 Gouin Ouest, #212, Montreal, Quebec, H4J 2P8 Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 23116
CPUNTO Inc., a.k.a., the following one alias:

5929 Route Transcanadienne Ste 130 St. Laurent, Quebec H4T 1Z6 Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 744.21(b), and 746.8(a)(3) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 12171, 2/27/23.
EKT 2, Inc., 371 Renforth Drive, Etobicoke M9C 2L8, Toronto, Ontario, Canada For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 24590, 4/25/12.
Electronic Network Inc., a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Electronic Network;
—Electronic Network Holdings;
—Electronic Network Holdings Inc.;
—Electronic Network Incorporated;
—Electronic Network Products Inc.; and
—Electronic's Network & Technology Corp.

145 Montee De Liesse Ste 10 St. Laurent, Quebec H4T 1T9 Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 744.21(b), and 746.8(a)(3) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 12171, 2/27/23.
Enterprise Chips Hunter (ECH), 2021 Atwater Street, Suite 216, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H2P2. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Huawei Technologies Canada Co., Ltd., Markham, ON, Canada. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Ibrahim Nasir, 1902-1155 High Street, Coquitlam, BC, Canada V3B 7W4. (See alternate address in UAE). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
Karim Daadaa, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Karim Hamdi Mohd El Daadaa.

235 Rue Maisonneuve, Laval, Canada. (See alternate addresses under Lebanon).
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Kelvo Inc

6600 21st Avenue, Laval, Quebec H7R3G8, Canada; and 7169 19th Avenue, Laval, Quebec H7R3E5, Canada
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
Kitro Corporation, 909-4005 Bayview Ave., Toronto, Canada M2M 3Z9; and HSBC Tower, Suite 502, 3601 Highway 7 East, Markham, Ontario, L3R 0M3, Canada. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 73 FR 54504, 9/22/08. 76 FR 71869, 11/21/11.
Liubov “Luba” Skvortsova, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Lubov Skvortsova, 7150 Rue Chouinard, Montreal, QC, H8N 2Z6 Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Magtech, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—M.A.G. Tech, 5762 Royalmount Ave, Montreal, QC, H4P 1K5, Canada; and 5440 Queen Mart St, Office 103, Montreal, Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Maria Pashovkina, 7150 Rue Chouinard, Montreal, QC, H8N 2Z6, Canada. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Megatek TI Solutions, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Megatek IT Solutions.

4600 Avenue Colomb, #604, Brossard, Quebec, Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Mercury Electronic Solutions, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Mercury Group International, 380 Vansickle Rd Unit 660, St. Catharines, ON L2126P7, Canada; and 127 Rue Wilson, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec H9A1W7, Canada.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Modern Agropharmaceuticals & Trade Establishment, 235 Rue Maisonneuve, Laval, Canada. (See alternate addresses under Lebanon). All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Natalie Sobolev, 5762 Royalmount Ave, Montreal, QC H4P 1K5, Canada; and 5440 Queen Mart St., Office 103, Montreal, Canada. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Saeed Talebi, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Allen Talebi.

P.O. Box 626, Gormley, ONT LOH 1G0 Canada (See alternate addresses under Iran and U.A.E.).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463 12/12/13. 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Satco Corporation, P.O. Box 626, Gormley, ONT L0H 1G0 Canada For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
Sputnik E, 7150 Rue Chouinard, Montreal, QC H8N 2Z6 Canada. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
Zurab Kartvelishvili, a.k.a., the following one alias: George Kartveli. 7380 Vansickle Rd. Unit 660, St. Catharines, ON L2126P7, Canada; and 127 Rue Wilson, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec H9A 1W7, Canada For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61249, 10/9/12. 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
CHILE Huawei Chile S.A., Santiago, Chile. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Chile, Santiago, Chile. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
CHINA, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF 3-K Electronics Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—3-K Semiconductors Limited.

A15, Shenfang Building, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China; and A105, 1/F, New East Sun Industrial Building, 18 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 101a, 1/F, Genplas Industrial Building, 56 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
3HC Semiconductors (HK) Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Sanhe Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Sanhe Semiconductor.

Room 605, 6/F, Fa Yuen Commercial Building, 75-77, Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
4Paradigm Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—4th Paradigm; and
—Fourth Paradigm.

Building 1, No. 66 Qinghe Middle Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
32Group China Ltd., Room 1905, 19/F, Nam Wo Hong Bldg., 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wang, Hong Kong; and Room 1119, 11/F, Block B, Yau Tong Industrial City, 17 Ko Fai Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
54th Research Institute of China, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—China Electronics Technology Group Corp. (CETC) 54th Research Institute;
—Communication, Telemetry and Telecontrol Research Institute (CTI); and
—Shijiazhuang Communication Observation and Control Technology Institute.
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01.
75 FR 78883, 12/17/10.
77 FR 58006, 9/19/12.
81 FR 64696, 9/20/16.
A.C. International, Room 1104, North Tower Yueziu City Plaza, No. 445 Dong Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 73 FR 54503, 9/22/08.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, a.k.a., the following one alias:

27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100850, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Field Blood Transfusion Institution, 27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100850, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Basic Medicine, 27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100850, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Bioengineering, 20 East Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 100071. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Disease Control and Prevention, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Disease Control and Prevention Institute.

20 East Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, China 100071.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Health Service and Medical Information, 27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100850, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, No. 1 Dali Road, Heping District, Tianjin, 300050, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Medical Equipment, 106 Wandong Road, Hedong District, Tianjin, 300162, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, a.k.a, the following one alias:
—Institute of Microbial Epidemiology.

20 East Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, 100071, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Radiation and Radiation Medicine, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Institute of Radiation Medicine; and
—Institute of Electromagnetic and Particle Radiation Medicine.

27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100850, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Institute of Toxicology and Drugs.

27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100850, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Military Veterinary Research Institute, 666 Liuying West Road, Changchun City, 130122, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
AccoTest Technology Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong), Rm. 211 2/F MIRROR CTR, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Ace Electronics (HK) Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—ACE (HK) Electronics Technology Co., Ltd; and
—Ace Electronic (HK) Co., Ltd.

18F Block B, World Trade Plaza, No. 9 Fuhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and E2 Unit, 22/F Kingsway Industrial Building Phase II, 167-175 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong; and 9F International Technology Building No. 3007, Shennan Avenue, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Unit 04 7/F Bright Way Tower, No. 33 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
ACM Research (Shanghai), a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Shengmei Shanghai;
—ACM Shanghai;
—Shengmei Semiconductor Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; and

Building 4, No. 1690 Cailun Road, Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, Shanghai, China; and 604-1 IC Design Building, No. 33 Xinda Road, Wuxi, China; and About 170 meters northeast of the intersection of Luwu Highway and Xinyuan South Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
ACTeam Logistics Ltd., Unit B1-B3, 21/F, Block B, Kong Nam Industrial Building, 603-609 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 7359, 2/19/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Action Global, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Action Global Co., Limited.

C/O Win Sino Flat 12, 9/F, PO Hong Centre, 2 Wang Tung Street, Kowloon Bay, KLN, Hong Kong; and Flat/RM 1510A, 15/F Ho King COMM Ctr, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok KL, Hong Kong (See alternate address under Singapore).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Address 01, Unit D, 16/F One Capital Place, 18 Luard Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 02, Unit 04, 7/F Bright Way Tower, No. 33 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 03, Room 19C Lockhart Centre 301-307, Lockhart Rd. Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 04, Room 803, Chevalier House 45-51, Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 05, Flat/RM 2309, 23/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 06, Office 4, 16/F Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fayuen Street, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 07, Room 1318-19, 13F, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 08, Room 1318-20, 13F, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mong Kok Kowloon, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Address 09, Room 1003, 10/F, Lippo Centre Tower 1, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and EAR 99 items listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Address 10, 7/F MW Tower, 111 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and EAR 99 items listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Address 11, Office 704, 135 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and EAR 99 items listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Address 12, Room 1502, Easey Commercial Building, 253-261 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and EAR 99 items listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Address 13, Room 1005, 10/F, Ho King Commercial Center, 2-16 Fayuen St, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and EAR 99 items listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Address 14, Room B, 5/F Gaylord Commercial Building, 114-118 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and EAR 99 items listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Address 15, Flat 1512, 15/F, Lucky Centre, No. 165-171 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For items on the CCL and EAR 99 items listed in supplement no. 7 to part 746 of the EAR Presumption of denial 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Advantage Trading Company Limited a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Jin Ying Trading Co., Ltd.

No. 6 Kin Tai Street, Shop 185 G/F, Hand Wai Industrial Centre, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 744.8(b), 744.11, 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
AEE Shenzhen Yidian Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen AEE Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Shenzhen One Electric Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.

Floor 18, Building A, Shenzhen International Innovation Center (Futian Technology Plaza), No. 1006 Shennan Avenue, Xintian Community, Huafu Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and 3rd Floor, Building 3, Wanda Industrial Park, West Side of Songbai Highway, Tangtou Community, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Aerosun Corporation, No. 188, Tianyuan Middle Road, Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 211100; and 188 Tianyuan Zhong Road, Jiangning Economic & Technical Area Nanjing, Jiangsu 211100; and No. 3931, Chuansha Road, Wanggang Town, Pudong New Area, Chuansha County, Shanghai 201201; and Building 1, No. 199 Jiangjun Avenue, Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing; and No. 9399 Shangchuan Road, South District, Jinqiao Processing Zone, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
AGCU Scientech, a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—AGCU ScienTech Incorporation; and
—Wuxi Zhongde Meilian Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

No. 18-1, Wenhui Road, Huishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi City, 214000 China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; Presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
AIF Global Logistics Co., Ltd., 21FL, Room 2110 Number 122 Tiyu East Guangzhou, China; and Room 2501-2508, 25th Floor Hualian Building Number 55 Dongdu Road, Ningbo, 315010, China; and Room 22F 322 Xianxia Road Singular Mansion Shanghai, 200336, China; and Unit A, 13/F JCG Building 16 Mongkok Road Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Workshop C6 28/F TML Tower Number 3 Hoi Shing Road Tsuen Wan N.T., Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Aispeed Industry Ltd., Number 5 Langshan Er Road Hi-Tech Zone, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China; and 10B Jin Cheng GE Jin Tao Yuan Tower, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China; and Room A10 Building A Logan Center Building Haishow Road 23 Baoan, Shenzhen, China; and Room 508 5/F Hewlett Center 54 Hoi Tuen Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Aksu District Public Security Bureau, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Aqsu District Public Security Bureau.

Yingbin Rd., Akesu City XUAR 843000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Aksu Huafu Textiles Co., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Akesu Huafu; and
—Aksu Huafu Dyed Melange Yarn.

992 Kilometers Place Wuka Road, Akesu, China; and Building B 538 Fengting Avenue, Suzhou Jiangsu Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Allchips Limited, a.k.a., the following sixteen aliases:
—Shenzhen Allchips Co., Ltd;
—Allchips Group Limited;
—Shenzhen Yingzhicheng Information Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Yingyuan Zhizao Digital Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Yingke Digital Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Xinqiqi Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Xinwuzhong Technology Co., Ltd;
—Zhejiang Yingkepai Digital Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Yingzhicheng Information Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Yingjie Wisdom Supply Chain Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Yingjie Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Forsea Allchips Information & Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Qianhai Hard City Information Technology Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Qianhai Yingzhicheng Information Technology Company Limited;
—PCBA Online; and

20th Floor, E Times, No.159 Heng Road, North of Pingji Avenue, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 806, 8/F Hang Bong Commercial Centre Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 902, Building 3, Shenzhen New Generation Industrial Park, 136 Zhongkang Road, Meidu Community, Meilin Subdistrict, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 1205, 12th Floor, Siu Wai Industrial Building, 29-33 Wing Hong Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and No. 51 Lexin Road, Xinmu Community, Pinghu Subdistrict, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and 4th Floor, Tower A, Dongsheng Building, No. 8 Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 1601, No.238, Jiangchang 3rd Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China; and Room 301, 3rd Floor, Pinghu Pioneer Park, Zhongxinbao Group, Fuchengao Community, Pinghu Subdistrict, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Alliance Electro Tech Co., Limited, 114-118 Lockhart Road, Gaylord Commercial Building, 5th Floor, Room B, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Allparts Trading Co., Ltd., Room 2901B, Bank of Communications, Shenzhen, Futian District, China; and Room 1901H Bank of Communications, Shenzhen, Futian District, China; and Room 803, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South, Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong; and 4/F Building 6 Deguan Lighting Factory, No. 2 South 1st Guangzhou, China; and Room 13, 27/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen, Street, Mongkok Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 3 Garden Road Central, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Alpha Trading Investments Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Alpha Trading Investments; and
—Alpha Trading Investments Ltd.

Unit 617, 6/F Solo Workshops 131-132, Connaught Road West, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Altay Municipality Public Security Bureau, North West Rd., Altay City, XUAR, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Amaze International, Flat/Rm D, 11/F 8 Hart Avenue 8-10 Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui KL, Hong Kong (See alternate address under Singapore). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Analog Technology Limited, Room A4, 8/F, Block A1 Yau Tong Industrial City, 17 Ko Fai Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit 17, 9th Floor, Tower A, Mandarin Plaza, No. 14 Science Museum Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 83, 3/F, Yau Lee Centre, 45 Hoi Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong, Hong Kong; and Room 1302, B Block, Jiahe Huaqiang Building, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China; and Room 19H, Hangdu Building, Huafu Road, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518039, China. (See alternate address under India). For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Anhui Cambricon Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Anhui Cambrian;
—Anhui Cambrian Information Technology; and
—Anhui Cambricon.

No. 3333 Xiyou Road, High-tech Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China Room 611-194, R&D Center Building, International Intelligent Voice Industrial Park.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Anvik Technologies Sdn. Bhd., a.k.a., the following eight aliases:
—Anvik Technologies;
—Cason Technologies;
—Henan Electronics;
—Hixton Technologies;
—Hudson Technologies, Ltd.;
—Hudson Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd.;
—Madison Engineering Ltd.; and
—Montana Advanced Engineering.

Level 19, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong (See alternate addresses under Iran and Malaysia).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
AOOK Technology Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—AOOK; and
—AOOK Electronics.

Rm 803 Chevalier Building 45-51 Chatham Rd S Tsim Sha Tsui Hong Kong; and 2608 Glittery City Shennanzhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and 1206 Jiahui New Town, Futian District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 12171, 2/27/23. 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Armyfly, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Dongtu Junyue Technology;
—Beijing Junyue Faixiang Technology; and
—Beijing Kyland Junyue Technology.

2nd Floor, Chongxin Creative Building, No. 18 Shixing East Street, Shijingshan Park, Zhongguancun Science Park, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Arttronix International (HK) Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Aderal Industrial (HK) Limited.

Room 3A 25 Builidng A Zhihui Innovation Center Huashenghui 2nd Qianjin Road, Baoan District, Guangdong, China; and 3/F Building A Datang Industrial Area Guanian Street, Longhua District, Guangdong, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1318-10 13/F Hollywood Plaza 610 Nathan Road Mongkok, Hong Kong; and 15/B 15/F Cheuk Nang Plaza 250 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Asia International Trading Company, Room 1104, North Tower Yueziu City Plaza, No. 445 Dong Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 73 FR 54503, 9/22/08.
Asia Pacific Links Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Asia Pacific Links Limited.

Office 8E and Room E 8/F, Shing Hing Commercial Building, 21-27 Wing Kut Street, Central District, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Asialink Shanghai Int'l Logistics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Asialink; and
—Asialink; Xi'an Int'l Logistics Co., Ltd.

1128 Tianyueqiao South Road, Building 8, Room 319, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China; and 218 West Tian Mu Road, Kerry Everbright City Tower 1 Offices 2508-2510, Jing'an District, Shanghai, 200070, China; and 3rd Kong Gang West Road, Xi'an Xianyang International Airport Offices 211-212, Kong Gang New Area, XiXian District, Xi'an, Shaanxi,710000, China; and 17 Xinda Road, Building 7, 4th Floor Office 437, Shunyi District, Beijing, 101399, China; and 158 Hangzhong Road, East Tower, Room 1607, Zhabei District, Shanghai, 200070, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
At One Electronics, Unit 614, 6/F Block A, Po Lung Center, No. 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Rm. 311, 3/F, Genplas Industrial Building, 56 Hoi Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Aviation Industry Corporation of China 612 Institute, a.k.a. the following three aliases:
—Base 014;
—China Air-to-Air Missile Research Institute; and
—China Airborne Missile Academy.

No. 166 Jiefang Road, Xigong District, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Aviation International Corporation of China International Simulation Technology Service Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—AVIC International Simulation Technology and Service Co., Ltd.

1001, Building 2, No. 510, Gutai Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China; and 5th Floor, Hangfei Building, No. 333, Longteng Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China; and Gate 3, No. 3-2, Linxing Street, Nangang District, Harbin, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
AVIC Research Institute for Special Structures of Aeronautical Composites, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—AVIC 637th Research Institute.

No. 19, Jiqi Road, Jinan, Shandong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Avin Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. (AETC), Room 401, Yuepeng Building, Jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and 1019 Jiabin Road, Luohu Qu, Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong, China; and 10F, Kras Asia Industrial Bldg., No. 79 Hung To Road, Kwun Kowloon, Hong Kong, 999077. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR .) Presumption of denial 84 FR 21236, 5/14/19.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Avtex Semiconductor Limited, 1703A, Block C, CEC Building, 2070, Shennan Middle Road, Huaqiang North, Futian District, Shenzhen, 518031, China; and Room 1003A, Fortun Harbor International Center, No. 1084 Baoyuan Road, Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China; and l 7C Block C, Nr. 2070 Electronic Technology Building, Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Building A, Minsheng 2nd Road, Liukeng New Village, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
AZUP International Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing AZUP Scientific Co., Ltd.

Rm7-1-1, Langchao Xinxi Building, No. 2 Xinxi Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 7th Floor, Building C, East District, International Pioneer Park, No. 2 Shangdi Information Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and B1-1422, Huitong Plaza, No. 31 Yuangang Heng Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China; and Room 1602, Building 10, Phase 6, Forte East Lake International, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, China; and Room 1106, Block C, International Apartment, No. 37 Tangyan Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an City, China; and 300#, Building 1, Shanghai Huigu, No. 641, Tianshan Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Babak Jafarpour, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Bob Jefferson;
—Peter Jay;
—Sam Lee;
—Samson Lee; and
—David Lee.

Unit 501, 5/F, Global Gateway, 168 Yeung HK Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong; and 9/F, Henan Building, 19 Luard Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; and Level 19, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong (See alternate addresses under Iran and Malaysia).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Bako Cheung, Unit 803, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 803, Fourseas Bldg 208-212 Nathan Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 56003, 9/18/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Baoding Giant Import and Export Co., Ltd., Room 905 Fubaoxiuyu Business Building A, No. 77 Fuxing Road, Baoding City, Hebei, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See § 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Baoding Shimaotong Enterprises Services Co., Ltd., 35 Baihua West Road, New Urban District, Baoding City, Hebei, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See § 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industrial Corporation (Parent Organization: China National Nuclear Group Corporation (CNNC)), a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—202 Plant, Baotou Nuclear Energy Facility;
—Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industrial Corporation;
—Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company;
—Baotou Nuclear Fuel Element Plant; and
—China Nuclear Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company.

202 Factory Baotou, Inner Mongolia.
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.2(d) of this part 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01
75 FR 78883, 12/17/10.
81 FR 64696, 9/20/16.
Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau, Yingxia Rd., Korla City, XUAR 841000, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Beijing 8 Star International Co., Unit 601, 6th Floor, Tower 1, Prosper Center, No. 5, Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 12006, 3/8/16.
Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Institute of Quantum Information Science; and
—Beijing Quantum Institute.

Building 3, West District, No. 10 Northwest Wangdong Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Building A, International and Regional Collaborative Innovation Center, Zhongguancun Software Park Phase II, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—BAMTRI; and
—Aviation Industry Corporation of China's (AVIC) Institute 625.

No. 1 East Military Village, North Baliqiao Station, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and No. 1 Dongjunzhuang, Baliqiaobei, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of approval for EAR 99; case-by-case review for all items on the CCL 79 FR 24566, 5/1/14. 83 FR 3580, 1/26/18.
Beijing Aeronautics Yangpu Technology Investment Company (BAYTIC), a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Aerospace Yangpu Technology Investment Company; and
—Tian Hang Yang Pu Technology Investment Limited Company; and
—Bei Jing Tian Hang Yang Pu Technology Investment Limited Company.

No. 27 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, China; and Room 3120, Building 1, 16 Zhufang Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Beijing Aerospace Hill Test Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—ETS Solutions;
—Aerospace Hill;
—ETS Solutions (China);
—ETC Solutions (China); and
—Beijing ETS Solutions Ltd.

No. 1, Nandahongmen Road, Beijing, China; and No. 66, Tongdun Street, Suzhou, China; and No. 9, Zhongbei 3rd Street, Tianjin, China; and No. 9, Qianzhao Road, Chongqing, China; and Room 2Q, Changning Building, No. 1, Xinghuo Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Beijing Anwise Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Anwise Global.

A02, Idea Park, MingJi International Center, No. 35 Da Huang Zhuang, Chao Yang District, Beijing, China; and Room 8112, 8th Floor, Building 3, Yard 30, Shixing Street, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 25505, 4/11/24.
Beijing BDStar Navigation Co., Ltd. a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Beijing Beidou Star Navigation Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 7 Fengxian East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Second Floor, South Building, Beidou Star Building, No. 7 Fengxian East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and C1, 36 West Ring Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Beijing Biren Technology Development Co., Ltd., Building 13, Room 201, 9th Floor, Wangjing East Area, Zone 4, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Beijing China Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following five aliases:
—BCAT Aviation;
—Beijing Zhongxun Technology Co., Ltd.; and

No. 18, Kaixuan Street, Liangxiang District, Fangshan District, Beijing, D3768, China; and No. 18, Cailida Road, Liang Tang Street, Liangxiang District, Fangshan District, Beijing, China; and Beijing Yizhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone No. 29 Council of Hai Second Road Zhongxing Science and Technology Park, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 06/12/23.
89 FR 14405, 2/27/24.
Beijing Cloudmind Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Cloudminds Technologies Co., Ltd.; and
—Daxie Technology.

Room 601-602, 4A Block, Baiziwan, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 China; and Room 220, No. 5, Jiaodao Da St., Fangshan District, Beijing, China; and 33/F, Unit 8, Wanjing Soho, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and No. 10 Wangjing Street, Wangjing SOHO Tower 2, Block C, Room 1506, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100096 China; and No. 88 Nongda South Road, Wanlin Building, 2/F, Haidian District, Beijing 100022 China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Beijing Computational Science Research Center, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Computing Science Research Center; and

Bldg. 9 East Zone, ZPark II No. 10 East Xibeiwang Road, Beijing, China; and Building 9, East District, Zhongguancun Software Park, No. 10, Northwest Wangdong Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Beijing E-science Co., Ltd., a.k.a, the following alias:
—Beijing Yanjing Electronics Co., Ltd.

No. 9 Jiuxianqiao East Rd, Chaoyang, Beijing, China 100015; and A36-2 Huanyuan Haidian, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Beijing E-Town Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—BEST Semiconductor;
—Beijing Yitang Semiconductor Technology; and
—Yitang Semiconductor.

No. 9 Ruihe West 2nd Road, Beijing, China and Building 8, No. 28 Jinghai 2nd Road, Beijing, China; and Rooms 610 and 611, 6th Floor, Main Building, Customs Clearance Service Center, No. 5 Tonghai 1st Road, Xiliu Street Office, Xi'an, China; and No. 601 and 605, Building A, Huaxin Headquarters Base, No. 426 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, China; and Room 706, IC Design Building A 33-2, Xinda Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi, China; and Floor 4-5, Building D, Import and Export Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center, at the intersection of Dongfang Avenue and Dayu Road, Xinzhan District, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing FJR Optoelectronic Technology Company Ltd, a.k.a, the following three aliases:
—FJIR Optoelectronic Technology Company Ltd.;
—Beijing Fu Jerry; and
—Fu Jirui. No. 2A Zhonghuan South Road, Wangjing, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100102; and Room 302 Office, Bldg. 11, No. 4, Anningzhuang Rd, Beijing, China, 100085; and Beijing Shunyi district airport into 25-4, Huiyuan, 25th floor, 100028, Beijing; and 25-4 Yuhua Rd, 25th Floor, Shunyi District, Beijing, China 101318.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 44849, 7/28/15.
Beijing Geling Shentong Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—DeepGlint; and
—Deep Glint International.

1A025, 101, 1st Floor, No. 1, Wangjing East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Building B, Building 1, Tiandi Linfeng Innovation Industrial Park, 1 Yongtaizhuang North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Beijing Guangke Xintu Technology Co., Ltd., No. 22, Ronghua Middle Road, Room 3101, 31F, Building 1, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China and 3101 Floor 31, Building 1, No. 22 Courtyard, Ronghua M. Road, Beijing Economic Technology Development Zone, Beijing 100000 China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Guowei Integration Technology Co., Ltd., 10th Floor, Building 1, No. 24, Jiuxianqiao Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing HiFar Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Huatian Haifeng Technology Co., Ltd.

10F, Unit 3 (Block C), 9th Floor, Building 2, Jinyuan Times Business Center, Landianchang East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Unit C&D 3F Howming, Factory Building, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Beijing Highlander Digital Technology Co. Ltd, Bldg. 10, No. 7 yard, Dijin Rd., Haidian District, Beijing, China; and C1902, SP Tower, Tsinghua Science Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China. (See alternate address under Singapore). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Beijing Hileed Solutions Co., Ltd., a.k.a, the following three aliases:
—Beijing Alite Technologies Co.;
—ALCO; and
—Beijing Haili Lianhe Keji Youxian Gongsi.

A36-2 Xisanqi Huanyuan Haidian District, China; and West of 7/F, A2, No. 9 Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China, 100016; and Room 701, Floor 7, Building 2, No. 9 Courtyard, Jiuxianqiao East, Beijing, China; and 12A Beisanhuan Zhong Road, P.O. Box 3042, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Beijing Huada Jiutian Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Huada Empyrean;
—Empyrean Technology;
—Huada Jiutian; and
—BGI Jiutian.

2nd Floor, Building A, No. 2, Lizezhong 2nd Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Huafeng Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd., 10/F, 2 Bldg., 1# Haiying Rd., Fengtai Dist., Beijing, 100070, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following three aliases:
—AccoTEST BU. of Huafeng Test & Control Co., Ltd.; and

101, 102, 103, Floor 5, 1, Building 5, No. 9 Courtyard, Fenghao E. Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100094, China; and Building 5, IC Park, No. 9 Fenghao East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100094, China; and 17th Floor, Building 2, Qimeng Cross-border Xiangfu Park, No. 116 Xianghong Road, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China; and 1102, Tianan Smart City A3, No. 228 Linghu Avenue, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China; and Room 414, No. 1, 88 Shengrong Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and 1603-1604, Mega Plaza, No. 1027 Changning Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China; and Room A1-309, Tower Building, Ascendas Innovation Park, No. 388 Xinping Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, China; and Room 805, Lianyi Center, No. 83 Mingguang Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China; and Shenzhen Software Park, Keji Middle 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Huanjia Telecommunication Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Huanjia Communication Co., Ltd.

No. 2A Shuangquanpu, Deshengmenwai, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Room 3-012, Building 1, Dahua Radio Instrument Factory, No. 5A Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Beijing Huawei Digital Technologies Co., Ltd., Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Beijing Institute of Technology, a.k.a., the following nine aliases:
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Advanced Technology Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Chongqing Innovation Center;
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Chongqing Microelectronics Research Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Lunan Research Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Automotive Research Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Research Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Southeast Research Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Suzhou Research Institute; and
—Beijing Institute of Technology, Tangshan Research Institute.

No. 5 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 19th floor, Building A, Innovation Plaza, No. 2007 Pingshan Avenue, Pingshan Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, China; and A207, Virtual University Park, South District, High-tech Zone, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and No. 1938 Hanhuang Street, Hanjiang District, Putian City, China; and Unit 2, Building 1, Phase 3, R&D Building, Xiyong Micro-Electric Park, Shapingba District, Chongqing, China; and Building 9, No. 9 Shuguang Road, Longxing Town, Yubei District, Chongqing, China; and Building 5, Software Building, No. 3 Peiyuan Road, Science and Technology High-tech Zone, Suzhou, China; and No. 57 Jianshe Nan Road, Lubei District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China; and No. 888 Zhengtai Road, Shandong Province, Tengzhou City, China; and No. 3266 Furong Road, Lige Square, Changqing District, Jinan City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83421 12/22/20. 87 FR 62202, 10/13/22. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Beijing Iwintall Technology Co. Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Beijing Yiweixun Tongchuang Technology Co., Ltd.

Building CN08, No. 1 Balizhuang Dongli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Building 6A, No. 3 Yanjing Middle Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Room 2108, Floor 21, Building 6A, No. 3 Yanjingli Middle Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Beijing Jincheng Huanyu Electronics Co., Ltd., Room 303, Building 7, No. 69, North Third Ring Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and No. 64 Mianshan Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan, China; and No. 11 Jindu Section Airport Road, Chengdu, China; and 302, 3rd Floor, Building 7, No 13 Building, Huayuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Rm 7-302, No. Jia 13, Huayuan Road, Haidian, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Beijing Jingyuan Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Zhongke Jingyuan Microelectronics Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.; and

No. 156, Jinghai 4th Road, Building 12, 5th Floor, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Kaishitong Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Kingstone Semiconductor.

Floor 1, Building 2, No. 15, Jingsheng South 4th Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (Tongzhou), Beijing, China; and 3rd Floor, Block A2, Digital Manor, No. 1 Disheng West Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Keyi Hongyuan Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing RSLaser Photoelectric Technology; and
—Beijing RSLaser Opto-Electronics.

No. 19, Rongxing North 1st Street, Daxing District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Beijing Leike Defense Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Rayco Defense, and
—Reco Defense.

Floor 6, Building 5, Yard No. 2, West Third Ring North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and South of Jianhua Road, Jiandong Village, Lijia Town, Wujin District, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China; and 3rd Floor, Building 5, Lu Xun Cultural and Creative Park, No. 6 Yuanda South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Beijing Lingxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.,

7th Floor, Building 9, No. 1, Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 4-1106, 11th Floor, No. 28 Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Beijing Lion Heart International Trading Company, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Wei Lai Xi Tong Ltd.

Suite number 1819, The International Center of Times, Number 101, Shoa Yao Ju BeiLi, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Room 1318-20, 13F, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 56003, 9/18/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Beijing Liuhe BGI, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Liuhe Huada Gene Technology.

Room 106, Building 1, No. 25, North Taipingzhuang Road, Haidian District, Beijing.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Beijing Luo Luo Technology Development Co., Limited, Room 903, Building 1, No. 4 Wangjing Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) of this part 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Beijing Machinery Industry Automation Research Institute Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry;
—RAIMB; and
—Beizi Institute.

No. 113, Xinlong Road, Zhonglou District, Changzhou City, China; and Building 1,6, or 8, No. 1 Jiaochangkou Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China; and Room 208, 2nd Floor, Building 13, Yard 53, Yangqi Street, Yangqi Economic Development Zone, Huairou District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Beijing Moreget Creative Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Mojie Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing Moreget Innovation Technology; and
—Beijing Moji Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 101, Building 6, Yingfu Road, Beijing, China; and No. 1, Yard 30, Wuquan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing; and Room 101, Floor 1, Building 14, Baosheng South Road, Beijing, China; and Room 702, Tower B, Austrian International Center, Beijing, China; and Haige Industrial Park, Yard 30, South Wuquan Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 84462, 10/23/24.
Beijing Nanjiang Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., Room 1104-2, Floor 11, Building 2, No. 19-1, Haidian Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 813, Floor 8, Building 2, No. 19-1 Haidian Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 9390, 2/14/23.
Beijing Naura Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following five aliases:
—Beijing Naura;
—Northern Huachuang Microelectronics Equipment;
—Beijing Naura Microele Eq Co.;
—Beifang Huachuang Microelectronics Equipment; and
—Beijing Naura Microelectronics.

No. 8, Wenchang Avenue, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China; and No. 1 Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Room 101, Floor 1 to 4, Building 1, No. 20, Jinshi Road, Mafang Town, Pinggu District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Naura Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., Room 101, Floor 1 to 4, Building 1, No. 20, Jinshi Road, Mafang Town, Pinggu District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Opto-Electronics Technology Company, a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 4, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100015.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 44849, 7/28/15.
Beijing Ruidakang Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Ruida Kang Technology Co., Ltd.; and

Room 301, 3rd Floor, Comprehensive Building, East Courtyard, Houtun Village, Xiaoying Road, Qinghe, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Beijing Ryan Wende Science and Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Beijing Reiyuan Wende Science and Technology Company Limited.

Room 1001, 10th Floor, Building 2 (Longsheng Building B), No. 5, Rongchang East Street, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China; and Attachment 7, No. 45 Fang Cao Street, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, China; and Unit 6, Floor 21, Guangdong Asia International Hotel, No. 326, Huanshi East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China; and Room 203, Building 10, No. 6251 Shangchuan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and Room 200, No. 97, Zhongshan Road, Heping District, Shenyang, China; and Room 20, 30th Floor, Unit A, Genesis Plaza, No. 549 Jiefang Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Beijing Sensetime Technology Development Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Shangtang Technology Development Co., Ltd.; and
—Sense Time.

5F Block B, Science and Technology Building, Tsing-hua Science Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Beijing Sevenstar Flowmeter Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Qixing Flowmeter Co., Ltd.

4S01, 4th Floor, Building 1, No. 8 Wenchang Avenue, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Sevenstar Integrated Circuit Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Qixing Integrated Circuit Equipment Co., Ltd.

No. 6 Zhuyuan 3rd Street, Shunyi District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Shuoke Zhongkexin Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—SemiCore ZKX.

1st Floor, Building 1, No. 6, Xingguang 2nd Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China and Room 2301, Luguyuyuan Entrepreneurship Building, No. 27 Wenxuan Road, Changsha, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Sinonet Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Building 5, Courtyard No. 7, Dijin Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Beijing Skyverse Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Nanolighting Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 101-18, Floor 1, Building B1, No. 3 Disheng Middle Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Ti-Tech Science and Technology Development Co., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Ti-Tech; and
—China Ti-Tech Development Co. Ltd.

5F, Building 5 Science and Technology Park, A-2 North Xisanhuan Road, Beijing 100081 China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 744.21(b), and 746.8(a)(3) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 12171, 2/27/23.
Beijing Tianhaida Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 9 Fengde East Road, Yongfeng Industrial Base, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 4038, 4th Floor, Building 2, Yard 9, Fengde East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 4034, Floor 4, Building 2, Yard 9, Fengde East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.; and No. 5011, Commerce, Floor 5, Building A10, Runqianqiujiayuan, Haidian District, Beijing, 100039, China; and Floor 4-5, Building 2, No. 9, Fengde East Road, Yongfeng Industrial Base, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Beijing Tianhua, a.k.a., the following seventeen aliases:
—Beijing Tianhua International Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing BUAA Tianhua Technology Company;
—Beijing BUAA Tianhua Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing Aerospace Technology Limited Liability Company;
—Beihang Tenfine Industry Group;
—Beijing Beihang Assets Management Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing Beihang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing Aerospace Technology LLC;
—Beijing North China Aerospace Science & Technology Ltd., Co.;
—Beijing North Space Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing the Tianhua Easytouch International Trade Co., Ltd.;
—North and Astronautics, Beijing China Times Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing Beihang Haier Software Co., Ltd.;
—Red Technology;
—TRW Navigation Communication Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing North Aerospace Co-Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Beijing Full Three Dimensional Power Engineering Co., Ltd.

37 Xue Yuan Rd., Beijing, China; and
Room 301, 3f Shining Tower, 35 Xue Yuan Lu, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and
Room 311A, 3f Shining Tower, 35 Xue Yuan Lu, Haidian, Beijing, China; and
Room 411A, 4f Shining Tower, 35 Xue Yuan Lu, Haidian, Beijing, China; and
Room 401, 4f Shining Tower, 35 Xue Yuan Lu, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and
Room 402a, 4f Shining Tower, 35 Xue Yuan Lu, Haidian, Beijing, China; and
Xueyan Road, Haidian District, Beijing City, 35th Ning Building, Room 402a.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463 12/12/13.
87 FR 51877, 8/24/22.
Beijing Transemic Information Technology Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Beijing Tianshenghua Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 433, Section C, 4th Floor, Building 1, 3rd Street, Shangdi Information Industry Base, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Beijing Transemic Technology Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Beijing Tianshenghua Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 2306, Building C, Jinchangan, No. 82, Middle East Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Room 801, Building C11, No. 219, Tianhua 2nd Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, China; and 1st Floor, Building 2, No. 136, Tonghuai Street, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China; and Room 5, 2/F, Phase 2, Xinbao Industrial and Commercial Centre, 116 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Beijing UniStrong Science & Technology Co., Ltd.,

Courtyard 8, Kechuang 12th Street, Daxing District Beijing, Beijing, 100176 China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA), a.k.a., the following eleven aliases:
—Beihang University;
—Beihang University Dongying Research Institute;
—Beihang University Hangzhou Innovation Institute;
—Beihang University Hefei Innovation Institute;
—Beihang University Jiangxi Research Institute;
—Beihang University Ningbo Innovation Institute;
—Beihang University Qingdao Research Institute;
—Beihang University Shenzhen Research Institute;
—Beihang University Suzhou Innovation Institute;
—Beihang University Taizhou Research Institute; and
—Beihang University Yunnan Innovation Institute.

37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 393 Songling Road, Laoshan District, Shandong Province, Qingdao City, China; and 8 Shibo Road, Panlong District, Kunming City, China; and 18 Chuanghui Street, Changhe Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China; and Group 7, Phase I, 3rd Innovation Base, Kangda Road, Meishan Street, Beilun District, Ningbo, China; and A1 Building, Beihang National University Science Park, 50 meters south of Qianjiang Road, Xinzhan High-tech Zone, Hefei, Anhui, China; and Room B407, Virtual University Park Building, South District, High-tech Zone, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Building 1, Science and Technology Innovation Center, High-tech Zone, Nanchang, China; and No.18 Daoyuan Road, Science and Technology City, High-tech Zone, Suzhou, China; and No. 60, Dong 6th Road, Dongying District, Dongying City, China; and Building 9, 99 Haixiu Road, Taizhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. 70 FR 54629, 9/16/05. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Hangzhou Research Institute; and
—Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Shenzhen Research Institute.

No. 10 Xitucheng Rd., Haidian District Beijing 100876, China; and A210, Virtual University Park Building, South District, High-tech Park, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and 90 Wensan Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Beijing Vision Strategy Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

Room 509-1, 5th Floor, Building 23, Shangdi Jiayuan, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 312, 3rd Floor, Lianchuang Building, No. 2 Dongbeiwang Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Beijing Yuanyin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.,

Room 07-128, 101, 7th Floor, No. 219 Wangfujing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China; and Room 801, 8th Floor, Building 9, No. 1, Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Beijing Yunze Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Yunze;
—Beijing Yunze Technology Company; and
—Yunze Beijing.

West of Floor 1, Building 7, Jiajia Garden Courtyard 15, Fengtai Beijing 100000 China; and 201, Floor 2, 36#, Yinhe Garden, Miyun District Beijing 100000 China; and 402, Floor 4, No. 85, Huilongguan W. Street, Changping District Beijing 102200 China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 744.21(b), and 746.8(a)(3) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 12171, 2/27/23.
Beijing Zhengyuan Chuangshi Consulting Co., Ltd., Room 410, 4th floor, Building 3, No. 9 Guang'an Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Beijing Zhipu Future Technology Co., Ltd., Room 801, 8th Floor, Building 9, No. 1, Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Beijing Zhipu Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Zhipu AI; and
—Beijing Knowledge Atlas Technology Co., Ltd.

Floor 10, Building 9, No. 1, Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100080, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Beijing Zhipu Linghang Technology Co., Ltd., Room 306-4, 3rd Floor, Building 6, No. 10 Kegu 1st Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Beijing Zhipu Qingyan Technology Co., Ltd., Room 202, 2nd Floor, Building 13, No. 98 Lianshihu West Road, Mentougou District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Beijing Zhongdun Security Technology Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a , the following one alias:
—Beijing Zhongdun Security Technology Development Co.

No. 1, Shouti South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and No. 1 Capital Gymnasium South Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 99703, 12/11/24.
Beijing Zhongke Xin Electronic Equipment, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Zhongkexin; and
—CETC Beijing Zhongke Xin Electronic Equipment.

No. 6, Xingguang 2nd Street, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China and Office Building No. 44, North Gate, No. 20 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Beijing Zhongshang Dingsheng Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—China Optics Best Technology;
—CoBTec Ltd.;
—Beijing CBT Optics Equipment Co., Ltd.; and
—China Business Dingsheng.

No. 1301-02, Floor 13, Building 3, District 1, No. 29 Kechuang 13th Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China; and Building 3, No. 1, Tiansha Road, Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China; and Tower 3 of TianTongTai Valley, 13th Street of Kechuang, ETD District, Beijing, 100176, China; and No. 1501-03, Building C, Tiantontai Science and Technology Financial Valley, No. 29, Kechuang 13th Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China; and Room 503, Building 8, Timecourt No. 6 Yard Shuguangxili, Beijing, Chaoyang District, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Belt Consulting Co., Limited., Unit E&F, 13/F Wang Cheong, Commercial Building, No. 249-253 Reclamation St., Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Benico Limited, Valiant Industrial Center, 10th Floor, Room U, Sha Tin, Hong Kong; and 11 On Lai Street, Corporation Park, 6th Floor, Room 617, Sha Tin, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
BGI Research, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—BGI Genomics Institute;
—Shenzhen BGI Life Science Research Institute;
—Shenzhen Huada Gene Research Inst.; and
—Shenzhen Huada Gene Research Institute.

Building 11 Beishan Industrial Zone Yantian District, Shenzhen, China, 518085.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
BGI Tech Solutions (Hongkong) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—BGI Tech Solutions (Hongkong) Co., Ltd.;
—Hong Kong Huada Gene Technology Service Co., Ltd.; and
—Hong Kong Huada Laboratory Co., Ltd.

Tai Po Industrial Estate, 16 Dai Fu St Tai Po, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Bing Lu, Room 804 Sino Center, 582-592 Sino Center Road, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 32445, 6/5/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Bion Group Ic Ve Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Bion Trade Group Limited; and
—Bion Group Ltd Sti.

Unit 1411, 14/Floor, Cosco Tower 183 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. (See alternate address under Turkey).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 14388, 2/27/24.
Biznest, LTD, Room 927 9/F Far East Consortium Building, 121 Des Voeux Road C, Central District, Hong Kong; and 4/F, Hong Kong Trade Centre, 161 167 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 44259, 7/25/11.
80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Blueschip Company Limited, R1811 B Building, Jiahe Tower, No. 3006 Shennan Middle Road, Shenzhen, China 518031; and Room 06 Block A 23/F Hoover Ind Building, 26-38 Kwai Cheong Rd., Kwai Chung N.T., Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Boertala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau.

Qingdeli St., Bole City, XUAR, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
BOP Opto-Electronics Technology Company, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing BOP Electro-Optics.

No. 10, Jiuxianqiao North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100016; and
No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100015.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 44849, 7/28/15.
BuyBest Electronic, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Buy Best Electronic Pars;
—Buybest Elektronik İthalat İhracat Limited Şirketi; and
—Andriman Group İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi.

1201 Room, Guo Li Building, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China.
(See alternate addresses under Iran and Turkey.)
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
BVI Electronics, B28 10/F Nanfang Da Sha, XIDI Ernalu GangZhou, China 511486; and G/F Far East FAC Building No. 334-336 Kwun Tong road, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 32445, 6/5/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
C & I Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—China India Semiconductor Co. Ltd.

Ko Fai Road Block A1, 8th Floor, Room A4, Yau Tong Industrial City, Kowloon, Hong Kong. (See alternate address under India).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Calvin Law, Flat 2808, 28/F, Asia Trade Centre, 79 Lei Muk Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong; and Units 801-803 and 805, Park Sun Building, No. 97-107 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 44824, 9/4/18.
84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Cambricon (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Cambrian Hong Kong;
—Cambrian (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.;
—Cambricon Hong Kong;
—Hong Kong Cambrian; and
—Hong Kong Cambricon.

RM19C Lockhart CTR 301-307, Lockhart Rd. Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Cambricon Jixingge (Nanjing) Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Cambrian Jixingge (Nanjing) Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Cambricon Xingge; and
—Cambrian Xingge.

100 Tianjiao Road, Qilin Science and Technology Innovation Park, Nanjing, Room 201, 11th Floor, Building A, Qiaomengyuan, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Cambricon (Kunshan) Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—Cambrian (Kunshan) Information Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Cambricon Kunshan IT;
—Cambrian Kunshan IT;
—Cambricon Kunshan;
—Cambrian Kunshan;
—Kunshan Cambricon; and
—Kunshan Cambrian.

Room 5, No. 232 Yuanfeng Road, Yushan Town, Kunshan City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Cambricon (Nanjing) Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Cambrian Nanjing Information Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Cambricon Nanjing IT;
—Cambrian Nanjing IT;
—Nanjing Cambricon; and
—Nanjing Cambrian.

Room 201, 11th Floor, Building A, Qiaomengyuan, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, and No. 100 Tianjiao Road, Qilin Science and Technology Innovation Park, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Cambricon Technologies Corporation Limited, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Cambrian Technologies Corporation;
—Cambricon; and
—Zhongke Cambricon Technology.

Room 1601, 16th Floor, Block D, Zhizhen Building, No. 7 Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Floor 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 Block D, No. 7 Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Building 1, Lane 2290, Zuchong Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and 1101, 03-09, 1801, 04-06, 2104-06 Building 2 9th Floor, Tower T1, No. 1555, Haigang Avenue, Pudong New Area Shanghai, China; and 888 West Huanhui Road No. 2, Nanhui New Town, Shanghai, China; and 3404-05, 3406-10 3506-10 Block A, Tianxia Jinniu Plaza, No. 8 Taoyuan Road, Nantou Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and 3506- 10, 35 F Building A Tianxiajin, Shenzhen, China; and 22nd Floor, Building A1, China Sound Valley, No. 3333, Xiyou Road, High-tech Zone, Hefei City, China; and 26th Floor, No. 3 Office Building, Fengyue Yunchuang Center, Junction of Haojing Avenue and Hanchi 1st Road, Fengdong New City, Xi'an, China; and 606, 607, 610, 611, Building A5, No. 266, Changyan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Cambricon (Xi'an) Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Cambrian (Xi'an) Integrated Circuit;
—Cambricon (Xi'an) IC;
—Cambrian (Xi'an) IC;
—Xi'an Cambricon; and
—Xi'an Cambrian.

Xi'an, Fengdong New Town, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, 24th Floor, and No. 3 Runjingyiyuan at the Junction of Haojing Avenue and Hanchi 1st Road, Fengdong New City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Caprice Group Ltd., Room 1119, 11/F, Block B1, Yau Tong Industrial City, 17 Ko Fai Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit B1, G/F Pioneer Building, 213 Wai Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit A, G/F, Pioneer Building, 213 Wai Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—HPSTAR; and;
—Beijing High Voltage Science Research Center.

No. 1690 Cailun Rd. Shanghai, China; and No. 10, Northeast Wangxi Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 3rd Floor, Dongrong Building, No. 2699 Qianjin Street, High-Tech Development Zone, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China; and Bldg. 8 East Zone, ZPark II No. 10, East Xibeiwang Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Centre Bright Electronics Company Limited, Unit 7A, Nathan Commercial Building 430-436 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room D, Block 1, 6/F International Industrial Centre, 2-8 Kwei Tei Street, Shatin New Territories, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 1701, 1/13/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
CETC Chip Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—CETC 24;
—Sichuan Solid Circuit Research Institute;
—CETC 44;
—CETC Chongqing Sound and Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.;
—Chongqing Optoelectronics Technology Research Institute;
—CETC 26; and
—Dianke Chip Group.

No. 14, Nanping Huayuan Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Chongqing, China; and No. 5-12 Yuhan Road, Shuitu Hi-Tech Industrial Zone, Chongqing, China; and No. 23, Xiyong Avenue, Shapingba District, Chongqing, China; and Sichuan Institute of Piezoelec & Acousto-Optic Technology 14#, Chongqing, China; and Room 301, No. 3, Lane 5005, Shenjiang Road, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
CETC Cloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—CETC Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Dianke Cloud (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Dianke Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.;
—China Electronic Technology Cloud Corporation; and
—CEC Cloud.

4th Floor, Building 3, Yard 30, Jinfu Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China; and Building 3, No. 30 Yard, China Electronic Science and Technology Park, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China; and Room 1401, 14th Floor, Building 4, Yard 54, Shijingshan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China; and Building A6, Land Geographic Information Industrial Park, Qixia District, Nanjing, China; and No. 11, Shuangyuan Road, Hi-Tech Park, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China; and 1 Hongtai Yujing Garden on the West Side of Jianshe Street and the North Side of Renhe Street, Luannan County, Hebei Province, Tangshan City, China; and 3103, Building 3, Zizhu, Shangri-La Garden, Fanglinquan Road, Yaohai District, Anhui Province, Hefei City, China; and Room 1016, No. 289, Chengxin Dajiao Road, Xihanggang Street, Shuangliu District, Sichuan Province, Chengdu City, China; and 7th Floor, Unit 1, Innovation Times Plaza, No. 555, North Section of Yizhou Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, China; and Area A, Jiangsu Geographic Information Industry Park, No. 18 Lingshan North Road, Xianlin Street, Qixia District, Nanjing City, China; and Building 6, Area A, Jiangsu Geographic Information Industry Park, No. 18 Lingshan North Road, Xianlin Street, Qixia District, Nanjing City, China; and Building 3, No. 211 Beiyan Road, Chongming District, Shanghai (Shanghai Chongming Forest Tourism Park), China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
CETC LES Information System Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—CLP LES Information System Group Co., Ltd.;
—CLP Rice Information System Group Co., Ltd.;
—CLP Rice Information System Co., Ltd.;
—Electric LES;
—CETC LES; and
—Electric Coles.

No. 1 Alfalfa Garden East Street, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China; and No. 909, South District, No. 28, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Ceyear Technologies Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—CETC Instrument Co., Ltd.;
—CETC Ceyear Technologies Co., Ltd.; and
—Zhongdianke Ceyear Technology;
—China Electronics Technology Instruments Co., Ltd; and

No. 98 Xiangjiang Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, Shandong, China; and Room 606, Floor 6, Building 16, No. 23, Shijingshan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Changguang Jizhi Optical Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

Building 1, No. 3033 Pudong Road, Changchun Economic and Technological Development Zone, Changchun, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Changji Esquel Textile Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Changji Yida Textile.

No. 12 Oasis South Road, Changji City, Changji State, Xinjiang (District 55, 2 Hills); and 2 Hill, Area 55, No. 12, Oasis South Road, Changji City, Changji State, Xinjiang.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau,

56 Yan'an N Rd., Changji City, XUAR 831100, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Changsha Jingjia Microelectronics Co., Ltd.,902, Building B1, Lugu Science and Technology Innovation Pioneer Park, 1698 Yuelu West Ave., Changsha High-tech Development Zone; and Building 3, Changsha Productivity Promotion Center, No. 2, Lujing Rd., Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province; and No. 1, Meixihu Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, 410221; and Room 1501, Aipu Building, 395 Xinshi North Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 71560, 12/17/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Changsha Zhichun Application Technology Co., Ltd., No. 204, 2nd Floor, Building 1, Peak, Gushan Sports Park, Jinjiachong Road, Wangcheng District, Changsha, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Changzhou Guoguang Data Communications Co., Ltd.,

Block C, No. 52 Songtao Rd, Zhonglou Economic Development Zone, Changzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Changzhou Utek Composite Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:

Fuhanyuan 1-812, New North District, Changzhou, 213022, Jiangsu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See § 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Channel Rich Electronics Company Limited, Unit 803, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 803, Fourseas Bldg 208-212 Nathan Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 56003, 9/18/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Check IC Solution Limited, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Ho King Commercial Building, 10th Floor, Room 1005, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Chen Qu, a.k.a., the following one alias:—Chen Choo

No. 4 Nanhuan Road, Jinzhou City, Hubei Province, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
Chen Zhouqian, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Zhou Qian.

Room 1811, B Bldg., Jiahe Tower, No. 3006 Shennan Middle Rd., Shenzhen, China; and Room 06 Blk A 23/F Hoover Ind. Bldg., 26-38 Kwai Cheong Rd., Kwai Chung N.T., Hong Kong; and Unit 614, 6/F., Blk. A, Po Lung Ctr., No.11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Rm. 311, 3/F, Genplas Industrial Bldg., 56 Hoi Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and No. 11 Wang Chiu Road Unit 614A 6F Po Lung Centre, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Chengdu Beizhan Electronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a, the following two aliases:
—Chengdu Beizhang Electronics Co.; and
—Chengdu North China Electronics Co., Ltd.

Rm. 203, Yifu Building, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, No. 4, Section 2 North Jianshe Road, Chengdu, 610054, China; and No. 923, Bin Fen/Bifen Holiday International, Building No 2, Baisi Street, Qing Yang District, Chengdu, 610054, China; and Room 906, Block B, Oaks Plaza, No. 666, Jincheng Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, 610054, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 14405, 2/27/24.
Chengdu Day Communication Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Chengdu Huari Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 130, Wuxing 4th Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; and No. 6 East Sect. 3 Wuke Road, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Chengdu Fine Optical Engineering Research Center,

No 3 Keyuan, 1st Road, Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Chengdu GaStone Technology Co., Ltd. (CGTC), a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Chengdu Jiashi Technology Co.;
—Chengdu HiWafer Semiconductor;
—Chengdu Haiwei Technology; and
—Chengdu Zenith.

31F, A Tower, Yanlord Square, No. 1, Section 2, Renmind South Road, Chengdu China; and Internet of Things Industrial Park Economic Development District Xinan Hangkonggang (Southwest Airport), Shuangliu County, Chengdu; and 29th Floor, Yanlord Landmark, No. 1 Renmin South Road Section 2, Chengdu; and 29/F Yanlord Landmark Tower A, Chengdu, China; and Union Road, No 88 Internet of Things Industrial, Chengdu, China; and No 88 Wulian Road, Southwest Airp Development Zone, Chengdu, China; and Industrial Park of Internet of Thing SW Airport Eco Dev Zone, Chengdu, China; and Internet Things of Industrial Pa Southwest Airport Economic, Chengdu, China; and The Industrial Park of Internet of Things, Southwest Airport Economic Development Zone, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14. 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16. 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
Chengdu Haiguang Integrated Circuit, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hygon; and
—Chengdu Haiguang Jincheng Dianlu Sheji.

China (Sichuan) Free Trade Zone, No. 22-31, 11th Floor, E5, Tianfu Software Park, No. 1366, Middle Section of Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu High-tech Zone, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 84 FR 29373, 6/24/19.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—HMC; and
—Chengdu Haiguang Wei Dianzi Jishu.

China (Sichuan) Free Trade Zone, No. 23-32, 12th Floor, E5, Tianfu Software Park, No. 1366, Middle Section of Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu High-tech Zone, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 84 FR 29373, 6/24/19.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Chengdu Huada Jiutianke Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Chengdu Huada; and
—Chengdu Empyrean.

No. 518, Guoxin Avenue, Shuangliu District, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Chengdu Huawei High-Tech Investment Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Chengdu Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Chengdu Jingxin Technology Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Chengdu Jingxin Teck Inc.

118 Jitai 5th Road, Building 3, 8th Floor, Room 5, Chengdu High-Tech Zone, China Pilot Free Trade Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610000, China; and 5th Street, Jingrong Start-Up Hub, Tianfu, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610000, China; and No. 97 Shiren N. Road, Floor 2, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610014, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Chengdu Latest Electronics Technology Company,
No. 2069 West Yuanda Road, Pixian Modern Industry Harbor South District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 611730; and

Suite 1-6-1702, West Diaoyu Yaijia Garden, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100142; and
C8-1-402 Xiduan Zhonghua Century city, Technology Road, Xian, China 710075; and
2-308 No. 115 Hongshan Road, Nanjing, China 210018.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 24565, 5/1/14.
Chengdu Poyotencon Technology, No. 175, Shanbanqiao Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China; and Number 508 1-4-1302, East Second Section of Second Ring Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 06/14/23.
89 FR 84462, 10/23/24.
Chengdu RML Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Chengdu Thunderbolt Micro Power Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—RML Technology.

No. 19, Section 4, Huafu Avenue, Chengdu, China; and Shiyang Industrial Park, No. 288, Yixin Avenue, Chengdu, China; and the First Floor, Jinhe Hotel, 18 Jinhe Road, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Chengdu Skyverse Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Chengdu Nanolighting Technology Co., Ltd.,

Room 1307, Floor 13, Unit 1, Building 1, No. 99 Tianfu 2nd Street, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Chengdu Spaceon Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Tianao Electronics Co., Ltd.

No. 88 Xinye Road, West High Tech Zone, Chengdu, China; and Spaceon Building, No. 1 Wulidun Road, Chadianzi, Chengdu, China; and Tianao Building, No. 1 Wulidun Road, Chadianzi, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 3580, 1/26/18.
Chengdu Suanze Technology Co., Ltd., No. 401 (attached to No. A54), 4th Floor, Unit 1, Building 4, No. 1700, North Section of Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu High-tech Zone, China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Sichuan Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Chengdu Xiwu Security System Alliance Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Chengdu Xiwuxinan Intelligent System Co., Ltd.; and

No. 7, Section 4, Renmin South Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Chengdu Yaguang Electronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Chengdu Yaguang;
—Chengdu OPTO Electronics Co., Ltd.; and
—970 Factory.
No. 66, Donghong Road, Chengdu, China; and No. 36, Beisen Road, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Chengdu Zongheng Automation Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Zongheng Automation Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Zongheng Co., Ltd.;
—Chengdu JOUAV Automation Tech Co.,Ltd.;
—Zongheng Technology; and
—Chengdu JOUAV Dapeng Tech Co., Ltd.

Floor 11, Area A, Building 3, Jingronghui, No. 200, Tianfu 5th Street, High-Tech Zone, Chengdu, China; and 7th Floor, Area A, Building 6, No. 200, Tianfu 5th Street, Chengdu High-Tech Zone, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Chengdu, China; and Room 801-805, Floor 8, Area A, Building 3, No. 200, Tianfu 5th Street, Chengdu High-Tech Zone, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Chengdu, China; and Room 3a, Area A, Jingrong International Plaza, No. 200, Tianfu 5th Street, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China; and Unit 701-702,7/F, Grand Tech Centre, No. 8 On Ping Street, Shatin, Hong Kong; and 6A-7F, Jingrong Intl Plaza, 5th Tianfu St., No. 200 Hi-Tech District, Chengdu City, China; and 3A-8F, Jingrong Innovation Hub No 200, 5th Tianfu St., Chengdu, 610041, China; and Building No. 9, Huafu Avenue, 4th Section, No.777, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CAEIT; and

11 Shuangyuan Road, Badachu High-Tech Park, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China. (See alternative address under United Kingdom.)
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
China Academy of Science—Shenyang Institute of Automation, No. 114 Nanta Street, Shenyang, Liaoning, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
China Academy of Space Technology 502 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—502 Research Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Control Engineering; and

No. 31 Zhongguancun Nan Street, Beijing, China; and No. 16 South 3rd Street, Zhonggu, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 51877, 8/24/22.
China Academy of Space Technology 513 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—513 Research Institute;
—Shandong Institute of Space Electronic Technology; and

No. 513 Spaceflight Road, High-Tech Zone, Shandong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 51877, 8/24/22.
China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC).

Sichuan Province.
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3 of this part 64 FR 28910, 5/28/99.
81 FR 64696, 9/20/16.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Second Academy, a.k.a., the following eight aliases, and thirteen subordinate institutions:
—China Changfeng Mechanics and Electronics Technology Academy;
—China Chang Feng Mechano-Electronic Engineering Academy;
—CASIC Second Academy;
—China Chang Feng Mechano-Electronic Engineering Company;
—CASIC Academy of Defense Technology;
—Second Research Academy of CASIC;
—Changfeng Electromechanical Technology Design Institute; and
—China Chang Feng Mechanics and Electronics Technology Academy.
Subordinate institution
Second Design Department, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Institute of Electronics Systems Engineering; and
—Second Planning Department.
Subordinate institution
23rd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement; and
Subordinate institution
25th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Institute of Remote Sensing Equipment.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
Subordinate institution
201 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Aerospace Science and Technology Defense Technology Research and Experimental Center.
Subordinate institution
203rd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Radio Measurement and Testing Institute; and
—Beijing Institute of Radio Metrology and Measurement.
Subordinate institution
204th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Institute of Computer Applications and Simulation Technology; and
—706th Research Institute.
Subordinate institution
206th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Institute of Mechanical Equipment; and
—Beijing Institute of Machinery and Equipment.
Subordinate institution
207th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Beijing Guangda Optoelectronics;
—Beijing Institute of Environmental Features; and
—Beijing Institute of Environmental Characteristics.
Subordinate institution
208th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Electronic Document Service Center.
Subordinate institution
210th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Xian Changfeng Electromechanical Institute.
Subordinate institution
283 Factory, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Xinfeng Machinery Factory.
Subordinate institution
284 Factory, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Changfeng Machinery Factory; and
—Beijing Changfeng Xinlian Project Management.
Subordinate institution
699 Factory, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Xinli Machinery Factory.
The following addresses apply to the entity and to the thirteen subordinate institutions:

50 Yongding Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 51 Yongding Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 52 Yongding Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 58 Yongding Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 90 Dianzi Road, Section One, Xian, China.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) 3rd Academy, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—China Haiying Electro-Mechanical Technology Academy (CHETA);
—HiWING Mechanical & Electrical Technology Corporation; and
—Beijing HY Electronic Tech Co.

No. 1 Haiying Rd, Fengtai Technology District, Tower 1, 7/F, Beijing; and F/5 #5 BLDG Hangtian Haiying Tech No 1 Kaiying Rd, Feng Tai District, Beijing 100089; and No. 11, Hepingli East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing; and P.O. Box 7200-80, Beijing 100074
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24267, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) 3rd Academy's 159 Factory, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—159th Factory; and
—Beijing Xinghang Electromechanical Equipment Factory.

No. 9, DongWangzuo North Road, Yungang, Fengtai District, Beijing, 100074
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24267, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) 3rd Academy's 239 Factory, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—239th Factory; and
—Beijing Hangxing Machinery Manufacturing Corporation., Ltd.

No. 11 Hepingli East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100013
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24267, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) 3rd Academy, 31 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—31st Institute; and
—Beijing Power Machinery Institute.

No. 17, Yungang West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) 3rd Academy, 33 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—33rd Institute; and
—Beijing Automation Control Equipment Institute (BACEI).

No. 1, Yungang Beili, Fengtai District, Beijing 100074
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 81 FR 64696, 9/20/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) 3rd Academy, 35 Research Institute, a.k.a, the following two aliases:
—35th Institute; and
—Huahang Institute of Radio Measurement

No. 3 South Street, Hepingli East Road, Dongcheng, Beijing, 100013
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 81 FR 64696, 9/20/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 1st Academy 12 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute (BICD); and
—12th Institute

51 Yong Ding Road, Beijing; and No. 50 Yongding Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100854
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3 of this part 64 FR 28909, 5/28/99. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 81 FR 64696, 9/20/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 1st Academy 702 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—702nd Institute; and
—Beijing Institute of Structure and Environmental Engineering (BISE)

No. 30 Wanyuan Road, Beijing
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3 of this part 64 FR 28909, 5/28/99. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. 81 FR 64696, 9/20/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 1st Academy First Design Department, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—1st General Design Department

1 South Dahongmen Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 100076
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 8th Academy, and the following three aliases:
—Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST);
—Shanghai Institute of Space; and
—MOA#8 Academy

Shanghai Spaceflight Tower, 222 Cao Xi Road, Shanghai, 200233; and No. 3888 Yuanjiang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 201109; and No. 2965 Dongchuan Rd Minhang District Shanghai, China
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3 of this part 64 FR 28909, 5/28/99. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. 81 FR 64696, 9/20/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 8th Academy 811 Research Institute, and the following two aliases:
—811th Institute; and
—Shanghai Institute of Space Power Sources

388 Cang Wu Road, Shanghai; and 2965 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200245
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3 of this part 64 FR 28909, 5/28/99. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 81 FR 64696, 9/20/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 13 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—13th Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices (BIACD);
—230 Factory; and
—Beijing Aerospace Times Optical-Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

No. 1 Fengying East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100094
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24265, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 771 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Xi'an Institute of Microelectronics;
—Xi'an Microelectronics Technology Institute;
—771 Research Institute; and
—Lishan Microelectronics Company.

No. 198 Taibai South Road, Shaanxi, China; and No. 198 Taibai Nan Road, Xian, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 51877, 8/24/22.
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 772 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—772 Research Institute;
—Beijing Institute of Microelectronics Technology;
—Beijing Microelectronics Technology Institute; and

No. 2, Siyingmen North Road, Donggaodi, Fengtai District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 51877, 8/24/22.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
China Aviation Development Harbin Bearing Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following three aliases:
—AVIC Harbin Bearing;
—Harbin AVIC Bearing Co Ltd; and
—AviChina Harbin Bearing.

No. 888 Nanjing Road, Hulan District, Harbin (New District Trust Handling Area), China; and No. 81, East Wujinnan Road, Xilong Street, Harbin, China; and North Side of Traffic Management Office, Linxi County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 40085, 6/21/23.
China Communications Construction Company Dredging Group Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CCCC Dredging (Group); and
—CCCC Dredging.

Zhongjiao Building, Block A Desheng, International Beijing, 100088 China; and Room 201, 1296 Xuchang Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China; and China Communications Building, Block A, Desheng International, No. 85 Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
China Communications Construction Company Guangzhou Waterway Bureau, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CCCC Guangzhou Waterway Bureau; and
—CCCC Guangzhou Dredging Company.

29th Floor, No. 298 Lijiao Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China; and No. 298, Lijiao Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
China Communications Construction Company Ltd., No. 85 Deshengmenwai St. Xicheng District, Beijing 100088, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China Communications Construction Company Second Navigation Engineering Bureau, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—CCCC Second Navigation Engineering Bureau;
—China Communications Second Navigation Engineering Bureau; and
—CCCC Second Aviation Engineering Bureau.

11 Jinyinhu Road, Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
China Communications Construction Company Shanghai Waterway Bureau, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CCCC Shanghai Waterway Bureau; and
—CCCC Shanghai Dredging Company.

No. 13, Zhongshan East First Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
China Communications Construction Company Tianjin Waterway Bureau, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CCCC Tianjin Waterway Bureau; and
—CCCC Tianjin Dredging Company.

Building 9, Shipping Service Center, Yuejin Road, Tianjin Port Free; and No.41 Taierzhuang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, 7th Research Institute (CETC-7), a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Guangzhou Institute of Communications.

No. 381, Xingang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
China Electronic Technology Group Corporation No. 11 Research Institute, a.k.a, the following three aliases, including the named subordinate institutions:
—North China Research Institute of Electro-Optics (NCRIEO);
—China North Research Institute of Electro-Optics; and
—CETC 11th Research Institute (CETC 11th RI).
Subordinate institution Beijing Laiyin Company Ltd, a.k.a., the following one alias,
—Beijing North China Lai Yin Opto-Electronics Technology Company.
Subordinate Institution: China Electronics Technology Corporation (CETC) Infrared Engineering and Technology Company, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—CETC Infrared or CETC IR.

No. 10, Jiuxianqiao North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100016; and
No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100015; and
Electronic City of Zhong Guan Cun Technical Zone, Beijing, China, 100015.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 44849, 7/28/15.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13), a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute;
—Hebei Institute of Semiconductors;
—Hebei Semiconductor Institute;
—Hebei Semiconductor; and
—CETC Research Institute 13.

113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e). 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Bowei Integrated Circuits, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Hebei Bowei Integrated;
—Hebei Bowel Technology; and
—Shijuang Bowei.

113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and Shijiazhuang New and Hi-Tech Dev Zone, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Envoltek, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hebei Envoltek Electronics.

21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution:
—Hebei Brightway International,

21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Hebei Medicines Health, 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Hebei Poshing Electronics, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Hebei Poshing Electronics
—Hebei Poshing Elec.; and
—Hubei Poshing Electronics.

113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Hebei Puxing Electronic,

113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Hebei Sinopack Electronics, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hebei Sinapack Elec.

113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Micro Electronic Technology, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Micro Electronic Technology Development Application Corp;
—METDA; and

113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e). 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: MT Microsystems,
113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: North China Integrated Circuit Corporation, 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and

21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Shijiazhuang Development Zone Maiteda Microelectronics Technology Development and Application Corporation,

21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (CETC 13) subordinate institution: Tonghui Electronics, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Tonghui Electronics Technology.

21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18. 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 14th Research Institute (CETC 14), a.k.a., the following seven aliases, and two subordinate institutions:
—Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology;
—Nanjing Electronics Technology Institute;
—Ministry of Information Industry Electronics;
—No 14 Research Institute;
—Research Institute 14; and
—CETC Research Institute 14.
Subordinate institution
Nanjing SunSea Industry Corporation.
Subordinate institution
Nanjing Institute of Radio Technology.
The following addresses apply to the entity and the two subordinate institutions:

No 1 Dinghuaimen, Nanjing, China; and No 8 Guorui Road, Yuhua District, Nanjing, China; and No 4 Guping Gang, Nanjing, China; and 52 Huju Road, North, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 16th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CETC 16; and
—Hefei Institute of Low-Temperature Electronics.

No. 439 Suixi Road, Luyang District, Hefei China; and No. 658, Wangjiang West Road, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 29 (CETC 29) Research Institute, a.k.a., the following ten aliases:
—CETC 29th Research Institute;
—China Southwest Electronic Equipment Research Institute (SWIEE);
—29 (SIWEI Co) Institute;
—SIWI Electronics Corporation;
—Chengdu SIWI Electronics Inc.;
—Chengdu SIWEI Electronics Company;
—Chengdu 29 Institute;
—Si Wei Company 29th Institute;
—SIWI Group; and
—Southwest China Institute of Electronics

No. 496 West Yingkang Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610036, China; and Box #429, #1 Waixichadianziheng Street, Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610036, China; and 5 Cheng Wen Road, Chengdu, China 610036; and No.3 Research Department, Zhongdian, China; and No. 29 Institute, Waixi Chadi, Chengdu, China; and No.81 BaiChao Road, XiPu Town, PiXian County, Chengdu, China; and Siwei Electron Mansion, Xiejiasi, Qingyang, Chengdu, China; and 1 Hengjie Chadianzi Western Suburb, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44680, 8/1/14.
80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, 30th Research Institute (CETC-30), a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Southwest Communication Research Institute.

No. 6, Chuangyue Road, High-Tech Zone of Xiaojiahe Street, Chengdu, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 32nd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—CETC 32;
—CETC Digital Technology (Group) Co., Ltd.; and
—East China Institute of Computing Technology

No. 63 Chengliu Highway, Jiading District, Shanghai, China; and No. 1485, Jialuo Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China; and Room 812, Bank of East Asia No. 66 Huayuan Shiqiao Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China; and Room 220, Second Floor, 101, 1st to 3rd floors, Building 5, No. 7 Rongda Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 36th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—CETC 36;
—CTRONICS Technology Group; and
—Jiangnan Electronic Communications Research Institute (JNECR).

No. 387, Hongxing Road, Jiaxing, China; and Box 9, Jiaxing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 38th Research Institute (CETC 38), a.k.a., the following seven aliases, and seven subordinate institutions:
—Hefei Institute of Electronic Engineering;
—Southwest China Research Institute of Radar Technology;
—East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering;
—No 38 Research Institute;
—Research Institute 38; and
—CETC Research Institute 38.
Subordinate institution
Anhui Sun-Create Electronics.
Subordinate institution
Anhui Bowei Chang An Electronics.
Subordinate institution
ECU Electronic Industrial.
Subordinate institution
Hefei ECU-TAMURA Electric.
Subordinate institution
Anhui Bowei Guangcheng Information Technology.
Subordinate institution
Anhui Bowei Ruida Electronics Technology.
Subordinate institution Brainware Terahertz.

The following addresses apply to the entity and to the seven subordinate institutions: 199 Xiangzhang Ave., Hefei, Anhui, China; and 19 He Huan Lu, Hefei, China; and 19 Hehuan Road, Hefei, China; and 260 Ji Xi Road, Hefei, China; and 88 Pihe Road, Hefei, China; and Forward Road, Economics Development Zone of Luan, Luan, Anhui, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 41st Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CETC 41; and
—East China Institute of Electronic Measuring Instruments.

No. 726, Changzheng Road, Bengbu, China; and No. 98, Xiangjiang Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, China; and No. 800, Changsheng Road, Bengbu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 43 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—East China Research Institute of Microelectronics;
—ECRIM; and
—CETC 43.

No. 19, Hehuan Road, High-tech Zone, Hefei City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 51877, 8/24/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 45th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—CETC 45;
—Beijing Semiconductor Special Equipment Research Institute; and
—Beijing CETC Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd.

No. 1, Taihe 3rd Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 48th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—CETC 48 Institute.

No. 1025, Xinkaipu Road, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 9390, 2/14/23.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 52nd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—CETC 52;
—CETHIK Group; and
—China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd.

198 Aicheng Street, Wuchang Avenue, Yuhang District, Hangzhou; and No. 36, Macheng Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou; and No. 1500, Wenyi West Road, Yuhang District; and No. 9 Lixin Road Qingha Lake, Hangzhou; and No. 9 Wenfu Road, Hangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 55th Research Institute (CETC55), a.k.a., the following three aliases, and three subordinate institutions:
—Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute;
—CETC Research Institute 55; and

524 Zhongzhan East Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and 524 East Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and 523 East Zhongshang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and 166 Middle Zhenghang Road, Nanjing, China; and 166 Zhengfang Mid Road, Nanjing, China; and 166 Zhengfang Mid Road, Nanjing, China; and Huaxia Sci and Tech Park Hi-Tech Development, Nanjing, China; and RM 2105 Huaxia Bldg., No 81 Zhongshan Rd., Nanjing, China; and 8 Xingwen Road, Economic and Tech, Nanjing, China.
Subordinate institution
Nanjing Guosheng Electronics, 8 Xingwen Road, Economic and Tech, Nanjing, China; and 166 Middle Zhenghang Road, Nanjing, China; and 166 Zhengfang Mid Road, Nanjing, China; and 166 Zhengfand Mid Road, Nanjing, China; and 168 Zhengfand Mid Road, Nanjing, China; and 165 Zhangfang Mid-Road, Nanjing, China; and 414 South Zhong Shan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and
Subordinate institution
Nanjing Guobo Electronic, 166 Zhengfang Mid Road, Nanjing, China.
Subordinate institution
NEDITEK, a.k.a, the following three aliases:
—NEDI Technology;
—NTESY; and
—Nanjing Nade Technology.

2nd Floor, B4 Block, Jiulonghui Park, No. 19 Suyuan Avenue, Nanjing, China; and 524 Zhongzhan East Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and 524 East Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and 523 East Zhongshang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and 166 Middle Zhenghang Road, Nanjing, China; and 166 Zhengfang Mid Road, Nanjing, China; and 166 Zhengfang Mid Road, Nanjing, China; and Huaxia Sci and Tech Park Hi-Tech Development, Nanjing, China; and RM 2105 Huaxia Bldg., No 81 Zhongshan Rd., Nanjing, China; and 8 Xingwen Road, Economic and Tech, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 58 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Wuxi Microelectronics Research Center; and
—CETC 58.

No. 777 Jianzhu West Road, Wuxi City, China, and No. 5 Huihe Road, Wuxi City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 51877, 8/24/22.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation Electronic Equipment Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—CETC Equipment Subgroup;
—Dianke Equipment; and

Room 2001, Floor 20, Building B, Building 1, No. 19 Ronghua Middle Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China; and 7th Floor, West Annex Building, Building 1, Nord Center, No. 128 South Fourth Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China; and 7/F, West Wing of No.1 Noble Center, 128 West Road of South 4th Ring Road., Fengtai District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No. 28 Institute, a.k.a., the following eight aliases:
—The 28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;
—28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;
—CETC 28;
—The 28th Institute;
—Nanjing Institute of Electronic Engineering;
—NRIEE; and

Houbiaoying Rd., Bai Xia Qu, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 210095; and No. 99, Houbiaoying Road, Qinhuai District, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing City, China; and 1-2 Alfalfa Garden East Street, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing City, China and No. 1 Yongzhi Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC), a.k.a., the following one alias:
—China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation

South Building, CGN Tower, 2002 Shennan Boulevard, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China; and 1001 Shangbuzhong Road, Shenzhen Sci & Tech Building, Shenzhen, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China General Nuclear Power Group, South Building, CGN Tower, 2002 Shennan Boulevard, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China HEAD Aerospace Technology Co., a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—China HEAD;
—China HEAD Technology Co;
—HEAD Aerospace;
—HEAD Aerospace Group;
—HEAD Aerospace Netherlands;
—HEAD France; and
—HEAD Technology France.

5F, Bldg 5, Science and Technology Park, A-2 North Xisanhuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, P.R. China; and Room 01, floor 13, building 5, no. A2 courtyard, west 3rd ring r. Beijing, 10004-8, China; and B-11a-02 Keshi Plaza 28 Shangdi Xinxi Rd Beijing 100058 China. (See alternate address under France and Netherlands).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 744.21(b), and 746.8(a)(3) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 12171, 2/27/23.
China Jiuyuan Trading Corporation, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—China Long Term Material Trading Company;
—China Long-Standing Material Trading Company; and
—China Jiuyuan High-Tech Equipment Company.

64 Mianshan Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan, China; and No 169, West Section, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, China; and No. 11 Jindu Section Airport Road, Chengdu, China; and Rm. 302 Genfang International, No. A13, Huayuan Rd., Haidian, Beijing, China; and 8 Huayuan Road, Haidian District Beijing; and 6 Huayuan Road, Haidian District Beijing; and 1 Fenghao East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
China National Scientific Instruments and Materials (CNSIM), a.k.a. the following four aliases:
—China National Scientific Instruments and Materials Corporation;
—China Scientific Equipment Co., Ltd.; and
—Sinopharm Equipment.

Building 1, No. 19, Taiyanggong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100028, China; and 20 Chichunlu Road, Beijing, China; and 12 Caixiangdong Road, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; Presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute Co. Ltd.,

47 F/A Jiangsu Building, Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, 518026, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
China Shengshi International Trade Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hong Kong Development Group.

21 Jianshe Road, Yufeng Building Room 313B, Xitou Xincun District 3, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. (See alternate address under United Kingdom).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
China State Shipbuilding Corp.—Systems Engineering Research Institute, No. 16 Cuiwei Rd., Haidian Dist, Beijing 100036; and No. 5 Yuetan North St, Xicheng Dist, Beijing. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 7th Research Academy, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 7th Research Academy; and
—China Ship Research and Development Academy. No. 2 Shuangquan Baojia, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 12th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 12th Research Institute; and
—Thermal Processing Technology Research Institute, a.k.a., Hot Working Technology Research Institute.

Xicheng District, Xiping, Shaanxi Province; and Mailbox No. 44, Xingping, Shaanxi Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 701st Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 701st Research Institute; and
—China Ship Design and Research Center.

No. 268 Ziyang Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 702nd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 702nd Research Institute; and
—China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC).

No. 222 Shanshui East Road, Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 703rd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 703rd Research Institute; and
—Harbin Marine Boiler and Turbine Research Institute.

No. 35 Honghu Road, Daoli District, Harbin; and No. 108 Hongqi Avenue, Xiangfang District, Harbin, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 704th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 704th Research Institute; and
—Shanghai Marine Equipment Research Institute (SMERI).

No. 10 Hengshan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China; and No. 160 Xinpan Road, Shanghai, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 705th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 705th Research Institute; and
—Xi 'an Precision Machinery Research Institute.

No. 18, Gaoxin 1st Road, High-tech Development Zone, Xi'an, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 707th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 707th Research Institute; and
—Tianjin Navigational Instrument Research Institute.

No. 268, Dingzigu 1st Road, Hongqiao District, Tianjin, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 709th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 709th Research Institute; and
—Wuhan Digital Engineering Institute.

No. 718, Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 710th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 710th Research Institute; and
—Yichang Testing Technology Research Institute a.k.a. Yichang Institute of Testing Technology.

No. 58 Shengli 3rd Road, Yichang, Hubei Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 711th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 711th Research Institute; and
—Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute.

No. 3111 Huaning Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 712th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 712th Research Institute; and
—Wuhan Marine Electric Propulsion Equipment Research Institute.

Nanhu Garden City, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province; and
Nanhu Steam School Courtyard, Wuchang District, Wuhan, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 713th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 713th Research Institute; and
—Zhengzhou Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

No. 126 Jingguang Middle Road, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 714th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 714th Research Institute; and
—Ship Information Research Center.

No. 2, Shuangquan Baojia, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 715th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 715th Research Institute; and
—Hangzhou Institute of Applied Acoustics.

No. 715, Pingfeng Street, Xihu District, Hangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 716th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 716th Research Institute; and
—Jiangsu Institute of Automation.

No. 18, Shenghu Road, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 717th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 717th Research Institute;
—Huazhong Institute of Optoelectronics Technology; and
—Huazhong Photoelectric Technology Research Institute.

No. 981, Xiongchu Street, Hongshan District, Wuhan, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 718th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 718th Research Institute; and
—Handan Purification Equipment Research Institute.

No. 17 Zhanhan Road, Handan, Hebei Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 719th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 719th Research Institute; and
—Wuhan Second Ship Design Research Institute.

No. 19, Yangqiaohu Avenue, Zanglong Island Development Zone, Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei Province; and
No. 450 Zhongshan Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited. (CSSC) 722nd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Limited. (CSIC) 722 Institute; and
—Wuhan Ship Communication Research Institute.

No. 312 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 08/27/20.
85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 723rd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 723rd Research Institute; and
—Yangzhou Marine Electronic Instrument Research Institute.

No. 26, Nanhexia, Guangling District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 724th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 724th Research Institute; and
—Nanjing Ship Radar Research Institute.

No. 30, Changqing Street, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China; and
No. 346 Zhongshan North Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 725th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 725th Research Institute; and
—Luoyang Institute of Ship Materials.

No.169, Binhe South Road, Luolong District, Luoyang, Henan Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 726th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 726th Research Institute; and
—Shanghai Ship Electronic Equipment Research Institute.

No. 5200 Jindu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 750th Test Center, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 750th Test Center; and
—Kunming Marine Equipment Research and Test Center.

No. 3, Renmin East Road, Panlong District, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
86 FR 29193, 6/1/21.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Limited (CSSC) 760th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—China Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. (CSIC) 760th Research Institute;
—Dalian Institute of Measurement and Control Technology; and
—Dalian Scientific Test and Control Institute.

No. 16 Binhai Street, Zhongshan District, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
China Taly Aviation Technologies Corporation, a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—China Taly; and
—China Tianli Aviation Technology Industrial Co., Ltd.

7 Da Cheng Road Feng Tai District, Beijing, China; and No. 7 Dacheng Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China; and No. 56 Zhi Chun Road, Haidian District, Beijing China Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
China Tech Hi Industry Import and Export Corporation, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CTHC; and
—Tianhang Industry Import and Export Company.

30 Haidian Road, Beijing, China; and No A 16 Zao Jun Miao, Haidian, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
China Volant Industry a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Volinco; and
—China Huateng Industry.

30 Haidian Road, Beijing, China; and Room 703, 7th Floor, Building 1, No 11, Changchunqiao Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
China Xinshidai Company, a.k.a., the following one alias: -China New Era Group

Xinshidai Plaza, Plaza No. 7 Huayuan Rd., Beijing, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 36202, 6/26/14.
Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, a.k.a., the following seventeen aliases:
—Ninth Academy;
—Southwest Computing Center;
—Southwest Institute of Applied Electronics;
—Southwest Institute of Chemical Materials;
—Southwest Institute of Electronic Engineering;
—Southwest Institute of Environmental Testing;
—Southwest Institute of Explosives and Chemical Engineering;
—Southwest Institute of Fluid Physics;
—Southwest Institute of General Designing and Assembly;
—Southwest Institute of Machining Technology;
—Southwest Institute of Materials;
—Southwest Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry (a.k.a., China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP)'s 902 Institute);
—Southwest Institute of Research and Applications of Special Materials Factory;
—Southwest Institute of Structural Mechanics; (all of preceding located in or near Mianyang, Sichuan Province)
—The High Power Laser Laboratory, Shanghai;
—The Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing.

901 Institute (P.O. Box 523 Chengdu, 610003) and 64 Mianshan Road, Mianyang, Sichuan, China; and 6 Huayuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and; 1 Fenghao East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 62 FR 35334, 6/30/97.
66 FR 24266, 5/14/01.
75 FR 78883, 12/17/10.
76 FR 21628, 4/18/11.
76 FR 50407, 8/15/11.
77 FR 58006, 9/19/12.
85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Chinese Academy of Science, Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Collaborative Innovation Center for Frontiers of Quantum Information and Quantum Technology;
—Quantum Innovation Institute; and
—Quantum 2011.

No. 96, Jinzhai Road, Hefei, China; and Wangjiang West Road, Shushan District, Hefei, China; and No. 62, Taihu Road, Baohe District, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics, CAS;
—CAS Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics; and

3888 E Nanhu Road, Changchun, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Computing Technology, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences;
—Institute of Computing Technology;
—CAS ICT; and

No. 6, South Academy of Sciences Road, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing, China and No. 6 Kexueyuan South Road, Zhongguaneun, Haidian District, Beijing, China and No. 6 Kexueyuan South Road, Zhonggu, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Microelectronics, a.k.a., the following 6 aliases:
—CAS Institute of Microelectronics;
—CAS Microelectronics Institute; and
—Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

#3 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and No. 3, North Tucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR
(See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5
Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 8, Zhongguancun South Third Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and No. 8, Zhongguancun South 3rd Street, between the 3rd and 4th rings of Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and No. 5, Xizai Road, Huairou District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory for Quantum Information, a.k.a., the following one alias:

East District, University of Science and Technology of China, No. 96, Jinzhai Road, Baohe District, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Chinese Academy of Sciences' Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy; and

Building 8, No. 865, Changning Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China; and Building A, No. 1455, Pingcheng Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China; and Jiading Park, No. 235, Chengbei Road, China; and No. 800, Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China; and Room 613, Building 8, No 865 Changning Road, Shanghai, China; and Room 604, Xinweijiayuan, 1455 Pincheng Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Chinese Flight Test Establishment, a.k.a. the following six aliases:
—630 Institute of China Aeronautical Research Institute;
—Aviation Industry Test Flight Center;
—AVIC Flight Test Center;
—China CFTE; and
—Yanliang Test Flight Institute.

8th Testing Flying Courtyard Road, Yanliang District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China; and CFTE Rd Yanliang District, Xi'an, China; and Renmin Road, Yanliang District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China; and Hong91 Building 357 Unit 39, Xi'an City, China; and No. 8 Shifeiyuan Road, Yanliang District, Xi'an, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Chipgoo Electronics Limited, a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—Chipgoo Technology;
—Endezo Technology (Hong Kong) Limited;
—Endezo Technology;
—Shenzhen Yindezhou Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Shenzhen Yindezhou Technology.

Unit 318 (WL602), 3rd Floor, Sunbeam Centre, 27 Shing Yip St, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Rm A29, 24th Floor, Regent's Park Prince Industrial Building, 706 Prince Edward Rd. East, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 13, 27/F, Ho King Commercial Center, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room G, 26th Floor, Hangdu Building, No. 1006 Haufu Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1223, New Asia Guoli Building, Zhonghang Road, Huaqiang North Subdistrict, Futian, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Chipwinone Electronics Co., Limited, R1618, B Building, Jiahe Tower, No. 3006 Shennan Middle Road, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Chitron Electronics Company Ltd, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Chi-Chuang Electronics Company Ltd (Chitron-Shenzhen).

2127 Sungang Rd, Huatong Bldg, 19/F, Louhu Dist, Shenzhen, China 518001; and 169 Fucheng Rd, Fenggu Bldg., 7/F, Mianyang, China 621000; and Zhi Chun Rd, No 2 Bldg of Hoajing jiayuan, Suite #804, Haidian Dist, Beijing, China 100086; and 40 North Chang'an Rd, Xi'an Electronics Plaza Suite #516, Xi'an, China 710061; and 9 Huapu Rd, Chengbei Electronics & Apparatus Mall, 1/F Suite #39, Chengdu, China 610081; and 2 North Linping Rd Bldg 1. Suite #1706, Hongkou Dist, Shanghai, China 200086; and 6 Shing Yip St. Prosperity Plaza 26/F, Suite #06, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 1701, 1/13/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Cho-Man Wong, Room 2608, Technology Plaza 29-35 Sha Tsui Road Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong; and Unit 803, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 803, Fourseas Bldg 208-212 Nathan Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 63184, 10/12/11.
79 FR 56003, 9/18/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Chong Zhou, Room 602, Building No. 4, Jimen East, Haidian District, Beijing 100081. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Chongqing Chuandong Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd., Shuanghekou, Lidu Town, Fuling District, Chongqing, China 408102. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Chongxin Bada Technology Development Co., Ltd.,

No. 13 Hangfeng Road, Science City, Fengtai, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Chuangxinda Electronics-Tech Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CXDA; and
—Chuangxinda Electronics Company Limited.

R1811 B Building, Jiahe Tower, No. 3006 Shennan Middle Road, Shenzhen, China 518031; and Unit 614, 6/F., Block A, Po Lung Ctr, No. 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Rm. 311, 3/F, Genplas Industrial Building 56 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and No. 11 Wang Chiu Road Unit 614A 6F Po Lung Centre, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Cinty Int'l (HK) Industry Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Cinty International HK Industry Co. Ltd.;
—Cinty Int'l HK Industry Co., Ltd.;
—HK Cinty Co., Limited;
—Cinty Semiconductor Limited; and
—HKCinty Electronics.

Rm 3008-3009, Block A, Jiahe Huaqiang Bulding, Shennan Road, Huaqiangbei Neighborhood, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518039, China; and Office No.3, 10/F, Witty Commercial Building, 1A-1L Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Rm 1808, Dynamic World Building, Zhonghang Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China; and Room 2208, LeiZhen Building, 40 Fuming Rd., Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
CLC Holdings Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—CLC Xpress.

Flat 2808, 28/F, Asia Trade Centre, 79 Lei Muk Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong; and Units 801-803 and 805, Park Sun Building, No. 97-107 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 44824, 9/4/18.
84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Cloudmax Tech Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—YSX Tech Co., Limited.

Room 1316-1318, Metropolitan Heights at Century Place, Du Hui Xuan Building, Zhong Hang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China; and Room A, 15/F, Goldfield Industrial Building, 144-150 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong; and 2/F, Block 6, No.2 Robot Industrial Park, 8th Road, Yangchung Industrial Zone, Shapu Community, Songgang Subdistrict, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518105, China; and Wonderful Life Building, No. 4 Donghai Rd, Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518083, China; and Ko Fai Industrial Building, No.7 Ko Fai Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 1/F, Block 1, Zhuguang Chuangxin Technology Park, Zhuguang Road, Xili Subdistrict, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518055, China; and Room 2404, Du Hui Xuan Building, Zhong Hang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Cloudminds (Hong Kong) Limited, 10/F Massmutual Twr 33, Lockhart Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
CloudWalk Technology, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Chongqing Cloudwalk Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Guangzhou Yunshang Information Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Yun Cong Information Technology Co. Ltd.; and
—Yun Cong Technology.

1306 Room, No. 26, Jinlong Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
CNOOC Limited (a subsidiary of China National Offshore Oil Corporation), No. 25 Chaoyangmen North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100010, China; and 65th Floor, Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Hong Kong. All items subject to the EAR except for:
—crude oil, condensates, aromatics, natural gas liquids, hydrocarbon gas liquids, natural gas plant liquids, refined petroleum products, liquefied natural gas, natural gas, synthetic natural gas, and compressed natural gas under the following Harmonized System (HS) codes: 271111, 2711210000, 2711210000, 2709, 2709002010, 2707, 27075000, 2710, 271019, 271112, 271113, 271114, 271119, 27111990, 271311, 271312, 271012250, 2901, 290511, 2701, 29109020, 29151310, 29155020, 29156050, 29159020, 29161210, 29280025, 29321910, 29362920, 29419030, 2909300000, 2917194500, 2922504500, 2924296000, 2925294500, 2928002500, 2933194350; or
—items required for the continued operation of joint ventures with persons from countries in Country Group A:1 in supplement no. 1 to part 740 of the EAR not operating in any body of water, or the airspace above any body of water, within the following coordinates:
Upper Left:
26°4′48.931″ N
104°31′41.383″ E
Upper Right:
26°4′48.931″ N
123°19′22.225″ E
Lower Right:
0°0′0.00″ N
123°19′22.225″ E
Lower Left:
0°0′0.00″ N
104°31′41.383″ E
Presumption of denial 86 FR 4864, 1/14/21.
87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Comsum Technologies (Group) Ltd., Room 408, Unit 6, Xin Qi Dian Jia Yan, 5 Chang Qiao Road, Beijing, 100089, China; and Room 1005, 10/F Carnarvon Plaza, 20 Carnarvon Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Comtel Technology Limited, Building A2-3, Haufeng Industrial Park, Shiyan, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Connec Electronic Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Suzhou Konecot Electronics; and
—Suzhou Ke Nai Ke Te Dianzi Youxian Gongsi.

Room 1110, No 168, Fenjiang Road, Mudu Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, China; and 5015 East Shennan Rd, Shenzhen, China; and 10/F., Flat U Valiant Industrial Centre, 2 to 12 Au Pui Wan Street, Hong Kong. (See alternate addresses under United Kingdom).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR .) Policy of Denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22. 87 FR 57082, 9/16/22.
Corad Technology Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Corad Technology (China) Limited.

Unit 1306, 13/F, Nanyang Plaza 57 Hung To Road Kwun Tong, Hong Kong; and Room K, 5/F, Winner Factory Building No. 55 Hung To Road Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong. (See also addresses under Taiwan for this entry, which is listed as Corad Taiwan Representative Office)
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19, 85 FR 83769, 12/23/20. 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Corad Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Corad Technology Ltd. (Shenzhen).

Rm 0919 1# Xinye Bldg, NO388 Tianlin Road, Shanghai, China 518033.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Corezing International, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—CoreZing Electronics;
—Corezing International Group Company;
—Corezing International Pte Ltd;
—Corezing Technology Pte Ltd; and
—Core Zing.

Room 1007, Block C2, Galaxy Century Bldg., CaiTian Rd., FuTian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1702, Tower B, Honesty Building, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong, China; and G/F, No. 89, Fuyan Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong; and Flat 12, 9F Po Hong Kong, 2 Wang Tung Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong; and Flat/RM B 8/F, Chong Ming Bldg., 72 Cheung Sha Wan Road KL, Hong Kong; and FlatiRM 2309, 23/F, Ho King COMM Center, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok KLN, Hong Kong (See alternate address under Singapore).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
CSIC Pride (Nanjing) Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Pride Cryogenics;
—Easycool; and
—CSIC Pengli (Nanjing) Ultra-low Temperature Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 32 Changqing Street, Jiangning Development Zone, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
CSSC Electronic Technology,
40 South Fangcun Main Rd., Liwan District, Guangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., No. 188 Changzhou Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Dahua Technology, 807, Block A, Meike Building No. 506, Beijing South Road, New City, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China; 1199 Bin'an Road, Binjiang High-tech Zone, Hangzhou, China; and 6/F, Block A, Dacheng Erya, Huizhan Avenue, Urumqi, China; and No. 1187, Bin'an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Dalian Ligong Safety Equipment Company Limited,

No. 26 Liaohe East Road, Double D Port, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Dalian, China 116620.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 24565, 5/1/14.
Dennex Enterprises Limited, 2 Ice House Street, Room 303, 3rd Floor, St. George's Building, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.2l(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 14388, 2/27/24.
Detail Technology (HK) Limited, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Ditai Technology;
—Shenzhen Ditai Technology Со., Ltd.;
—Detail Technology Global Ltd; and
—Ditai Keji Xianggang Youxian Gongsi.

Room 2309, 23/F, Но King Commercial Center, 16 Fayuen Street, Mongkok Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room F, 11th Floor, Hainiog Plaza, Langhua District, Shenzhen, China; and Room F, Floor 11, Longhua District, Shenzhen City, GuangDong, Province, China; and 10F, Kras Asia Industrial Building, No. 79 Hung to Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 84462, 10/23/24.
DGT Technology (HK) Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—DGT Technology HK Co., Limited; and
—DGT Technology.

Room 5303, SEG Plaza, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518027, China; and Room 5258, 52nd Floor, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 803, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 836, 8/F, Beverley Commercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Dick Kuo, Ltd., Room 9-11, 5/F, Block B, Hoplite Industrial Centre, 3-5 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 7359, 2/19/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Dick Leung, GF Seapower Industrial Building 177, Hoi Bun Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 7359, 2/19/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
DJI, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Shenzhen DJI Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.;
—SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Shenzhen DJI Sciences and Technologies Ltd.; and
—Da-Jiang Innovations.

14 Floor, West Wing, Skyworth Semiconductor Design Building, No.18 Gaoxin South 4th Ave., Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China, 518057.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ), except for EAR 99-designated technology for the operation, maintenance, or repair of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV ) released to this entity by the operator of the UAV Case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; Presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
86 FR 29193, 6/1/21.
Dongfang Jingyuan Electron Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Dongfang Jingyuan Electron Limited;
—Oriental Crystal Microelectronics Technology (Beijing Co., Ltd.);
—Dongfang Jingyuan Micro-Electronic Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.; and
—Oriental Crystal Source.

No. 156 Jinghai 4th Road, Building 12, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China and No. 156 Jinghai 4th Road, Building A4, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China and Room 301F, Block C, Yingdali Technology Digital Park, Futian Free Trade Zone, Fubao Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, China and Building 12, Yard 156, Jinghai 4th Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone Beijing, 100001, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Dongguan Huawei Service Co., Ltd., Dongguan, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Dongguan Lingkong Remote Sensing Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Dongguan Lingkong Yaogan Technology Co., Ltd.

Building 6, Dongfeng Science and Technology Park, Songshan Lake, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 9390, 2/14/23.
Dongguan Lvyuan Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Dongguan, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Duling Technology (HK) Limited, 2-16 Fayuen Street, Room 4, 16th Floor, Ho King Commercial Centre, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 744.8(b), 744.11, 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
E-Chips Solution Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Yichuangxin International Ltd.

Shen Nan Road Block A, JiaHe HuaQiang Building, Room 3008, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Eagles Men Aviation Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Yige Siman Aviation Technology Group Co., Ltd.; and

Room 1113, No. 1 Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 314, 3rd Floor, Block C, Zhizao Street, Zhongguancun, No. 45 Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Eagles Men Building, No. 7 Wande Zhihui Center, Changping District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 9390, 2/14/23.
Eastech Electronics Limited, a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—Eastech Electronics Ltd.;
—Eastech Electronics;
—Shenzhen East Technology Limited;
—Shenzhen Yitai Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Yitai Technology;
—Yitai International Electronics Co., Ltd.; and

Room 17F, Block A Huaqiang Square, No.1019 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 12F, Block A, Duhui 100 Building, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 2703, Tower West, Hangyuan Building, No.175 Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room B5, 1/F, Manning Industrial Building, 116-118 How Ming St., Kwun Tong, Hong Kong; and Room 32, 11/F, Lee Ka Industrial Building, 8 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Workshop 60, 3/F, Block A, East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Edward Fan,

Hucun, Huafeng Town, Ningyang County, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
Ehang International Trade Limited, Flat/Room 32, 11/F Lee Ka Industrial Building 8NK Fong Street San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Enhance International Trade Limited, Room 803 8/F Easey Commercial Building 253-261, Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
ETC Electronics Ltd., Room 315, Fiyta Building, Zhenhua, Road No. 163, Shenzhen, China; and WHSE B DD118 Tai Shu Ha West Road New Territories, Yuen Long, Hong Kong; and Unit 2, D6, 2/F Mai Wah Industrial Building No. 1/7 Wah sing Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong; and Unit 2 13/F Leader Industrial Center 57-59, Au Pui Wan Street Shatin, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Exeya Co., Limited, 18 Luard Road, Room D, 16/F, One Capital Place, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; and 2-12 Au Pui Wan Street, Workshop F8, 4F, Valiant Industrial Center, Fo Tan, New Territories, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.2l(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 14388, 2/27/24.
Exodus Microelectronics Company Limited, Unit 9B, Nathan Commercial Building 430-436 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit 6B, Block 1, International Centre 2-8 Kwei Tei Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong; and Unit 6B, Block 1, International Industrial Centre, 2-8 Kwei Tei Street, Shatin, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 1701, 1/13/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Fang Yu, 16 Gaoxin 4th Road, Xian High Tech Industrial Development Zone, Xian, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 36519, 6/28/10.
Farteco Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Farteco Ltd.

501-503 Castle Peak Road, Unit B090, International Industrial Building, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit D, 16/F One Capital Place, 18 Luard Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; and Unit B909, 9th Floor, International Industrial Building, 501-503 Castle Peak Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
FiberHome Technologies Group, a.k.a., the following eight aliases:
—FiberHome International Technology Co., Ltd.;
—FiberHome Networks;
—FiberHome Networks Co. Ltd.;
—FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies Co., Ltd.;
—Haohuo Xiangyun Network Technology Co., Ltd;
—Wuhan Fiberhome International; and
—Wuhan Institute of Posts and Telecommunications.

No. 6, Gaoxinsilu, East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430205, China; and 88 Youkeyuan Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Foang Tech Inc., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Ofogh Electronics Co.

52F, Shun Hing Square, Unit 1-8 Di Wang Commercial Center, Shenzhen, China; and Flat/RM 1701-Ricky CTR, 36 Chowg Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 40178, 6/21/16.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
FOC (HK) Technology Co., Ltd., Room 8, 6/F, Shun On Commercial Building, 112-114 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Forensic Genomics International, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—BGI Forensic Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd;
—BGI Judicial;
—Huada Judicial; and
—Shenzhen Huada Forensic Technology Co., Ltd.

Building 11, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Fortune Source Electronics Co. Ltd., Unit A, 7/F Capri Building, 130 Austin Road, KLN, Hong Kong; and Unit A7/F Capri Building, 130 Austin Road, KLN, Hong Kong; and Unit 803, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 56003, 9/18/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Frontier Services Group Limited, Suite 3902, 39/F, Far East Finance Center, 16 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong; and 2201, Wing 1 Kunsha Center, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. (See alternate addresses under Kenya, Laos, and United Arab Emirates.) For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Company, Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

Sanchuang Park, Century Avenue Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, China; and No. 88, Lianhua Avenue, Jinjiang Integrated Circuit Science Park, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 83 FR 54521, 10/30/18. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Fujian Sophon Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., and the following one alias:
—Fujian Suanfeng Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 916, Yangguang Building North, Fuzhou University Science and Technology Park, No. 2, Xueyuan Road, Shangjie Town, Minhou County, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Fujian Suanxin Technology Co., Ltd., 02 1st Floor, #2-1 Building, Qiaoxingjun Area 2, North Baima Road, Nanjie Neighborhood, Gulou District, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Fujian Torch Electron Technology Co., Ltd., No.4 Zihua Rd., Quanzhou Hi-Tech Industries Park (Jiang Nan Park) Licheng District, Quanzhou, Fujian; and Building 23, District 7, No. 188 South 4th Ring Rd W, Fengtai District, Beijing; and Suites 705-708, 7th floor, Ping'An Wealth Management Center, Building 1, 1588 Shenchang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai; and Suites 2904-2905, Yongwei Times Center, Jinye 1st Rd, Yanta District, Xi'an; and Suites 402-1, Building 1, Xicun Compound, No 1. Beisen N Rd, Qingyang District, Chengdu; and Suite 1507, Tower A, Wuhan Guanggu Times Square, No. 111 Guanshan Avenue Hongshan District, Wuhan; and Suite 905, Kairu Junlin Business Building, Intersection of Kaixuan W Rd and Shachang S Rd, Xigong District, Luoyang; and Suite 2306, Tower A, Yinuo Business Center, Intersection of West 2nd Ring Rd and Hehuan Road, Shushan District, Hefei; and Suite 404, Building W2, West District, Airport Business Park, Tianjin Airport Economic Zone; and Suites 1102-1103, Tower B2, No. 13 Ludu Avenue, Greenland Window Business Plaza, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing; and Suite 10009, Times Building, No. 55 Qingjiang Rd, Weibin District, Baoji, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Furuida Heilongjiang Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Room 803-773, Floor 8, Building 10, Harbin Songbei Technology Chuangxin Industrial Zone, 3043 Zhigu 2nd Street, Songbei District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 15000, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Fushun Jinly Petrochemical Carbon Co., Ltd.,

Room 2104, Jinhui Plaza, No. 16 Dongsi Road, Xinfu District, Fushun, Liaoning, China; and 113015 East of No. 2 Petroleum Factory, Dongzhou District, Fushun, Liaoning, China, 113004.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 24565, 5/1/14.
Fuyuan Huang, No. 2A Zhonghuan South Road, Wangjing, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100102; and Room 302 Office, Bldg 11, No. 4, Anningzhuang Rd, Beijing, China, 100085. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 44849, 7/28/15.
FY International Trading Company, a.k.a., the following one alias:

Cac Kitt Building, Room 21B7, Shenzhen Guangdong China; and No. 48 Street, Office No. 6, 12th Floor, Wealth Commercial Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 707 to 713 Nathan Road, Flat Room B, 26th Floor, Silvercorp International Tower, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 426 Shanghai Street, Flat 2002C, 20F, Multifield Commercial Centre, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and No. 16 Shing Yip Street, Workshop 603F, Block A, East Sun Industrial Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Flat F 10 Floor Hung Cheong Industrial Centre Phase I 12Tsing Yeung, Tuen Mun, N.T. Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 744.8(b), 744.11, 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Gala Wang, Room 2506, Hengchang Building, No. 288, Hing Si Road, Jinan City, Shandong, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16.
Galaxy Electronics, Unit 3-4 on 5/F, 26-28 Au Pui Wan Street, Futian Industrial Centre, Fo Tan Shatin, Hong Kong; and Block A2 G/F Hoi Bun Industrial 6 Wing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, 07000, Hong Kong; and Flat13 8/F Yale Industrial Center 61-63 Au Pui Wan Street Fotan, Hong Kong; and Hong Cao Road Rm 314 Block 4 #30, Shanghai, 200233, China; and Workshop S&T on 5/F Blk 1 Kin Ho Industrial Building Shatin NT, Hong Kong; and Kin Ho Industrial Building Nos 14-24 Shatin, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Gaobeidian Kaituo Precise Instrument Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Baoding Kaituo Precision Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd.;
—Kaituo Precise; and
—Kaituo Precise Instrument.

Industrial CT Machine Industrial Zone, Youyi East Road, Baigou Town, Gaobeidian City, Hebei, China; and West of Xingsheng Avenue, Baigou Town, Baoding, Hebei, 074004 China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See § 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Gaohui HK Electronics, Room 1608, B Building, Jiahe Tower, No. 3006 Shennan Middle Road, Shenzhen, China 518031; and Rm. 311, 3/F, Genplas Industrial Building, 56 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Flat/Room 33 8/F, Sino Industrial Place 9 Kai Cheung Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
General Technology Limited, Level 13, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) of this part 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
GEOVIS Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Zhongke Xingtu Co., Ltd.; and
—Zhongke Star Chart Co., Ltd.

1A-4 Xingtu Building, National Geographic Information Technology Industrial Park, No. 2 Airport East Road, Airport Economic Core Area, Shunyi District, Beijing, China.; and No. 2, Jichang E. Road, Linkong Jingji Hexin District, Shunyi District Beijing, Beijing, 101399, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Giant Base Asia Limited, Room 2205, 22/F, Kowloon Building, 555 Nathan Road, Hong Kong; and Flat E, Block 1, 12/F, Superluck Industrial Centre, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 18808, 03/28/13.
80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Giovan Ltd., Suite 1505-6, Albion Plaza, 2-6 Granville Road, TsimShatSui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (See alternate address under India). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 61601, 9/7/16.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Glite Electronic Technology Co., Limited, Xiangmihu Road, Building 1, Room 1002, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Fuhong Road, World Trade Plaza, Building A, Room 1106, Funan Community, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Global Broker Solutions Limited, 11 Shing Yip Street, Wah Shing Center, 9th Floor, Unit 9, Kwun Tong, 518002, Hong Kong; and 54-56 Jervois Street, Lower Ground Floor, Room B, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Global Training Solutions Limited, 8 Ng Fong Street, 11/F Lee Ka Industrial Building, Room 32, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 55035, 7/3/24.
Grants Promotion Service Limited, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Catalano Limited;
—Zhenao Co. Ltd.; and

430-436 Nathan Road, Nathan Commercial Building, 8th Floor, Room A, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Grun Group Co., Limited, Room 04, 16th Floor, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen St, Mong Kok, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Guangdong Munpower Electronic Commerce Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Guangzhou Munpower Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.

38 Renzhen Xixing Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China; and 82 Langbao West Road, 6th Floor, Rooms 605-610, Chancheng District, Foshan, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Guangdong Qinzhi Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Qinzhi Technology;
—Qinzhi Tech;
—Qinzhi Institute; and
—GD Qinzhi.

2nd Floor, Block C, Building 20, Hengqin Creative Valley, Hangqin New District, Guangdong Province Zhuhai City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Guangxin Shipbuilding and Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Comprehensive Office, No. 32 Cuizhu Road, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China 528437. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Guangzhou Biren Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., Room 1061, Room 406, No. 1 Yichuang Street, Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Guangzhou Guangyou Communications Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Guangzhou Guangyou Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 13 Yiyuan Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Guangzhou Haige Communication Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Haige Communications;
—Guangzhou Radio Factory; and
—State-owned 750 Factory.

No. 88 Nan Yun Er Road, Guangzhou, China; and No. 88 Haiyun Rd, Guangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Guangzhou Hongyu Technology Co., Ltd. (a subordinate institute of CETC-7),

Building 1, No. 381, Xingang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Guangzhou Huada Jiutian Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Guangzhou Huada; and
—Guangzhou Empyrean.

Room 1006, Building A, No. 18 Keke Avenue, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Guangzhou Skyverse Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Guangzhou Nanolighting Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 406-502, No. 1 Yichuang Street, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Guangzhou Taicheng Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd., Dongdao Village, Dongyong Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Guangzhou Tian-Hai-Xiang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Guangzhou Tianhaixiang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—THX Aviation.

1st Floor, Building 6, No. 4, Erheng Road, Second District, Jiangnan Industrial Zone, Nancun Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 9390, 2/14/23.
Guangzhou Tongguang Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (a subordinate institute of CETC-7),

No. 381, Xingang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Gui'an New District Huawei Investment Co., Ltd., Guiyang, Guizhou, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Guilin Alpha Rubber & Plastics Technology Company Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Alpha Rubber.

90# Villa, Yingtelai Garden, Seven Star District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province, China; and Industry Chuangye Yuan, Kongming West Road, Seven Star District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province, China; and Run Yuan A6-2 HuiXian Road Seven Star District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province, China; and Venture Industrial Park, Kongming West Road, Qixing District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province, China; and Seven Star Road No. 71 Seven Star District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Guilin Changhai Development Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Changhai Machinery Factory; and
—State-owned 722 Factory.

No. 3 Changhai Road, Guilin, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Guowei Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Guowei Group;
—SMIT Group; and
—SMIT Shenzhen.

Room 22A, Guoshi Building, No. 1801 Shahe West Road, High-tech Zone Community, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hami Municipality Public Security Bureau, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Kumul Municipality Public Security Bureau, and
—Qumul Municipality Public Security Bureau.

Huancheng Rd., Hami District, Hami City, XUAR, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Hang Tat Electronics Enterprises Co., Room 2608, Technology Plaza 29-35 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 63186, 10/12/11.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Hangzhou Biren Technology Development Co., Ltd., Building A, Room 3029, 3rd Floor, No. 482 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Hangzhou Fuyang Koto Machinery Company Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Koto Machinery; and
—Hangzhou Fuyang Ketuo Machinery.

No. 3 Hengliangting, Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province, China; and No.1007, Huifeng Building, No. 3 Hengliangting Road, Fuchunjiang Street, Fuyang City, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China; and Room 1205, No. 19, Jinping Road, Fuchun Street, Fuyang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Hangzhou Hikmicro Sensing Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

Building A1, No. 299, Qiushi Road, Tonglu Economic Development Zone, Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province; and No. 209 Gold Road, Fuyang District Hangzhou, Zhejiang; and Fuyang Branch—1st Floor, Building 4, No. 209, Golf Road, Dongzhou St., Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China; and 23rd Floor, Block A, Yingke Plaza, No. 217 Gaoxin Street, Gaoxin District, Urumqi, China; and 700 Dongliu Road, Binjiang District, Hanzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Hangzhou Hualan Microelectronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Hangzhou Hualan Microelectronique Co., Ltd.;
—Hualan Micro;
—Sage Microelectronics Corporation;
—Sage Micro; and
—Hangzhou Huasheng Microelectronics.

22nd Floor, Building 1, Huarui Center, No. 66 Jianshe 1st Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, China; and 6th Floor, North Block, Yinhe Fengyun Building, Gaoxin North Sixth Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 510A, Ninggu Building, No. 7940 Humin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China; and Microelectronics Research Center, Hangzhou Dianzi University (7th Floor, Science and Technology Museum, Xiasha Campus), China; and Room 1202, Unit 4, Building 2, No. 9, Fenghao East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 2106 Tower F, Everbright Convention Center, Shanghai, China; and Room 1204, Building A, Skyworth Building, Shenzhen, China. (See alternate address under Taiwan)
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Hangzhou Huawei Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Hangzhou Zhipu Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd., Room 551, No. 857, 859, Shixin North Road, Yingfeng Street, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Hangzhou Zhongke Microelectronics Co., Ltd., 10th Floor, Chuangxin Building, No. 3850 Jiangnan Ave., High-Tech Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Hansen Technologies Limited, Unit 501, 5/F, Global Gateway, 168 Yeung HK Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong; and 9/F, Henan Building, 19 Luard Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Harbin Chuangyue Technology Co. Ltd., Room 10l, Building 221, No. 8 Campus Street, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China; and Room 0103, 40 Nursery Street, Nangang District. Harbin, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Harbin Engineering University, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Harbin Engineering University, Rugao Research Institute and
—Harbin Engineering University, Yantai Research Institute.

No. 145 South Tongda Street, Harbin, Hellongjiang Province, China 150001.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34501, 6/5/20. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Harbin Institute of Technology, a.k.a., the following nine aliases:
—Harbin Engineering University, Anshan Industrial & Technology Research Institute;
—Harbin Engineering University, Chongqing Research Institute;
—Harbin Engineering University, Huizhou Institute of International Innovation;
—Harbin Engineering University, Shenzhen Research Institute;
—Harbin Engineering University, Weihai Institute of Industrial Technology;
—Harbin Engineering University, Wuhu Robot Industry & Technology Research Institute;
—Harbin Engineering University, Wuxi Institute of New Materials;
—Harbin Engineering University, Yibi Industrial Technology Research Institute; and
—Harbin Engineering University, Yixing Environmental Protection Research Institute.

No. 92 Xidazhi Street, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China; and No. 92 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China; and No. 2 West Wenhua Road, Weihai, Shandong, China; and Pingshan 1st Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and 10th Floor, Block A, Keji South 10 Road, High-tech Zone, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and No. 17 Shenzhou Road, Office Building of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of National Industrial Robot, Jiujiang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wuhu City, China; and No. 2 West Wenhua Road, Weihai City, China; and 501 Lvyuan Road, Environmental Science and Technology Industrial Park, Yixing City, China; and Bei Hui Road, Industrial Transformation Cluster Area, Huishan, Wuxi, China; and Room 302, No. 9 Gangyuan Avenue, Lingang Economic Development Zone, Yibin City, China; and No. 618 Liangjiang Dadao, Longxing Town, Yubei District, Chongqing, China; and Management Committee of Huizhou Tonghu Ecological Wisdom Zone, No. 333 Xinhua Avenue, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China; and No. 196 Qianshan Zhong Lu, Anshan City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20. 87 FR 62202, 10/13/22. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Harbin Yun Li Da Technology and Development Co., Ltd., Building 7, No. 92 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China; and Room 1, Building 2, No. 509 Pioneer Road, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China; and Room 1, Building 2, No. 509 Xianfeng Road, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Hebei Far East Communication System Engineering, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hebei Far East Comm.; and

21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 589 West Zhongshan Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 37427, 8/1/18.
Hefei Core Storage Electronic Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—HF CoreStorage;
—CoreStorage; and
—Hefei Zhaoxin.

13th Floor, Building F3, Phase II, Innovation Industrial Park, High-tech Zone, Anhui Province, Hefei City, China; and 6th Floor and 12th-13th Floor, Building F3, Phase II, Innovation Industrial Park, No. 2800, Chuangxin Avenue, High-tech Zone, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Hefei Kaishitong Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hefei Kingstone Semiconductor.

Room 102-3, R&D Building, Xinqiao Integrated Circuit Technology Park, No. 1 Shuofang Road, Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hefei Meiling Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited.

Main Factory Building No. 2 East of Lianhua Road, South of Tangkou Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Province.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—National Research Center for Microscale; and
—Microscale National Research Center.

No. 96, Jinzhai Road, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026 China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Hefei National Laboratory for Quantum Information Science, a.k.a., the following one alias:

5099 Wang Jiang West Road, Shushan District, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Hefei Naura Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hefei Naura; and
—Hefei Naura Microelectronics.

2nd Floor, Building A, Electronic Factory, West of Tianzhushan Avenue and South of Shuofang Road, Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hefei Starwave Communication Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Starwave Comm Tech Corp;
—Star Wave Communication; and
—Hefei Xingbo Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 11, Mechanical and Electrical Industrial Park, No. 767, Yulan Avenue, Hefei, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Hefei Zhihui Semiconductor Application Technology Co., Ltd., Electronic Factory Building A, West of Tianzhushan Avenue and South of Shuofang Road, Hefei Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hefei, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hefei Zhiwei Microelectronics Co., Ltd., 2nd Floor, Building B, Hefei Zhiwei Semiconductor Co., Ltd., No. 3699 Dayu Road, Xinzhan District, Hefei, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hefei Zhiwei Semiconductor Co., Ltd., No. 3699 Dayu Road, Xinzhan District, Hefei, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hetian Haolin Hair Accessories Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hotan Haolin Hair Accessories; and
—Hollin Hair Accessories.

No. 4 Yulongwan Road, Beijing Industrial Park, Luopu County, Hotan District, Xinjiang; and No. 4 Yulong Bay Road, Beijing Industrial Park, Lopu County, Hetian, Xinjiang, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Hetian Prefecture Public Security Bureau, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hotan Prefecture Public Security Bureau.

92 Beijing W Rd., Heitan City, Hetian Prefecture, XUAR 848000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Hetian Taida Apparel Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hetian TEDA Garment.

No. 2 Jingdong Road, Hetian City, Hetian District, Xinjiang and Standardized Factory of Adelaide Industrial Park, Hetian Industrial Park, Hetian City, Hetian City, Xinjiang; and Standardized Plant of Edates, Beijing, Hetian Industrial Park, Hetian City, Hetian Area, Xinjiang, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Hexin Xingtong Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Unicorecomm, and
—Hexinxingtong Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

3rd Floor, Beidouxingtong Building, No. 7 Fengxian East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 3F Building 8, No. 912 Bi Bo Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Highlander (Hong Kong) Maritime Navigation Science and Technology LLC, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Highlandson (Hong Kong) Navigation Technology Co. Ltd.

48 Des Voeux Rd. Central, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Higon, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Higon Information Technology;
—Haiguang Xinxi Jishu Youxian Gongsi;
—Tianjing Haiguang Advanced Technology Investment; and
—Tianjing Haiguang Xianjin Jishu Touzi Youxian Gongsi.

Industrial Incubation-3-8, North 2-204, 18 Haitai West Road, Huayuan Industrial Zone, Tianjin, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 84 FR 29373, 6/24/19.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
HiSilicon Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd (HiSilicon), Bantian Longgang District, Shenzhen, 518129, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
HiSilicon Tech (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29852, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
HMN International Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Huahai Communication International Co., Ltd.

Room 08, 43/F., Far East Finance Centre, No. 16 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Hong Chun Tai, Unit 27B, Block 8, Monte Vista, 9 Sha On Street, Ma On Shan New Territories, Hong Kong; and Unit 7A, Nathan Commercial Building, 430-436 Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room D, Block 1, 6/F International Industrial Centre, 2-8 Kwei Tei Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong; and Unit 9B, Nathan Commercial Building, 430-436 Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 1701, 1/13/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Hong Kong Cheung Wah Electronics Technology Company Limited, Flat D, 14/F., On Fook Ind. Bldg. 41-45 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong; and Room 2307, Dynamic World Bldg., Zhenzhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Hong Kong Fung Tak Enterprise, FLAT/RM A 30, 9/F Silvercorp International Tower, 707-713, Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Hong Kong Haiheng Electronics Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Heiheng Electronics; and
—HK Haiheng Electronics.

Room 04, 16/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 11C05, 11/F, Maoye Department Store Building, Wenxin 2nd Road, Haizhu Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Hong Kong Qisu Electronic Technology Co. Ltd., Room 12G, Block A, Guangbo Modern Window Building, 1058 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China; and Room 705, 7th Floor, Aa Yuen Commercial Building, 75-77 Fa Yuen St., Mong Kok, Hong Kong; and Room 2321, Block A, Guangbo Modern Window Building, 1058 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Hong Kong Yayang Trading Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Hong Kong Yayang Trading Limited;
—Hongkong Yayang Trading; and

Room 04, 16/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen St., Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Hongkong Inkson Technology Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Inkson Limited; and
—Inkson Ltd.

Rm 2309, 23/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen St., Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 2914C, 29/F Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen St., Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 1219, Dingcheng Building, Zhonghang Road, Huaqiangbei Subdistrict, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Hongtai Electric Ltd., Room Number 2002, 20th Floor, Building B, Jinsha Winera Plaza, Number 1, Shujin Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610091, China; and RMB 14/F Wah Hen Comm Center, 383 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Hoshine Silicon Industry (Shanshan) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hesheng Silicon Industry (Shanshan) Co., Ltd. Xinjiang East: West of Kekeya Road, Stone Industrial Park, Shanshan County, Turpan City, Xinjiang (Hesheng Industrial Park), China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 33120, 6/24/21.
HSJ Electronics, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—HSJ Electronic Hong Kong Limited; and
—Shenzhen HSJ Electronics Co. Ltd.

Room 803, Chevalier House 45-51, Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong; and 10/F Kras Asia Industrial Building 79 Hung to Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 19/F Pat Tat Industrial Building, 1 Pat Tat Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 6905, SEG Plaza, Futian, Shenzhen, China; and Room 831, Nanguang Building, Shennan Middle Road, Futian, Shenzhen, China; and 3f, N, 2 East Technology Park Tongsheng Industrial Park Dalang Town Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Hua Ying Management Co. Limited, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 85 FR 83769, 12/23/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huafeng Test & Control Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., 1201 Chuanbo Road, Zhongxin Ecological City, Binhai, Tianjin, 300480, China; and 1201 Chuanbo Road, Sino-Singapore Eco-city, Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Huawei Cloud Beijing, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Computing Technology, Huawei Cloud Data Center, Xinggong Road, Qianzhong Avenue, Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province, China; and Huawei Cloud Data Center, Jiaotianfu Road, Jinma Avenue, Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Dalian, Dalian, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Guangzhou, Guangzhou, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Guiyang, Guiyang, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Hong Kong, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20. 86 FR 12531, 3/4/21. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Shanghai, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Cloud Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Device Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Huawei Device; and
—Songshan Lake Southern Factory.

Dongguan, Guangdong, China and No. 2 Xincheng Avenue, Songshan Lake Road, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China; and Songshan Lake Base, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Device (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Dongguan, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Device (Hong Kong) Co., Limited, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 85 FR 83769, 12/23/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Device (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China and Building 2, Zone B, Huawei Base, Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei International Co., Limited, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 85 FR 83769, 12/23/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Machine Co., Ltd., Dongguan, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei OpenLab Suzhou, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Huawei Suzhou OpenLab, Suzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Software Technologies Co., Ltd., Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Tech. Investment Co., Limited, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 85 FR 83769, 12/23/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Technical Service Co., Ltd., China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Huawei Technologies; and
—Huawei Technology, and to include the following addresses and the following 22 affiliated entities:

Addresses for Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.: Bantian Huawei Base, Longgang District, Shenzhen, 518129, China; and No. 1899 Xi Yuan Road, High-Tech West District, Chengdu, 611731; and C1, Wuhan Future City, No. 999 Gaoxin Ave., Wuhan, Hebei Province; and Banxuegang Industrial Park, Buji Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518129, China; and R&D Center, No. 2222, Golden Bridge Road, Pu Dong District, Shanghai, China; and Zone G, Huawei Base, Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China; and Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 8182, 2/14/22. 87 FR 21012, 4/11/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Affiliated entities:
Beijing Huawei Longshine Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Huawei Longshine, to include the following subordinate. Q80-3-25R, 3rd Floor, No. 3, Shangdi Information Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
Hangzhou New Longshine Information Technology Co., Ltd., Room 605, No. 21, Xinba, Xiachang District, Hangzhou, China.
Hangzhou Huawei Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Building 1, No. 410, Jianghong Road, Changhe Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
Hangzhou Huawei Enterprises, No. 410 Jianghong Road, Building 1, Hangzhou, China.
Huawei Digital Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., No. 328 XINHU STREET, Building A3, Suzhou (Huawei R&D Center, Building A3, Creative Industrial Park, No. 328, Xinghu Street, Suzhou), Suzhou, Jiangsu, China.
Huawei Marine Networks Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Huawei Marine;
HMN Technologies;
Huahai Zhihui Technology Co., Ltd.; and
HMN Tech.
Building R4, No. 2 City Avenue, Songshan Lake Science & Tech Industry Park, Dongguan, 523808, and No. 62, Second Ave., 5/F-6/F, TEDA, MSD-B2 Area, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, Tianjin, 300457, China.
Huawei Mobile Technology Ltd., Huawei Base, Building 2, District B, Shenzhen, China.
Huawei Tech. Investment Co., U1 Building, No. 1899 Xiyuan Avenue, West Gaoxin District, Chengdu City, 611731, China.
Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. Chengdu Research Institute, No. 1899, Xiyuan Ave., Hi-Tech Western District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610041, China.
Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Research Institute, No. 410, Jianghong Rd., Building 4, Changhe St., Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310007, China.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Beijing Research Institute, No. 3, Xinxi Rd., Huawei Building, ShangDi Information Industrial Base, Haidian District, Beijing, 100095, China; and No. 18, Muhe Rd., Building 1-4, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Material Characterization Lab, Huawei Base, Bantian, Shenzhen 518129, China.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Xi'an Research Institute, National Development Bank Building (Zhicheng Building), No. 2, Gaoxin 1st Road, Xi'an High-tech Zone, Xi'an, China.
Huawei Terminal (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Huawei Base, B1, Shenzhen, China.
Nanchang Huawei Communication Technology, No. 188 Huoju Street, F10-11, Nanchang, China.
Ningbo Huawei Computer & Net Co., Ltd., No. 48 Daliang Street, Ningbo, China.
Shanghai Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., R&D center, No. 2222, Golden Bridge Road, Pu Dong District, Shanghai, 286305 Shanghai, China, China.
Shenzhen Huawei Anjiexin Electricity Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shenzhen Huawei Agisson Electric Co., Ltd.
Building 2, Area B, Putian Huawei Base, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China; and Huawei Base, Building 2, District B, Shenzhen, China.
Shenzhen Huawei New Technology Co., Ltd., Huawei Production Center, Gangtou Village, Buji Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China.
Shenzhen Huawei Technology Service, Huawei Base, Building 2, District B, Shenzhen, China.
Shenzhen Huawei Technologies Software, Huawei Base, Building 2, District B, Shenzhen, China.
Zhejiang Huawei Communications Technology Co., Ltd., No. 360 Jiangshu Road, Building 5, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
Huawei Technologies Service Co., Ltd., Langfang, Hebei, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huawei Training (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Dongguan, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huayi Internet Information Service Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huayuanshitong Technology Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Huayuanshitong Technology Limited; and
—HK Huayuanshitong Technology Limited.

Middle Shennan Road Block B, Jiahe Huaquiang Building, Room 1309, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Zhenhua Road, Gaokede Electronics Market, Room 62826, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and 1002 Seg Plaza, 32nd Floor, Room 3203, Huaqiao, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Hubei Guangxing Communications Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—State-owned 711 Factory.

No. 287 Jiangjin West Road, Jingzhou City, Hubei, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Hui Tong Business Ltd., Huawei Base, Electrical Research Center, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Huisui Zhang, Room 204, Building 25, FuRen Ming Yuan, ShengGu Bei Li, ChaoYang District, Beijing, China 100029. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Hunan Goke Microelectronics, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hunan Guoke Microelectronics; and

No. 9, South Section of Dongshi Road, Quantang Street, Changsha Economic and, Technological Development Zone, China; and, Room 812, 8th Floor, No. 1, No. 26 Jiannei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, and, 1305-1308, Building 1, Xunmei Technology Plaza, No. 8, Keyuan Road, Shenzhen, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
HWA Create, 5/F, Xinshidai Building/New Era Mansion, 7 Huayuan Rd., Beijing, China; and No. B3 Huayuan Rd., Beijing, China, and Unit 1001-1002, 10F, Chinachem Building, 34-37 Connaught Rd., Hong Kong; and Unit A 5th Floor, Cheong Commercial Building, 19-25 Jervois St, Hong Kong; and Unit B, 6/F, Dah Sing Life Building, 99—1-5 Des Voeux Rd, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 36202, 6/26/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Hwa Tsing (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Huahai Qingke (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Beijing Huahai Qingke; and
—Beijing Hwa Tsing.

Room 1107, Floor 11, Building 40, No. 1 Courtyard, Disheng North Street, Beijing, China and Room 505, Floor 5, Building 40, 1st Courtyard, Disheng North Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hwa Tsing (Guangzhou) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following three aliases:
—Huahai Qingke (Guangzhou) Semiconductor Co., Ltd.;
—Guangzhou Huahai Qingke; and
—Guangzhou Hwa Tsing.

Room 508, Building A, No. 136 Kaiyuan Avenue, Guangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hwa Tsing (Shanghai) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Huahai Qingke (Shanghai) Semiconductor Co., Ltd.;
—Shanghai Huahai Qingke; and
—Shanghai Hwa Tsing.

2nd Floor, 979 Yunhan Road, Lingang Innovation Zone, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hwa Tsing Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Huahai Qingke Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Huahai Qingke; and
—Hwa Tsing.

No. 11, Juxing Road, Xianshuigu Town, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China; and Building 8, Haihe Creative Center, No. 9 Juxing Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China; and Electronics Factory R&D Building, west of Zhushan Avenue and south of Shuofang Road, Hefei, China; and Room 362, Floor 18, Building B4, Wuhan Future Science and Technology City Overseas Talents Area, 999 Gaoxin Avenue, Wuhan, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Hyper Systems Union Limited, Unit A1 7/F Cheuk Nang Plaza, 250 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; and Rm. 905 Workingberg Commercial Bldg. 41-47 Marble Road Wan Chai, Hong Kong; and Flat D, 14/F., On Fook Ind. Bldg. 41-45 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Hytera Communications Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hytera Communications Ltd.

Room 8, 11/F, Wang Fai Industrial Building, 29 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 13, 9/F, Thriving Industrial Building, No.26-38 Sha Tsui Road, Tseun Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong; and Room 32, 11/F, Lee Ka Industrial Building, 8 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
ICsole Technology Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:

10th Floor, Metropolitan Heights at Century Place, Du Hui Xuan Building, 3018 Shennan Middle Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518039, China; and 8th Floor, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 20, 7/F, Unit B3, Tuen Mun Industrial Centre, No.2 San Ping Circuit, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
ICSOSO Electronics Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following eight aliases:
—IC Soso Electronics Co. Ltd.;
—Shenzhen Vic-zone Electronic Co Ltd;
—Shenzhen Wangnianhua Electronics Co., Ltd;
—Vic-Zone Co., Limited;
—Viczone Electronics Company Ltd.;
—Viczone Technology Company Limited;
—Vizo Group Limited (Hong Kong); and
—Weizhuo Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong).

Unit 614, 6/F, Block A, Po Lung Center, 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Rm. 311, 3/F, Genplas Industrial Building, 56 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 26-38 Kwai Cheong Rd, Room 06 Block A 23/F, Hoover Industrial Building, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong; and Room 2405 Dynamic World Building, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 2405 Dengcheng International, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Zhong Road 30, Ping DiFu Ping, LongGang District, Shenzhen, China; and R1810 B Building Jiahe Tower No. 3006, Shennan Mid Rd, Shenzhen, China; and Unit C,D, 10/F, Shenmao Building, News Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
IFLYTEK, National Intelligent Speech High-tech Industrialization Base, No. 666, Wangjiang Road West, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
IMAXChip, No. 59 King Yip Street, King Yip Factory Building, 5th Floor, Unit D5, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Shennan Middle Road, International Culture Building, Room 2508B, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Kwun Tong Industrial Center Phase 3, 3rd Floor, Unit L, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Nos. 436-446 Kwun Tong Road, 13th Floor, Unit A15, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Shennan Road, Phoenix Building 2, Room 18E, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518000, China; and Lianqiu Building, No. 735 Renmin West Road, Wucheng District, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China; and Shenfang Building B3109, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Incomp Limited, Caifugang Building Block D Room1001b, Baoyuan Road, Xixiang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and One Capital P, Unit D, 16/F, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Infinity Wise Technology Limited, 7/F One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 1213 Chui King House, Choi Hung Estate, Kowloon, Hong Kong (See alternate addresses under Taiwan). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 40178, 6/21/16.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Info Rank Technologies, Flat/Rm 1021, 10/F Ocean Centre, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, TST Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Co., Ltd. a.k.a. the following three aliases:
—China North Industries Group Corporation Limited (NORINCO) 617 Factory;
—Inner Mongolia One Machine.

North Minzhu Road, Qingshan District, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 014032 China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Insight Electronics, No. 195 Keji Road, Room 12A06, Block A, Century Yi Yuan, Yanta District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; and Nos. 351 & 353 King's Road, Bank Tower, 3rd Floor, Flat 3B, North Point, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Inspur Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Inspur Group; and

No. 1036 Langchao Road, Jinan City, Shandong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR )4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Integrated Scientific Microwave Technology, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—ISM Tech.

Rm. 1014 Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street Kwai Chung Hong Kong (see alternate address under Malaysia).
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Intellifusion, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Yuntian Lifei Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Yuntian Lifei.

1st Floor, Building 17, Shenzhen Dayun Software Town, 8288 Longgang Avenue, Yuanshan District, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
IS'Vision, a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Chengdu Yinchen Netcom Technology Co., Ltd;
—Isvision Tech;
—Isvision Technologies Co., Ltd.;
—Shanghai Is'vision Co.;
—Shanghai Isvision Technologies Co., Ltd.; and
—Yinchen Technology.

Building 3, No. 498, Guoshoujing Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China; and 4F, No. 9 Building of Pudong Software Park, 498 GuoShoujing Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
JAC Capital, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Beijing Jianguang Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Floor 8, Beijing International Club Office Tower A, No. 21 Jian Wai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China and Room 9-46, Building 6, Ronghui Garden, Linkong Economic Core Zone, Shunyi District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Jadeshine, R1102 B Tainyuangang Center, Dong San Bei Lu Bing 2, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 18811, 3/28/13.
Jadeshine Engineering (HK) Co., Room 702, Boss Commercial Centre, Ferry Street 38, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and G/F BLK C 255 Sai Tau Wai DD 123 Lot 1307 Yuen Long, NT, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 18808, 03/28/13. 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Jadeshine Engineering HK Co., Shanghai, China; and Langfang, China; and G/F Blk C, 255 Tau Wai, DD 123 Lot, Yuen Long, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 18811, 03/28/13.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Jalal Rohollahnejad, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Jalal Nejad; and
—Jia Yuntao.

1329, Unit 2, Building 1, Xin Shangdu, Block B, Optics Valley World City Plaza, Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China 430000.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 14796, 3/16/20.
Jason Shuai, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Jason Shine.

Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 18811, 3/28/13.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
JCN (HK) Technology Co., Ltd., Room 8D Block A, Guanghao International Center, Meilong Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Unit 1516 Block B, Guanghao International Center, Meilong Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Rm. 502, Arion Centre, 2-12 Queen's Rd West, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Ji Hua Laboratory, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology;
—Guangdong Provincial Lab of Chemicals and Fine Chemicals;
—Ji Hua Lab; and
—Yan Chang Ji Hua Lab.

No. 28, Huan Dao Nan Road, Guangdong Province, Foshan, 528000, China; and No.28 Huandao South Road, Guicheng Street, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China; and No. 27/28 Island Ring South Road, Guicheng St., Nanhai Dist., Foshan, Guangdong, China; and No. 1 Xueyuan Road, Tuojiang Street, Jinping District, Shantou China; and No. 88 Keling Road, Science and Technology City, Suzhou High Tech, Foshan, China; and 13 Chengye Road, Shunde District, Foshan, China; and The Core Area of Sanlongwan High End Innovation Center, Foshan, China; and 13 Nanping West Road, Foshan, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Jiangsu Hengtong Marine Cable Systems Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Jiangsu Hengtong Ocean Optical Network System Co., Ltd.; and
—Smart Ocean System.

No. 8, Tonga Road, Changshu Economic and Technological Development Zone, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Jiangsu Hengtong Optic-Electric Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Jiangsu Hengtong Photoelectric Co., Ltd.;
—Hengtong Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.; and

88 Hengtong Avenue, Qidu Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province; and No. 2288, Zhongshan North Road, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Jiangsu Hengxiang Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Jiangsu Southern Airlines Hengxiang Co., Ltd.

Ground Floor, Building 67, No. 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing, Jiangsu.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Jiangsu Leidian Technology Company (JLTC), 88 Luyuan Road, Yixing Environmental Sciences Park, Jiangsu Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Jiangsu Nata Optoelectronic Material Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Nata Optoelectronic;
—Nata Chem;
—Nanda Chem;
—Nanda; and
—Nanda Optoelectronic.

No. 67, Pingsheng Road, Shengpu, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Jiangsu Qiwei Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., No. 2015, Linyang Road, Qidong Economic Development Zone, Qidong, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Jiangsu Suanxin Technology Co., Ltd., Room 1501, Building 1, No. 8 Zhujiawan Street, Gusu District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Jiangsu Tianyuan Metal Powder Co. Ltd., No. 50, Jummin East Road, Yunhe, Lvcheng Town, Danyang City, Jiangsu Province, China 212352; and Canal military and civilians in Lucheng Town, Danyang City, Jiangsu Province 50 East Road, China, 212352; and No. 1, Airport East Road, Lucheng Town Danyang City, China; and Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Zhenjiang, Danyang Lu Town Canal Army East, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 8182, 2/14/22.
Jiangsu Zhichun System Integration Co., Ltd., No. 500, Linyang Road, Qidong Economic Development Zone, Qidong, Jiangsu Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Jiangxi Xintuo Enterprise Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

Room 2103, No. 39 Commercial Building, Greenland New Metropolis, Ziyang, Avenue, High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China; and Rooms 2405, 2406, 2407, 24th Floor, B# Office Building, Yunzhongcheng, No. 3399 Ziyang Avenue, Nanchang High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China; and No. 888 Tianxiang Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 25505, 4/11/24.
Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology, a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 747, Shunhua Road, High-tech Zone, Jinan, Shandong, China; and Room 508-509, Area A, Block B, Qilu Software Park Building, Jinan, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Jinan Tongbaolai Oilfield Equipment Co. Ltd, Room 2506, Hengchang Building, No. 288, Hing Si Road, Jinan City, Shandong, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16.
Jinping Chen, No. 92 Weijin Road, Tianjin, China 300072; and 3rd Floor, Room 316, A2 Building, Tianjin University Science Park, No. 80, 4th Avenue, Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA), Tianjin, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
JLD Technology, Hong Kong Co., Ltd., Room 1237, Pacific Trade Centre, No. 2 Kai Hing Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong; and Room 301-2, Hang Seng Wanchai Building, 3rd Floor, No. 200 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 32441, 6/5/14. 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Joe Shih, Room 9-11, 5/F, Block B, Hoplite Industrial Centre, 3-5 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 7359, 2/19/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Joinus Freight Systems HK Ltd, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—JFS Global Logistics; and
—Joinus Freight Systems Global Logistics Limited.

Unit 07-07, 25F, Tower B, Regent Centre, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong and Units 801-803 and 805, Park Sun Building, No. 97-107 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16. 83 FR 44824, 9/4/18.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Jotrin Electronics Ltd., 3018 Shennan Mid-Road Unit 3901, Shenzhen, 518031, China; and Room G 4th Floor 1st Block Golden Building 152 Fuk Wah Street Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
K Logistics (China) Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—K Logistics Hong Kong.

Unit A, 4/F., China Fen Hin Building, No. 5 Cheung Yue St., Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Kaili Industrial H.K. Limited, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Kaili Industrial (H.K.) Limited;
—Kaili Industrial (HK) Limited;
—Kaili Industrial H.K. Ltd.; and
—Hong Kong Kaili Industrial Co., Ltd.

45-51 Chatham Road South, Room 803, Chevalier House, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial 89 FR 14388, 2/27/24.
Kashgar Prefecture Public Security Bureau, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Kashi Prefecture Public Security Bureau.

Youmulake Xiehai'er Rd., Kashgar (“Kashi”) City, XUAR 844000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Kelamayi Municipality Public Security Bureau, a.k.a, the following two aliases:
—Karamay Municipality Public Security Bureau; and
—Qaramay Municipality Public Security Bureau.

52 Yingbin Rd., Kelamayi City, Kelamayi District, XUAR 834000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Key Laboratory of Information Systems Engineering, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—KLISE; and
—Key Laboratory of Information Systems Engineering.

Science and Technology Building of the National University of Defense Technology.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Kezilesu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Kizilsu Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau.

Guangming Rd., Atushi City, XUAR 845350, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Kindroid, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Jinzhuo Network Technology; and
—Shanghai Jinzhou Technology.

Room 802, Building 5, No. 3000 Longdong Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
King Pai Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—King-Pai Technology (HK) Co., Limited;
—KingPai Technology Int'l Co., Limited;
—KingPai Technology Group Co., Limited; and
—Jinpai Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

No 13 4/F., Flourish Industrial Building, No. 33 Sheung Yee Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 1488E, Block A, Shenfang Building, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 804, Block A, Shenfang Building, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1508, Block A, Shenfang Building, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1509, Block A, Shenfang Building, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1805, Poly Tianyue Center, 332 Gaoxin Guanshan Avenue, East Lake, Wuhan, China; and 908 International Finance Building, No 633, Keji 2nd Street, Songbei District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. (See alternate addresses under Russia and Vietnam).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR .) Policy of Denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22. 87 FR 57082, 9/16/22.
Kingford PCB Electronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Jingfu Circuit Board Co., Ltd.; and
—Shenzhen Xinjingfu Technology Co., Ltd.

Building 6, Longhui Industrial Park, Fuqiao Third Industrial Zone, Fuyong Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Kinglead Electronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Kinglead International Trading;
—Kinglead International Trading Limited;
—Kinglead Trading; and
—Phonide Electronics Limited.

15H Office Building Buji, Central Plaza, Jihua Road, Buji, Longgang, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1041 Pacific Trade Center, No. 2 Kai Hing Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong; and B5-3, 29/F, Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 32445, 6/5/14. 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Kingstone Technology Hong Kong Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Kingstone Hong Kong

Unit 12, 11/F, Metro Centre II, Number 21 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Kitronix Display, Unit B1, G/F, Pioneer Building, 213 Wai Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Kobi International Company, No. 17 Sheung Hei Street, Success Industrial Building, 14th Floor, Room A1, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Kong Fat Electronic Trading Limited, Unit 5, 1/F, Block A, Hoplite Industrial Centre, 3-5 Wang Tai Rd., Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 73 FR 54503, 9/22/08.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Korchina Logistics (HK) Ltd., 1/F Metex House 24-32 Fui Yiukok Street Tsuen Wan New Territories, Hong Kong; and 11014-11016 W 11F ATL Logistics Center B Berth 3 Kwai Chung, Hong Kong; and Room 1008E-1010E 1/FL Centre A ATL Logistics Centre Kwai Chung, Hong Kong; and 63 Wang Ling Street Flat A 1/F Tsuen Was Industrial Tsuen Wang, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
KTK Group, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Jiangsu Jinchuang Group;
—Jiangsu Jinchuang Holding Group; and
—KTK Holding.

No. 88, Jinchuang Road, Yaoguan Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Kuang-Chi Group; a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Shenzhen Guangqi Group.

Software Building, No. 9, Gaoxinzhong Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; Presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Kunhai (Yanjiao) Innovation Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Kunhai Academy for Innovative Research and Data Technologies Co.; and
—Kunhai Innovation Engineering Research Institute.

17th Floor, Block A, Building 5, Zhongguancun National Defense Science and Technology Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Kvantek Limited, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Kvantek Ltd.;
—Kvantek; and
—Kvantek (HK) Limited.

Unit 704, 7th Floor,135 Bonham Strand Trade Center, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Kyland Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Dongtu Technology;
—Beijing Dongtu Technology; and
—Beijing Yibeite Technology.

Floor 9-15, Building 2, Xishanhui, Shixing Street, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China; and
Room 901, 8th Floor, Building 2, No. 30, Shixing Street, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
L-Tong Electronic Technology Company, Room 411, Yue Peng Building, Jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 205, 2/F, Winful Center, 30 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 84462, 10/23/24.
Landa Ariya Electronic Co., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Landa Ariya Electronic Co. Ltd.;
—Landa Electronic; and
—Landa Electronics.

Building B, No. 20J, Huaqiang Plaza, Shenzhen, China; and Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. (See alternate addresses in Iran).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
Laurel Technologies Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Laurel Industrial Co.

Suite 1807-1810, KunTai International Mansion, No. 12 B, Chaowai St., Beijing, 100020, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Leadway Technology Limited, a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Shenzhen United Leadway Technology.

Room 812, Building 511, Bagualing Industrial Zone, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China; and 406 Hongyi Building, Longgang District, Jihua Road, Shenzhen, Bantian, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Leon Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Liang Technology;
—Lion Technology;
—Xinjiang Leon Telecom; and Technology

No. 518 Yanshan Street, Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xinjiang Uyhgur Autonomous Region, China; and No. 13.14.15A, 30th Floor, Unit 4, Building 1, No. 508, East Second Section of the Second Ring Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China; and
No. 2-15, Meijing District, Lishui, Tumushuke City, Xinjiang, China; and Room 614 (6th Floor), Office Building, Nanchang Haowei Shopping Mall, No. 1155, Fusheng Road, Xihu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China; and No. 491-3, Building 1, Yonyou Industrial Park, Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Yazhou District, Sanya City, Hainan Province, China; and Room 111, 1st Floor, Building 8, No. 48, Jiuhuan Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China; and Room 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, No. 122, Huangpu Avenue West, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, China; and No. 17-2-402, Jiaxin Garden, 20 Wenhua Road, Korla City, Bazhou, Xinjiang, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Lett Tronic Group Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Lett Tronic Group Ltd.

Room 603, 6/F, Hang Pont Commercial Building, 31 Tonkin Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 101, 3/F, Investment Bank Building, 1st Fuhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 3A02, 4/F, Investment Bank Building, 1st Fuhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 2405A, Investment Bank Building, 1st Fuhua Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 2401 Dynamic World Building, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Unit 03, 6/F, Hang Pong Commercial Building, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Workshop 60, 3/F, Block A, East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit A1, 2/F, Wing Cheung Industrial Building, 58 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong; and Room 2410, DingCheng Building, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Unit 02, 21/F, Hip Kwan Commercial Building, 38 Pik Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
LHI Technology (H.K.) Company Limited, Units 801-803 and 805, Park Sun Building, No. 97-107 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 44824, 9/4/18. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Liang Ping Huang, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Sana Wong.

Unit A10, 8/F, Block A, Proficient Industrial Centre, No. 6 Wang Kwun Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 11/F, Front Block, Hang Lok Building, 128-130 Wing Lok St., Sheu, Hong Kong; and Rm 2318, Dengcheng Plaza, Zhenzhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and 18th Floor, Building B, Guoli Building, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Liaoyang Carbon Co., Ltd.,

No. 688 Liuan Road, Liuerpu Economic Development Zone, Liaoyang City, Liaoning, China 11212.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 24565, 5/1/14.
Light Cloud (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Room 403, Building 15, No. 1818-2, Wenyi West Road, Yuhang Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Lim Kow Seng, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Alvin Stanley;
—Eric Lim;
—James Wong;
—Mike Knight; and
—Seng Lim Kow.

Flat/Rm 3208 32/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; and Flat/RM 2309, 23/F, Ho King COMM Center, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok KLN, Hong Kong (See alternate addresses under Singapore).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Lim Yong Nam, (a.k.a. Lin Rongnan, Steven Lim and Yong Nam Lim), YuJingHuaCheng Huaqiang South Road Futian, Shenzhen, China 518033; and Room 2613, NanGuangJieJia Building ShenNan Road, FuTian, Shenzhen, China 518033 (See alternate addresses under Singapore) For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
LINKZOL (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Lianzhong Cluster (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 701, Floor 7, Building 6, No. 1 Chaoqian Road, Science and Technology Park, Changping District, Beijing, China; and Floor 6, Building 6, Beijing Enterprises Hongchuang Technology Park, No. 1 Chaoqian Road, Science and Technology Park, Changping District, Beijing (Changping Department), China; and E-1201, Wuhan Living Room, No. 8 Hongtu Avenue, Dongxihu District, Wuhan, Hubei (Wuhan Department), China; and C-2701, Wuhan Living Room, No. 8 Hongtu Avenue, Dongxihu District, Wuhan, Hubei (Wuhan Department), China; and Room 941, Building 1, Yard 62, Balizhuang, Haidian District, Beijing (Haidian Department), China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 25505, 4/11/24.
LL Electronic Limited, 15th Floor, Hillier Comm. Building, 65-67 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Longkui Qu, Gucheng, Linhai, Zhejiang, China 317000; and China Jincheon Tung Cheng Jin Road, Linhai City, Zhejian Province, #431, 317005, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 21236, 5/14/19.
Longtek Company, Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias: Beijing Landuyt Feng Technology Co., Ltd. Room 1105, TianZuo International Center A, No, 12, Zhongguncun South Street, Haidan District, Beijing 100081, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 78 FR 75463, 12/12/13.
Loongson Technology, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Loongson Technology Corporation Limited;
—Loongson Zhongke Technology Co., Ltd;
—Loongson Zhongke; and
—Godson Zhongke.

Room 101, 1st Floor, Building 4, Yard 7, Dijin Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR )4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Luo Dingwen, Room 905 Fubaoxiuyu Business Building A, No. 77 Fuxing Road, Baoding City, Hebei, China; and 35 Baihua West Road, New Urban District, Baoding City, Hebei, China; and Industrial CT Machine Industrial Zone, Youyi East Road, Baigou Town, Gaobeidian City, Hebei, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See § 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Luo Jie, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Ivy Luo; and
—Jie Luo.

Room 1007, Block C2, Galaxy Century Bldg., CaiTian Rd., FuTian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1702, Tower B, Honesty Building, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong, China; and Flat/RM 1510A, 15/F Ho King COMM Ctr, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok KL, Hong Kong; and C/O Win Sino Flat 12, 9/F, PO Hong Centre, 2 Wang Tung Street, Kowloon Bay, KLN, Hong Kong; and Flat/Rm D, 11/F 8 Hart Avenue, 8-10 Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui KL, Hong Kong; and G/F, No. 89, Fuyan Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong; and Flat 12, 9F Po Hong Kong, 2 Wang Tung Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong; and Flat/RM B 8/F, Chong Ming Bldg., 72 Cheung Sha Wan Road, KL, Hong Kong; and Flat/Rm 3208 32/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Luopu Haishi Dingxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Luo Pu District HaiShi Ding Xin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Luopu County Haishi Dingxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

No.8, South Side, National Highway 315, Luopu County Petroleum Company Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, 848201 China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 18985, 3/30/23.
Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Luoyang Institute of Technology.

No. 90, Wangcheng Avenue, Luolong District, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China; and Mudan Blvd., Near Peony Ave, Luoyang, Luolong District, Henan, China 471025; and No. 71 Jiudu W Rd., Jianxi District, Luo Yang Shi, Henan, China, 471000; and No. 8 Xuezi St., Luolong District, 8, Henan, China, 471023.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Ma Yunong, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—George Ma.

B-804 SOHO New Town, 88 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, China; and Room 1002, LT Square, No. 500, Chengdu North Road, Shanghai, 200003, China; and Unit 1906-2, West Tower, Fortune Plaza, No. 114, Tiyu Dong Rd, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510620, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 44824, 9/4/18.
MAK Logistics,

Unit B2, 3/F, 18-24 Kwai Cheong Road., Mai Shun Industrial Building, Kwai Chung, New Territories,
Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Maxtronic International Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Maxtronic Global Limited.

2301 Dynamic World Building, Zhonghang Road, Shenzhen, Futian District, 518031, China; and Room 301 One Fuhu Street, Shenzhen, 518000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Megatek Ltd., Unit B2, 3/F, 18-24 Kwai Cheong Road., Mai Shun Industrial Building, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Megvii Technology,

3rd Floor, Block A, Rongke Information Center, No. 2 South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Floor 3rd Unit A Raycom Infotech Park, No 2 Kexueyuan, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Mei Xin Electronic (HK) Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Mei Xin Electronic HK Co., Limited;
—Meixin Electronics; and

Room 1005(B), 10/F, Ho Kong Commercial Center, 2-16 Fa Yuen St., Mong Kok, Hong Kong; and Room 10B, Block A, Guangbo Modern Window Building, Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Midas Lighting Limited, Room 603, 6/F, 9 Walnut Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 09, 27/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen St., Mong Kok, Hong Kong; and Unit 4, Bright Way Tower, No.33 Mong Kok Rd., Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room A1, 11/F, Winner Building, 36 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit 1402A, 14/F, The Belgian Bank Building, 721-725 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Minhoo Logistics Limited, Workshop 60, 3rd floor, Block A, East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Moore Thread Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., a.k.a, the following two aliases:
—Moore Threads; and
—Mo'er Xianchen.

Room 209, Floor 2, No. 31, Haidian Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Building 14, B655, 4th Floor, Cuiwei Zhongli, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Units 04 and 05, Floor 12, No. 3, Jinke Road, Shanghai, China; and Building B, B2-1405, No. 15 Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Building 6 Floors 1 and 3, Wangjing East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and R&D Center Building, No. R2505, Floors 1-14 and 16-28, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, China; and Building 4, Room 1502, Floor 15, Taiwei Smart Chain Center, Xi'an, China; and Building 1, Room 31816, 3rd Floor, Puyan Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Moore Thread Intelligent Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., Building 2, No. 23-32, 12th Floor, Block E5, Chengdu High-tech Zone, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Chengdu, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Moore Thread Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Units 1-5, 12th Floor, No. 2, Jinke Road, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Most Development Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Most Development; and
—Most Development Ltd.

2-16 Fayuen Street, Office 4, 16/F, Ho King Commercial Center, Hong Kong; and 9 Yin Chong Street, 21F, Room 01, Prosper Commercial Building, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.2l(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 14388, 2/27/24.
Most Technology Limited, Nos. 436-446 Kwun Tong Road, Block 4, 14th Floor, Room A15, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 59 King Yip Street, King Yip Factory Building, 5th Floor, Room D5, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong; and No. 75-77 Garden Street, Garden Commercial Building, 7th Floor, Room 705, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Moyu Haishi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., No. 7, Yinhe North Road, Moyu County Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, 848100 China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 18985, 3/30/23.
MTech Industrial Limited, 1802, No. 26 Building, TianSheng Garden, Longwangshan Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See § 744.2(d) of the EAR 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Multi-Mart Electronics Technology Co, Ltd., 5/F Blk 37A, 3 Qiaogao Road, Nanhai, Guangdong, Foshan, China; and 29J King Palace Plaza, 55 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR .) Presumption of denial 84 FR 21236, 5/14/19.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Nanda Optoelectronic Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Nata Optoelectronic Semiconductor;
—Nata Semiconductor;
—Nanda Semiconductor; and
—Nanda Optoelectronic Semiconductor.

No. 117, Xincheng Avenue, Shitan Industrial Park, Shizi Town, Quanjiao County, Chuzhou, Anhui Province, China; and No. 686-688, Xincheng Avenue, Quanjiao County, Chuzhou, Anhui Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Nanjing Aixi Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following alias:
—Nanjing Aixi IT.

No. 18, Xianlin Avenue, Maqun Street, Qixia District, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Nanjing Asset Management Co., Ltd.,

No. 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing, Jiangsu.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Nanjing colpak Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd., Office No. 1-128, Front Bungalow, 21 Lanqi Street, Qinhuai District, Najing, Jiangsu, 21000, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Nanjing FiberHome Starrysky Communication Development Co., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Nanjing Fenghuo Xingkong Communication Development Co.; and
—Fiberhome StarrySky Co., Ltd.

88 Yunlongshan Road, Jianye District, Nanjing China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
86 FR 12531, 3/4/21.
Nanjing Huada Jiutianke Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Nanjing Huada; and
—Nanjing Empyrean.

Tower A, 8th floor, Chuangzhi Building, No. 17 Xinghuo Rd., Gaoxin District Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, a.k.a., the following one alias:

No 188 Bancang Street, Nanjing, 210042, China; and No 188 Ban Cang Street, Nanjing, 210042, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Nanjing Jiuding Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd., No. 8, West Longzhong Road, Luhe Economic Development Zone, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211500, China. (See alternate address under Pakistan). For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Nanjing LES Cybersecurity and Information Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Nanjing Laisi Netcom Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.;
—Nanjing Laisi Network Information Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.;
—Nanjing LES Network Information Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.;
—Nanjing LES Netcom Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.;
—Laisi Netcom; and
—LES Netcom.

Building 05, Tianan Digital City, No. 36 Yongfeng Avenue, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Nanjing LES Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Nanjing Rice Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd.;
—LES Electronics;
—Rice Electronics;
—LES Electronic; and
—Rice Electronic.

No. 1 Alfalfa Garden East Street, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China; and Jiangsu Province, Building 05, Tianan Cyber City, No. 36 Yongfeng Avenue, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China; and No. 99, Houbiaoying Road, Qinhuai District, Jiangsu Province Nanjing City, China; and No. 8 Yongzhi Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Nanjing LES Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following alias:
—Nanjing Rice Information Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 8 Yongzhi Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China; and Room 1609 Building 101 No. 8 Yongzhi Road, Nanjing, China; and No. 1 Muxu Yuan Str Zhongshanmenwai, Nanjing, China; and E01-369, No. 861-1, Shangshengou Village, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China; and No. 861-1 Shangshengou Village, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, E01-369, China; and No. 3, Daxing Community, No. 533, Lihan West Avenue, Xitianwei Town, Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China; and Room 10617, Tianlang Weilan Internationa. No. 3, Daqing Road, Lianhu District, Xi'an City Shaanxi Province, China; and Room 602, 6th Floor, Building 3, No. 3 Yongfu Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, China; and No. 533 Lihan West Avenue, Xitianwei Town, Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China; and Room 272, Unit 2, Building 1, No. 76-2, Xiaoqiao Street, Chengbei District, Xining City, China; and Room 702-21, Fujian Building, Huaxing Road, Hedong District, Tianjin, China; and No. 2020, 20th Floor, Unit 2, Building 20, No. 466, Wandong Road, Wan'an Town, Tianfu New District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China; and 3017B, 3rd Floor, Building 11, No. 66, Tiantan East Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China; and No. 26, 1st Floor, Commercial Plot, Longxiangyuan Building, Didang Street, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China; and Room A123, Unit C1-2, No. 859, Panxu Road, Gusu District, Suzhou City, China; and No. 1, 7th Floor, Building 3, No. 3, Xingguang 5th Road, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, China; and Room 601, Unit 1, Building 2, Yashiyuan, Guorui City, No. 7 Daying East Road, Meilan District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, China; and No. 1403B, 14th Floor, Block A (Unit 1), Building 1, Oriental Pearl Garden, no. 40-1, Shuangyong Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, China; and Room 510, 5th Floor, Building A, Building 3, Muhua Plaza, Dongzheng Shang Huhua Plaza, Mingli Road, West Lake Xindao Road, Longzihu Wisdom Island, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City, China; and 6F-B606, Qingchuang Space Building, Huai'an Ecological Cultural Tourism Zone, China; and Room 426, 4th Floor, Management Committee of Industrial and Trade Park, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China; and No. 17, 5th Floor, No. 2, Heping Road, Xiangfang District, Harbin, China; and No. 6, 1st Floor, Building 1, Xiangzhangyuan, Wisdom Longcheng, Songshan Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China; and Room 1-102-658, Maker Space Room, No. 3, Pudong Street, Shanghai Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China; and Room 303-31, No. 88, Shangpo Street, Shangpo Village, Chengguan Town, Rongcheng County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China; and 2322-2323, Block A, Building 3, Guogou Plaza (Commercial), Xiangshan District, Huaibei City, Anhui Province, China; and Room 901, 9th Floor, Building 1, Qilin Science and Technology Park, No. 20, Qiyun Road, Changsha High-tech Development Zone, China; and Room 402, No. 669, Fong Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, Shangdong Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Nanjing Simite Optical Instruments Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—SMT Optical Instruments; and
—Nanjing Schmidt Optical Instruments Co., Ltd.

Third Industrial Concentration Zone, Dongping Town, Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Nanjing Synergy Textiles Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Nanjing Xinyi Cotton Textile Printing and Dyeing; and
—Nanjing Xinyi Cotton Textile.

No. 2 Shengan Avenue, Binjiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 44161, 7/22/20.
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Engineering Research Institute;
—Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Qinhuai Innovation Research Institute;
—Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shenzhen Research Institute;
—Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Suzhou Research Institute; and
—Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Wuxi Research Institute.

No. 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and No. 29 Jiangjun Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and No. 29 Binhe East Road, Liyang, Jiangsu, China; and Building 3, Sancai Building, 10 Yongzhi Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, China; and Building 6, 78 Keling Road, Science and Technology City, High-tech Zone, Suzhou, China; and No. 40 Renmin South Road, Luoshe Town, Huishan District, Wuxi, China; and Room 218, Zone A, Building R4, Virtual University Park, No. 19, Gaoxin South Fourth Road, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and No. 69 Feitian Dadao, Jiangning Development Zone, Nanjing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/2020. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Donghai Silicon Material Technology Research Institute;
—Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Lianyungang Research Institute;
—Nanjing University of Science and Technology, North China Institute;
—Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Shuyang Industrial Design and Creative Industry Research Institute; and
—Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Taizhou Research Institute.

No. 200 Xiaolingwei Street, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and No. 89 Wenlan Road, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; and 8 Nujiang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin, China; and No. 2, Chenguang Road, Science and Education Entrepreneurship Park, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China; and 3-4 Floor, Building A, Software Industry Building, Shuyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu, China; and Science and Education Entrepreneurship Park, Jingdu Avenue North, Donghai County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China; and Mechanical Chemical Experimental Building, No. 8, Meilan East Road, Hailing District, Taizhou City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Nanjing Zhihu Information Technology Co., Ltd.,

Room 605, South Building (Block E), Phase II, Dingye Baitai Biological Building, No. 10 Xinghuo Road, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China; and Room 412, Main Building, Zhixin Technology Building, No. 15 Xinghuo Road, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering and Technology, a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 1 Yinbai Road, Binhu District, Wuxi City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR )4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
National Supercomputing Center Changsha (NSCC-CS),

Changsha City, Hunan Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 80 FR 8527, 2/18/15.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
National Supercomputing Center Guangzhou (NSCC-GZ),

Sun Yat-Sen University, University City, Guangzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 80 FR 8527, 2/18/15.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
National Supercomputing Center Jinan, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shandong Computing Center; and

No. 1768, Xinluo Street, High-tech Development Zone, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 18438, 4/9/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
National Supercomputing Center Shenzhen, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—The National Supercomputing Shenzhen Center;
—Shenzhen Cloud Computing Center; and

No. 9 Duxue Road, University Town Community, Taoyuan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 18438, 4/9/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
National Supercomputing Center Tianjin (NSCC-TJ),

7th Street, Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 80 FR 8527, 2/18/15.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
National Supercomputing Center Wuxi, a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 1, Yinbai Road, Binhu District, Wuxi City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 18438, 4/9/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
National Supercomputer Center Zhengzhou, a.k.a., the following one alias:

Southeast of the intersection of Fengyang Street and Changchun Road, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, China; and
1st Floor, Building 18, Zhengzhou University (South Campus), Zhengzhou City, China; and
Room 213, Institute of Drug Research, Zhengzhou University, Changchun Road, High-tech Zone, Zhengzhou City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 18438, 4/9/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Central South CAD Center;
—CSCC; and
—Hunan Guofang Keji University.

Garden Road (Metro West), Changsha City, Kaifu District, Hunan Province, China; and 109 Deya Road, Kaifu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China; and 47 Deya Road, Kaifu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China; and 147 Deya Road, Kaifu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China; and 47 Yanwachi, Kaifu District, Changsha, Hunan, China; and Wonderful Plaza, Sanyi Avenue, Kaifu District, Changsha, China; and No. 54 Beiya Road, Changsha, China; and No. 54 Deya Road, Changsha, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 80 FR 8527, 2/18/15.
84 FR 29373, 6/24/19,
87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Naura Technology Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Northern Huachuang;
—Beifang Huachuang;
—Naura; and
—Naura Science & Technology Group.

No. 1 Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
NEL Electronics, (a.k.a., NEL Electronics Pte Ltd), 14K Block 2 YuJingHuaCheng Huaqiang South Road FuTian, Shenzhen, China 518033; and Room 2613, NanGuangJieJia Building ShenNan Road, FuTian, Shenzhen, China 518033 (See alternate address under Singapore) For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
NetPosa, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Dongfang Netpower Technology Co.;
—Dongfang Wangli Technology; and
—NetPosa Technologies Ltd.

Room 408, 4th Floor, Shining Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Room 3603, Wanda Plaza, No. 555 Xuanwuhu Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Urumqi, China; and 26F, BLK C, Wangjing SOHO Tower 2, #1 Futong Ave, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ). Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
New Faith Enterprise Investment Limited, 11/F, Catic Plaza, 8 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong; and Unit E&F, 13/F Wang Cheong, Commercial Building, No. 249-253 Reclamation St., Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
New H3C Semiconductor Technologies Co., Ltd.,

No. 1, Floor 1, Unit 1, Building 4, No. 219, Tianhua 2nd Rd., Chengdu High-Tech Zone,
China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China; and
Beijing Branch—Room 401, 4th Floor, Building 1, No. 8 Yard, Yongjia North Road,
Haidian District, Beijing, China; and
Shanghai Branch—No. 666 Shengxia Rd., 122 Yindong Rd., China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319. 11/26/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
New Wally Target International Trade Co., Limited, 91-97 Jervois Street, Tung Lee Commercial Building, 19th Floor, Room B3, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Newsuntech Electronics Limited, a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Hong Kong New Santai Electronics Co., Ltd.

Unit 205, Unit C, 2/F, Kwong On Bank Mongkok Branch Building, 728-730 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Hong Kong; and Room 606 Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Ninehead Bird Semiconductor, RM 15, Jufu Ge, Caifu Bld, Caitian Road, Futian Qu, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518033, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 40178, 6/21/16.
Ningbo Nanda Optoelectronic Materials Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Ningbo Nata;
—Ningbo NTU; and
—Ningbo NTU Optoelectronics.

No. 233, Yangzhou'ao Road, Chaiqiao Street, Beilun District, Ningbo, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Ningbo Semiconductor International Corporation (NSI), No. 331-335 Anju Road, Xiaogang Street, Beilun District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China; and 1MC07, Jiuzhou Center, No. 95, Lane 85, Cailun Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.11 and 744.23(d) of the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
North Huawei Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Northern Integrated Circuit Technology Innovation Center (Beijing) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Semiconductor Technology Innovation Center (Beijing) Corp.;
—Northern Integrated Circuit Innovation Center; and
—STIC Northern Integrated Circuit Technology Innovation Center (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

First Floor, Building 9, No. 18 Wenchang Avenue, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, China; and 34M3 plot of land in the core area of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology in the Science Research (NINTF), Xi'an, Shanxi; and P.O. Box 69-12, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province 710024. For all items subject to the EAR . See § 744.2 of this part 64 FR 28909,
75 FR 78883,
77 FR 58006, 9/19/12.
Northwestern Polytechnical University, a.k.a. the following ten aliases:
—Northwest Polytechnic University;
—Northwest Polytechnical University;
—Northwestern Polytechnic University;
—Northwestern Polytechnical University, Beijing Research Institute;
—Northwestern Polytechnical University, Chongqing Innovation Center;
—Northwestern Polytechnical University, Collaborative Innovation Center;
—Northwestern Polytechnical University, Ningbo Research Institute;
—Northwestern Polytechnical University, Qingdao Research Institute;
—Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shenzhen Research Institute; and
—Northwestern Polytechnical University, Yangtze River Delta Research Institute.

127 Yonyi Xilu, Xi'an 71002 Shaanxi, China; and Youyi Xi Lu, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; and No. 1 Bianjia Cun, Xi'an, China; and West Friendship Rd. 59, Xi'an, China; and 3 10 W Apt 3, Xi'an, China; and Yard 5, Yangfangdian East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 20th Floor, Block B, Innovation Building, 17 Laodong South Road, Xi'an, China; and 25th Floor, Shenzhen Sanhang Technology Building, Northwestern Polytechnical University, No. 45, Gaoxin South 9th Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Building 4, Phase II, Qingdao Blue Valley Venture Center, Jimo District, Shandong Province, Qingdao City, China; and Lane 218, Qingyi Road, High-tech Zone, Ningbo, China; and 27 Zigang Road, Science and Education New Town, Jiangsu Province, Taicang City, China; and Building A2, Liangjiang Quaker Headquarters City, No. 598 Liangjiang Avenue, Longxing Town, Yubei District, Chongqing, China; and Block A, No. 515 Shennan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. 75 FR 78883, 12/17/10. 77 FR 58006, 9/9/12. 81 FR 64696, 9/20/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19. 87 FR 62202, 10/13/22. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Nuopuxun Electronic Technology Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shenzhen Nuopuxun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Huishang Center 3809, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and No. 4 Longshan 4th Road, Building F, Floor 2, Third Industrial Zone, Songgang Community, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518015, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
O-Nice Trading Co. Limited, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Shenzhen Penghuaxin Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—SZPHX Tech.

Room A838, Huameiju CBD Building, Xinhu Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518000, China; and Room 14, 29/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen St., Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
OEM Hub Co Ltd, Rm 3208 32/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; and Flat/RM 2309, 23/F, Ho King COMM Center, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok KLN, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 76 FR 67062, 10/31/11.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Onstar Electronics Co. Ltd., No. 45 Hoi Yuen Road, Yau Lee Center, 3rd Floor, Unit 83, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Zhonghang Road, Dynamic World Building Room 811, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 18031, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
OnTime Electronics Technology Company, Room 609-610 6/F Boss Commercial Center, 28 Ferry Street, Jordon, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 36519, 6/28/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Opturn Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Beijing Outang Technology Co., Ltd.

Yingzhi Building, No., 49-3, Suzhoujie Street, Beijing, China; and Room 301, Building 3, Northwest District, Suzhou Nano City, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China; and Room 102, Block B, Oriental Hope Building, No. 3 Gaopeng Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Oriental Crystal Microelectronics Technology (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Dongfang Jingyuanwei Electronic Science & Technology (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.

No. 9 Chengye Road, Room 306, 3rd Floor, Office Building, West Coast Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Qingdao, China and Room 306, Floor 3, No. 9 Chengye Road, Xihaian Integrated Free Trade Zone, Qingdaopian District, China Pilot Free Trade Zone, Qingdao, Shandong, 266000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Oriental Crystal Microelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Dongfang Jingyuanwei Electronic Science and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

No. 888, Huanhu West 2nd Road, Building C, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China and Floor C, No. 888 Huanhu W 2nd Road, Lingang Xinpian District, China Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Oriental Logistics Group LTD, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Oriental Air Transport Service Ltd.

Room 2114, 21/F., Shenhua Commercial, Bldg., No. 2018 Jiabin Rd., Luo Hu District, Shenzhen, China 418001; and Unit B, 10th Floor, United Overseas Plaza, No. 11, Lai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Origin Quantum Computing Technology (Hefei) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Origin Quantum;
—Origin QC;
—Hefei Origin Quantum Computing Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Hefei Benyuan Quantum Computing Technology Co., Ltd.

Building D8, Zhongan Chuanggu Science and Technology Park, No. 900, Wangjiang West Road, Shushan District, Hefei, China; and 6th Floor, Building E2, Phase II, Innovation Industrial Park, No. 2800, Chuangxin Avenue, High-tech Zone, Hefei, China; and No. 104, Building 21, Maker Mansion, No. 2039, South Section of Tianfu Ave., Tianfu New District, Chengdu, China; and Room 101, Floor 2-6, Building 5, East District, No. 10 Northwest Wangdong Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Panda International Information Technology Company, Ltd., 7/F, B Tower, Yingwu Conference Center, No. 6. Huayuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and Rm 606 Block B, Beijing Agricultural Science Building, Shugang Garden Haidian Middle Rd, Beijing, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 36202, 6/26/14.
Panda Semiconductor, Room 2, Unit A 14/F Shun on Commercial building, 112-114 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 40178, 6/21/16.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Peac Institute of Multiscale Science, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Peak Multiscale Science Institute; and
—Peak Multi-Scale Scientific Research Institute.

111, 1st Section, Northern 2nd Ring Road, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Peaceful Vision (Lianyungang) Electronic Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Hangxing Electronics (Lianyungang) Co., Ltd; and
—Peaceful Vision Co., Ltd.

No. 1 Changxing Road, Song Economic High-tech Zone, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China; and No. 1 Changxing Road, Songtiao Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China; and 20K, West Building, Science and Technology Capital, 668 Beijing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China; and Room 601, Unit 4, Building 5, Yufu Jiayuan, Yuquan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 4201A, 42/F, SEG Plaza, Shennan Middle Road, Shenzhen, China; and Room 813 8/F Hung Hom Commercial Center Block A 39 Ma Tau Wai Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Peaktek Company Ltd., Room 803, Chevalier Building, 45-51 Chatham Road, South Kowloon, Hong Kong. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Peng Cheng Laboratory, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Pengcheng Laboratory;
—Peng Cheng Lab;
—Pengcheng Lab;
—Shenzhen Provincial Laboratory of Cyberspace Science and Technology; and

No. 2 Xingke First Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Building 8, Phase 1, Vanke Cloud City, Liuxiandong, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Wan Ke Yun Cheng, Yi Qi 8 Dong, Shenzhen, China. Zhigu 2nd Street, Songbei District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 15000, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Pera Global, a.k.a. the following three aliases:
—Anshi Asia Pacific;
—Anshi Asia-Pacific Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Pera Corporation Ltd.

Building CN08, No. 1, Balizhuang Dongli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Room 901, Building 5, Jingyao Qiantan, No. 36, Pingjiaqiao Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai; and Room 313, Neusoft Software Park, No. 1000 Ziyue Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China; and Room 02, 03, 7th Floor, No. 201, Century Avenue, (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China; and Unit 2602-2607, Building 2, International Finance Center, No. 1, Section 3, Hongxing Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, China; and A730, Lidu Plaza, No. 8, Dakejia Lane, Jinjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China; and Unit 01, Building 1, Block 16, Helenbergh Creative Park, No. 329, Yushan West Road, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China; and 18th Floor, Building D1, Science and Technology City, No. 32, Dazhou Road, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, China; and Room 605, Office Building, Wanda Center, No. 96, Linjiang Avenue, Jiyu Bridge, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, China; and Room 2210, Guomao Building, No. 38 Qingnian Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China; and Room 1508/1509, Block A, Haixing City Plaza, No. 37 Keji Road, Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Xi'an City, China; and Room 505, Building B01, International Software Park, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, China; and Room 1301, 13/F, Baofa Commercial Building, 20 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Pinky Trading Co., Ltd., 338 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 40178, 6/21/16.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Piotech., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Tuojing Technology; and
—Shenyang Tuojing Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 900, Shuijia, Hunnan District, Shenyang, China; and No. 1 Xinyuan Street, Shenyang, China; and A072, Floor 3, Building 3, International Enterprise Center Phase 3, No. 1 Guanggu Avenue, Wuhan, China; and Room 217, 2nd Floor, Building 6, No. 16 Hongda North Road, Beijing, China; and Room 403, Floor 4, Building 1, No. 501 Xuri Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Piotech (Beijing) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Tuojing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Room 217, Building 6, No. 16 Hongda North Road, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Piotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Tuojing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Room 304, Building 10, No. 1211 Hongyin Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Piotech Chuangyi (Shenyang) Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Tuojing Chuangyi (Shenyang) Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd.

Building 2 and Building 3, No. 900, Shuijia, Hunnan District, Shenyang, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Piotech Jianke (Haining) Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Tuojing Jianke (Haining) Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd.;
—Tuojing Keyscience (Haining) Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd.; and
—Piotech Keyscience (Haining) Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd.

Building 3, No. 8 Xinzhong Road, Haining Economic Development Zone, Jiaxing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Piraclinos Limited, 7/F MW Tower, 111 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Pishan Haishi Yong'an Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—PiShan Haishi YongAn Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Pishan Haishi Yongan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

No. 28, Guma North Road, Pishan County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, 845150 China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 18985, 3/30/23.
Planet Technology, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Planet Technology (Hong Kong) Ltd.;
—Planet Technologies;
—Stellar Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.; and
—Pailai (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.

15th Floor, New Times Center, 391-407 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; and Room 2116, 21st Floor, Elevator No. 12, East District, Huaneng Building, No. 2068, Shennan Middle Road, Huaqiangbei Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Room 1604, West Tower, Zhongrong Hengrui Building, No. 560 Zhangyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China; and Room 2002, Wuxing Nianhua Business Building, No. 139 Hanzhong Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China; and Room 805, Block 1, Guanghua Chang'an Building, No. 7 Jianguomen Inner Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China; and Room 13-2-407, Phase III, New Territories, No. 85, East 3rd Street, Taipingyuan, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial 88 FR 85097, 12/7/23.
Poly Asia Pacific Ltd., (PAPL), a.k.a., the following alias:
—Beijing Oriental Vision Petroleum Technology Company Limited (OVTEK-P).

Room 1103, Hang Seng Mongkok Building, 677 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon Hong Kong; and
Suite 803, Tower A. Olympic City, Fortune Centre, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyan, District Beijing, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Poly Technologies Inc., 11F Poly Plaza, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Beijing China; and 27 Wanshoulu, Haidian district, Beijing, China For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 36202, 6/26/14.
PRC Lode Technology Company, a.k.a., the following the following five aliases:
—Lode International Limited;
—Lode Technology Company;
—Beijing Lode Technology Company, Ltd.;
—Beijing Nuodian Keji Youxian Gongsi; and
—Beijing Nuodian Technology.

Room 8306 Kelun Building, 12A Guanghua Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100020, China; and Room 801, Unit 1, Building 8 Caiman Street, Chaoyang Road, Beijing 100025, China; and Building 1-1, No. 67 Caiman Str., Chaoyang Road, Beijing 100123, China; and Room A407 Kelun Building, 12A Guanghua Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100020, China; and Rm 602, 5/F, No. 106 NanHu Road, ChaoYang District, Beijing, China; and Suite 801, Unit 1, Building 8 Caiman Street Finance & Economics Center, Chaoyang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing; and Suite 306, Lianhua Building No. 159 Tianzhou Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200233; and Suite 6B3, Building 15, No. 300 Tianlin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200233; and Suite 1901, Unit 1, Block 8, District E, Ziwei Garden City, Chang'an Technological Garden, Xi'an, 710119; and Suite 2002, Unit 4, Building 1 Zhongda Junyue Jinsha Phase 3 No. 15 Jinxiang Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu, 610031; Suite 1506, Building 4, Dachengxiaoshi, No. 10 Qingjiang Zhong Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu 610072; and Suite 904, Building A6, Shunfeng Emerald Garden, No. 168 Zhaofeng Road, Shijing, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, 510410; and No. 1263 Airport Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou; and Suite 201, Tower A, Building 14, Qianxihe Garden Center, Nanchang, 330002; and Room 1019—1020 Nan Fung Centre, 264—298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan New Territories, Hong Kong; and Room 1522 Nan Fung Centre, 264—298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan New Territories, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14. 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15. 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
PT Technology Asia Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—PT-Technology Asia Limited.

615-617 Tai Nan West Street, Park Fook Industrial Building, Room 623, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Wah Kit Commercial Building, 11th Floor, Room B, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. (See alternate address under Finland).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
PXW Semiconductor Manufactory Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—Peng Chip;
—Shenzhen Peng Xin Wei IC Manufacturing;
—Shenzhen Pengxin Micro Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd.;
—PXWSemi; and
—Pengxin Micro.

Room 727, Shanxia Building, No. 160, Xinxia Avenue, Shanxia Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, 518111, China; and Building D, Zhongke Valley Industrial Park, Zhonghuan Avenue, Shanxia Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/2022. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Qianpu Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following eleven aliases:
—Beijing JDK Electrical Equipment Business Center;
—Beijing JingDaKaiYue Electrical Equipment Business Center;
—Forward Enterprise;
—Forward Enterprises (Hong Kong) Ltd.;
—Forward Group Ltd.;
—JDK Electrical & Mechanical Equipment Business Center;
—Qianpu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Qianpu Enterprise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.;
—Speedy Enterprise Ltd.;
—Speedy Enterprises; and
—Step Forward Group Ltd.

1807, Floor 15, Office Building 2, No. 6 Courtyard, Futong East St., Chaoyang District Beijing, Beijing, 100000 China and Room 1807, Site B, Focus Square International Center, No. 6 Futong East Ave., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Unit 1021, 10th Floor, Ocean Center, Harbor City, 5 Carton Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 508, Site D, Xinyuan Xingyuan International Plaza, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Unit D, 10th Floor, China Overseas Building, 139 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Hong Kong; and Room 1705, Site E, Xingyuan International Plaza Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Qihoo 360 Technology Company, No. 6 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Building No. 2, 3/F, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and No. 188-218 Shuangbin Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 200001, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Qing'an International Trading Group, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Qing'an International Trading Group Company; and
—Qing'an Company Shenzhen Station; and
—China Qing'an International Trading Group.

No. 27 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, China; and Room 901, Qing An Building, No. 27, Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100027, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
Qingdao National Laboratory of Marine Science and Technology, a.k.a., the following one alias:

168 Wenhai Middle Rd., Aoshanwei, Jimo District, Qingdao, Shangdong, China, 266237.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR )4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Qingdao Sophgo Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Qingdao Suanneng; and
—Qingdao Sophon.

Room 501, Building 20, Zone C, Kechuang Huigu (Qingdao) Science and Technology Park, No. 2 Xiuyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Qingxin Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—Clean Chip; and
—Clean Chip HK.

15th Floor, Wan Zhaofeng Centre, 133 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Quanjiao Nanda Optoelectronic Materials Ltd. a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Quanjiao Nata.

No. 686-688, Xincheng Avenue, Shitan Industrial Park, Shizi Town, Quanjiao County, Chuzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Quantum Science and Technology Yangtze River Delta Industrial Innovation Center, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Suzhou Institute of Quantum Science and Technology of China Academy of Electronics Sciences.

Room 101, Block 9C, Start-Up Zone, Yangtze River Delta International R&D Community, No. 286, Qinglonggang Road, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
QuantumCTek Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—HKUST National Shield Quantum Technology Co., Ltd.;
—HKUST Guodun Quantum Technology Co., Ltd.;
—National Shield Quantum; and
—Anhui Quantum Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

Floor 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of Building D3, 800 Wangjiang West Road, High-tech Zone, Hefei, Anhui, 230088, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Quliang Electronics Co., Ltd., No. 368 Jianxing Road, Integrated Circuit Science Park, Jinjiang City, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Raintree Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Corporation, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—RSIC Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; and
—Ruili Scientific Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Building 6, Zhangjiang Pioneer Park, No. 68 Huatuo Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and First Floor, Building 2, Chenghe Innovation Research Center, No. 48 Gubo Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China; and Building A8 No. 38 Dongsheng Road, Shanghai Xinfa Chuangyun Industrial Park (Northeast Gate 2), Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and No. 777, Jianshe West Road, Binhu District, Jiangsu Zhuosheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Binhu District, Wuxi, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Raven International Trade Limited, No. 19 Jingping Road Fuchun Street, Fuyang Hangzhou Zhejiang, China; and Flat B, 9/F, Mega Cube, No. 8 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Ray Hui, Units 801-803 and 805, Park Sun Building, No. 97-107 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 44824, 9/4/18.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Rayscience Optoelectronics Innovation Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Collective Enterprise Limited.

3rd Floor, Building 47, No. 2338, Duhui Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China; and 5F, Building 21, Douhui Road 2338 Lane, Shanghai, China; and Ste. 306, Building 1, Shennan Road 59, Shanghai, China; and Unit 3A, 5F, Far East Consortium Building 21 Des Voeux Road Central HK01, Hong Kong; and Flat B 607, 6/F Jumbo Industrial Building, Hong Kong; and Room 2107, 21/F CCWU Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See § 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23. 89 FR 14405, 2/27/24.
Reekay Technology Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Reekay Technology.

Suite 502, 5th Floor Arion Commercial Centre, No. 2-12 Queens Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Robotronix Semiconductors Limited, 89 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai Central Building, 4th Floor, Room 401, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
ROFS Microsystems, No. 92 Weijin Road, Tianjin, China 300072; and

3rd Floor, Room 316, A2 Building, Tianjin University Science Park, No. 80, 4th Avenue, Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA), Tianjin, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20.
Roin Luo, Room 2114, 21/F., Shenhua Commercial, Bldg, No. 2018 Jiabin Rd, Luo Hu District, Shenzhen, China 518001. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
ROV Solutions, Rm. 1014 Favour Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street Kwai Chung Hong Kong. (see alternate address under Georgia). All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Rui En Koo Technology Co. Ltd, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Rui En Koo Technology; and
—Rui En Ke Technology Co. Ltd.

59 King Yip Street, King Yip Factory Building, 7th Floor, Room B22, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Fenghuang Street, Nantaiyun Chuanggu Center Building 4, Room 1202, Guangming District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518132, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Ruili Microelectronics Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a.k.a, the following two aliases:
—Raintree Microelectronics; and
—RSIC Microelectronics.

B1, 2nd Floor, No. 88 Taigu Road, Shanghai, China; and Kailong Technology Building, Lane 3166, Longdong Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
RYX Electronic (HK) Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—RYX Electronic Limited.

Shenfang Building, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China; and 3rd Floor, Wing Tat Commercial Building, 121-125 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
S&C Trade PTY Company Limited, Room 203, B, Lijingshangwu, No. 57 Busha Road, Buji Longgang, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Sansha Highlander Marine Information Technology Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Sansha Highlander Ocean Information Science and Technology Co. Ltd.; and
—Sansha Highlander Ocean Information Technology Co. Ltd.

Sansha City, Hainan Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Sanya Highlander Huanyu Ocean Information Technology Corporation, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Sanya Highlander Information Technology Co. Ltd.

C1902, SP Tower, Tsinghua Science Park, Beijing, China 100084.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Sau Luen Chan, Unit 803, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 803, Fourseas Bldg 208-212 Nathan Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 56003, 9/18/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Seajet Company Limited, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Hisiang Logistics Company Limited;
—Beijing Haixiang International Transport Agency Co., Ltd.; and
—GDL Company Limited

B-804 SOHO New Town, 88 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, China; and Room 1002, LT Square, No. 500, Chengdu North Road, Shanghai, 200003, China; and Unit 1906-2, West Tower, Fortune Plaza, No. 114, Tiyu Dong Rd, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510620, China; and No. 2, Juhe 6 Street, Jufuyuan, Business Development Tongzhou Di, Beijing, China; and Room 2, A316 Haidin 9 Road, Tianjin, Port Free Trade Zone, Tianjin, China; and 2-403 No.2 Jinsui Lu, Nanfaxin, Shunyi District, Beijing, China; and Room 2201-23, Building (1-5), No. 600 Hengfeng Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China, and 404 (8), Zongbao Zone Building, No. 1998, Innovation Avenue, Dongxihu District, Wuhan, China; and Zibian A25 3rd Floor, No. 98 Jianji Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China; and B-807 SOHO New Town, 88 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, 100022 Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 83 FR 44824, 9/4/18.
86 FR 29193, 6/1/21.
Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Beijing) Corporation, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—SMIC Beijing.

No. 18 Wen Chang Road, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing 100176.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai) Corporation;
—SMIC Shanghai; and
—Semiconductor Mfg International Corp.

No. 18 Zhang Jiang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201203, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial for all items to include items described in ECCN 3B001.a.4, .c, .d, f.1.b.2, .k to .p; 3B002.c, 3B993, or 3B994. Case-by-case for items designed for production of 200mm wafers destined to a 200mm wafer production facility 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shenzhen) Corporation, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—SMIC Shenzhen.

No. 18 Gaoxin Road, Export Processing Zone, Pingshan New Area, Shenzhen, 518118, China; and 1st Lanzhu Avenue, Pingshan Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518118, China; and Qier Road, Export Processing Zone, Pingshan New Area, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.11 and 744.23(d) of the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Tianjin) Corporation, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—SMIC Tianjin.

No. 19 Xing Hua Avenue, Xiqing Economic Development Area, Tianjin, 300385, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.11 and 744.23(d) of the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Semiconductor Manufacturing South China Corporation, a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—SMIC Southern Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd.;
—SMIC South; and
—SMIC Southern.

5th Floor, Building 3, No. 18 Zhang Jiang Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China; and 18 Zhangjiang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
SenseNets, a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Deep Net Vision;
—Deep Network Vision;
—Sensenets Corporation;
—Shenzhen Net Vision;
—Shenzhen Shenwang Vision Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Shenzhen Vision.

8th Floor, East Tower, Skyworth Semiconductor Design Building, No. 18 Gaoxin South 4th Road, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and 16F, China Merchants Development Center, No. 1063, Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 85 FR 34505, 6/5/20.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
Sergey Koynov, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Sergey V. Coyne.

Room 704 7/F, Landwide Commercial Building, 118-120 Austin Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong (See alternate address in Russia).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR .) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61256, 10/9/12.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Serko Limited, Room 704 7/F, Landwide Commercial Building, 118-120 Austin Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong; and Room 1509, Unit A, 15th Floor, Mai Shun Industrial Building, No. 18-24 Kwai Cheong Road, New Territories, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR .) Presumption of denial 77 FR 61249, 10/9/12. 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Shaanxi Changling Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—State-owned 782 Factory.

No.75 Qingjiang Road, Weibin District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Shaanxi Reactor Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Room 301, Block A, Hanyun Tower, Xi'an Software Park, No. 68, Keji 2nd Rd., High-Tech Zone, Xi'an, Shaanxi; and Room 103, Building 3, Zhongfu Commercial Advertising Park, Liuxian 2nd Road, Shenzhen City; and C37, Block C, Langda Plaza, Guzhen Town, Zhongshan City; and Room 604, Building 10, Baofen Yuanyuan No. 165, Baoqing Rd., Zhuangqiao St., Jiangbei District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province; and Room 105, Information Building, Three High Tech Road, Shaanxi, Xian, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Shaanxi Yingsaeir Electronic Technology Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shaanxi Yingsaier Electronic Science & Technology Co. Ltd.; and
—Shaanxi Yingsai'er Commerce and Trade Co. Ltd.

No. 28 Xinxi Avenue, Zone B of Shaanxi Xi'an Export Processing Zone, 3A Section 6, Xi'an, 710119, China; and No. 10804, Floor 8, Unit 1, Building No. 2, Xibeijiao More Center, Keji 6th Road, Fenghui S. Road, High-Tech Zone, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; and No. 195 Keji Road, Room 12A06, Block A, Century Yiyuan, Yanta District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Shaanxi Zhi En Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd., Room 11905, Floor 19, Building 1, Daminggong, Wanda Plaza, Taihua North Road, Weiyang District, Xian City, Shaanxi Province, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Shandong Feiyuan Gas Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Feiyuan Gas.

No. 5, Road 4, Gaoqing Chemical Industry Park, Gaocheng Town, Gaoqing County, Zibo, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shandong Sheenrun Optics & Electronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—China Sheenrun Optics and Electronics Co. Ltd.; and
—Jinan Sheenrun Electronics Company Ltd.

Room A312, Tower F1 Qilu Software Park, Hi-tech Zone, Jinan, China 250101.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 22640, 4/23/15.
Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—Shanghai Astronautical Science-Technology Development Company; and

Room A-522, No. 188, Yesheng Road, Lingang New Area, (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Shanghai AGM Gas Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—AGM Gas.

Room 220, 2F, No. 1799-6, Wuzhong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Aipusi Precision Equipment Co., Ltd., Room 402, Building 1, No. 170 Zihai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Aisinochip Electronics Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shanghai Aixinnuohangxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Aisino Chip.

Building 702, Building 102, Phase 3, Science and Technology Oasis, No. 2570, Hechuan Rd., Minhang District, Shanghai.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Shanghai Aoshi Control Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—Shanghai Hengtong Optic-Electric Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Shanghai Hengtong Photoelectric Technology Co. Ltd.

Building 1, No. 618 Chengliu Middle Road, Jiading District, Shanghai; and 1st Floor, Building 2, No. 555 Jiangchang West Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Shanghai Biren Information Technology Co., Ltd., Building 2, No. 692 Yongjia Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Shanghai Biren Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., Building 16, Room 1301, 13th Floor, No. 2388 Chenhang Highway, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Shanghai Biren Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Biren Technology; and
—Shanghai Biren Technology.

Building 16, Room 1302, 13th Floor, No. 2388 Chenhang Highway, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992 10/19/2023.
89 FR 25505, 4/11/24.
Shanghai Breeze Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shanghai Qingfeng Technology Co., Ltd.

Unit B-04 Huashen Road, Shanghai, China; and Room 1008, Building 6, Lingkong Soho, No. 968 Jinzhong Rd., Changning District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Shanghai Breeze Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shanghai Qingfeng Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd.

North of Lingxiao Road, Xitong Science and Technology Industrial Park, Tongzhou District, Nantong, Jiangsu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Shanghai Cable Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.,

Room 910, 9th/10th Floor, No. 825 Yingkou Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Shanghai Cambricon Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following eight aliases:
—Shanghai Cambrian Information Technology;
—Shanghai Cambricon IT;
—Shanghai Cambrian IT;
—Shanghai Cambricon Info Tech;
—Shanghai Cambrian Info Tech;
—Shanghai Cambricon Information;
—Shanghai Cambricon; and
—Shanghai Cambrian.

No. 888, Huanhu West 2nd Road, Lingang New Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and 888 West Huanhu Road No. 2, Shanghai, China and No. 888 West 2nd Huanhu Road, Shanghai. China and 888 West Huanhu Road No. 2 Nanhui New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China and Rm 1805, Zhanxiang Plaza Bldg 1 2290 Zuchonggzhi Road, Shanghai, China and Room 1201, 12th Floor, Block D, Beijing, China and No. 176 5, 6 Ling Huallung Chun, Chiung Lin Hsin Chiu Hsien, China and No. 7 Zhichun Road, Haidian Beijing and 11th Layer, Building D, Zhizhen Building No. 7 Zhuchun Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Shanghai Center for Quantum Science Research, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies Center for Quantum Engineering; and
—USTC Shanghai.

99 Xiupu Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Shanghai Feiai Technology Co., Ltd., Room 204A, Building 5, No. 600, Ningqiao Road, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Fengjin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.,

Room 301-331, 3/F, Building 1, No. 400 Fangchun Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 52901, 8/27/20.
Shanghai Haisi Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shanghai High-Performance Integrated Circuit Design Center, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenwei Micro; and
—Shanghai High-Performance IC Design Center.

No. 399, Bi sheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and
428 Zhanghen Rd, Zhangjiang High Tech Park, Pudong District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 18438, 4/9/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Shanghai HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd., Room 101, No. 318, Shuixiu Road, Jinze Town (Xiqi), Qingpu District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shanghai Huada Jiutian Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shanghai Huada; and
—Shanghai Empyrean.

Floor 10, Building C, No. 1867, Zhongke Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and Building C, No. 888, Huanhu West 2nd Road, Lingang New Area, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—Hangzhou Spectrometer Laser PH;
—Lab of Information Optics;
—Shanghai Institute of Optics;
—Shanghai Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics; and
—SIOM Chinese Academy of Sciences.

No. 899, Huiwang East Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China; and No. 390, Qinghe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, 201801, China; and 295 Tacheng Road, Jiading, Shanghai, China; and 52 Sanlihe Road, Shanghai, China; and 768 Zhaojiabang Road, Shanghai, China; and 9900 North Shengxin Road, Shanghai, China; and 200 Zhaoxian Rd, Jiading District, Shanghai, China; and No. 4775, Shuangzhu Road, Shanghai, China; and Rm. 904-905, Kuen Yang International Business Plaza, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Shanghai Integrated Circuit Equipment & Materials Industry Innovation Center Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—ICRD Innovation Center;
—National Integrated Circuit Equipment and Materials Industrial Innovation Center;
—ICRD Phase II; and
—ICRD Phase 2.

No. 497, Loulu Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China; and No. 497, Gauss Road, Shanghai, China; and No. 497, Gaosi Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Integrated Circuit Research and Development Center, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shanghai IC R&D Center; and

No. 497, Gaosi Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and No. 3000, Longdong Avenue, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/2022. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai IP3 Information Technology Co. Ltd., No. 68, Zhongchuang Road, Building 16, 2nd Floor, Songjiang District, Shanghai, 200001, China. All items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Shanghai Jingce Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Shanghai Precision Measurement;
—Shanghai Jingce; and

No. 2875, Huqingping Highway, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China; and Floor 1 and 3, Building 1, No. 269 and 299, Shuangbang Road, Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Jingzhuo Information Technology Co., Ltd., 12th Floor, Building B, No. 1-72, Lane 2855, Huqingping Highway, Zhaoxiang Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Kaishitong Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Kaishitong Semiconductor; and
—Kingstone Semiconductor.

Unit 1, Building 7, No. 200 Newton Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China; and Unit 1, Building 7, 200 Niudun Road, Shanghai, China; and 211 Qinqiao Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Lingang Kaishitong Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Lingang Kaishitong Semiconductor; and
—Lingang Kingstone Semiconductor.

Area A, Building 1, No. 88 Wansong Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China; and No. 750, Zhubai Road, Nanhui New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Lizhi Technology Co., Ltd., Room 0248, 2nd Floor, Ji Building, No. 555 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Micro Electronics Equipment (Group) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Shanghai Microelectronics (Group) Co., Ltd.;
—Shanghai Micro Electronics Equipment Company;
—Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment Company; and

No. 1525 Zhangdong Road, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Shanghai Modern Advanced Ultra-Precision Manufacturing Center Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Ultra-Precision Manufacturing Center;
—UPEC; and

No. 396, Minfeng Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China and Building 63 East, 100 Handan Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Mossel Trade Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shanghai Nanpre Mechanics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Micro-Yuan Qimi;
—Shanghai Weigao;
—Shanghai Microhigh Precision Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd.; and
—Shanghai Micro-High Precision Machinery.

No. 1525, Zhangdong Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Naura Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—Shanghai Naura; and
—Shanghai Naura Microelectronics.

Building C, No. 888, Huanhu West 2nd Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Nova Instruments Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Shanghai Weiyi Electromechanical Equipment Co.;
—Shanghai Weiyi Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.;
—Shanghai Weiyi Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Nova Instruments.

Rm. 408 Bldg. 3 No 911-11 Hulan Rd., Boashan District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Shanghai QuantumCTek Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shanghai Guodun Quantum Information Technology Co., Ltd.,

3rd Floor, Building 10, 2388 Xiupu Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, 201315, China; and 99 Xiupu Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201206, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Shanghai Shark Sprite Technology Co., Ltd., Room 1008, Building 6, No. 968, Jinzhong Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Shanghai Siwave Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following six aliases:
—Shanghai Xinwu Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Xinwu Technology;
—SIWAVE Technology;
—SIWAVE, INC.; and

No. 333 Huangqing Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Skyverse Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shanghai Nanolighting Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.,

Room 303, Building 13, No. 1211 Hongyin Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Suanhu Technology Co., Ltd., 3rd Floor, Building 2, No. 200 Zhangheng Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Shanghai Suowei Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Beijing Suowei System Technology Co., Ltd.; and

Room 516, Building 20, Lane 8633, Zhongchun Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China; and Room 2104, No. 70, Caobao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China; and Building 9, Aobei Science and Technology Park, No. 1 Baosheng South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Shanghai Supercomputing Technology Co., Ltd., Room 105A36, Main Building, No. 99, Huanhu West Road, Lingang New Area, (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 734.9(e) and § 744.11 of the EAR )4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 38741, 6/14/23.
Shanghai Xinsheng Jingrui Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., 2nd Floor, Building 1, No. 1000, Yunshui Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Xinsheng Jingtou Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., Floor 4, Building 6, No. 1000, Yunshui Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Xinsheng Jinko Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., Area B, 4th Floor, Building 4, No. 1000, Yunshui Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Xinsheng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Zingsemi; and
—Zing Semiconductor Corporation.

Buildings 1-4, 6-19, No. 1000, Yunshui Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Yanquan Technology Co., Ltd., Building C, No. 888 Huanhu West 2nd Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Yuliangsheng Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

Building 1, No. 500 Mindong Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Yuwei Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shanghai Yuweitek.

Building 11, No. 899 Zuchong Road, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun Alloy Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Room 309, Building 1, No. 170 Zihai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Room 302, Building 10, No. 1211 Hongyin Road, Lingang New Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun Optoelectronic Equipment Co., Ltd., Room D, 2nd Floor, Building 3, No. 880 Ziyue Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun Precision Gas Co., Ltd., Room 301, Building 1, No. 170, Zihai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. a.k.a. the following one alias:

Room 305, Building 1, No. 170 Zihai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun Purification System Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following five aliases:
—Pure Technology;
—PNC Process;
—PNC Process Systems Co., Ltd.;
—PNC Technology Group and

No. 170 Zihai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., Room 304, Building 1, No. 170 Zihai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhichun System Integration Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Pure Integration.

3rd and 4th floors, Building 2, No. 170 Zihai Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhijia Semiconductor Gas Co., Ltd., No. 912 J, Yecheng Road, Jiading Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanghai Zhipu Huanyu Technology Co., Ltd., 3rd Floor, Building 1, No. 400, Fangchun Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Shanghai Zixi Optical Technology Co., Ltd., Building C, No. 888, Huanhu West 2nd Road, Lingang New Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shanxi Eagles Men Aviation Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shanxi Yige Siman Aviation Technology Group Co., Ltd.; and
—Shanxi EMAST.

Zhaidian Industrial Park, Changzhi High-tech Zone, Shanxi Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 9390, 2/14/23.
Sharon Yang,

No. 96 Haining Road, Zhifu District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16. 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
Shengmei Semiconductor Equipment (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Room 905, Floor 9, Building 7, No. 15 Ronghua South Road, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shengmei Semiconductor Equipment Wuxi Co., Ltd., Room 6, Lot J1, Wuxi New District Export Processing Zone, Wuxi, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shengwei Semiconductor Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Building C, No. 888, Huanhu West 2nd Road, Nanhui New Town, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenyang Xinyuan Micro Business Development Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Kingsemi Micro Business Development Co., Ltd.; and
—Core Source Business Development Co., Ltd.

Rooms 201 and 202, Building 1, No. 501 Xuri Road, Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenyang Xinyuan Microelectronic Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Shenyang Kingsemi Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd.; and
—Shenyang Core Source.

No. 16 Feiyun Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Avanlane, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Avanlane Inc.

Unit C, D 10/F Shenmao Building News Road, Shenzhen, China; and Rm. 311, 3/F, Genplas Industrial Building, 56 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 62459-4F East Asia Industrial Building, 2 Ho Tin Street, Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Shenzhen Bailiansheng Electronic Science and Technology Co., Ltd, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shenzhen Bailiansheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 807, Building 125, Baishilong Area 1, Baishilong Community, Minzhi Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518131, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Shenzhen BZ Space Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following two aliases:
—BZ Space Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—BZ Space.

15AB, DuHui Electronic City Building, Huaqiang Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and No.6 Wai Kwan Road, Yeung Uk Tseun Village, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Shenzhen Caspro Technology Company Limited a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—CASPRO Technology Co. Ltd.; and
—Shenzhen Casp Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 203, B Building, No. 57 Busha Road, Nanwan, Longgang, Shenzhen, China; and Room 802, Building B, No. 50, Zhuangcun Road, Xiner Community, Shajing Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Shenzhen Cobber Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Shenzhen Kehao Information Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Shenzhen Kepa Information Technology;
—Kezhen; and

6th Floor, Block B, Shenzhen Production and Research Base, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 9 Yuexing 3rd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
86 FR 67319, 11/26/21.
Shenzhen Daotong Intelligent Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Autel Robotics; and
—Daotong Intelligence.

6th Floor, No. 1, Chuangxiangdi, Yanxiang Intelligent Valley, No. 11 Gaoxin West Road, Guangming New District, Shenzhen, China; and Building C1 & B1, Nanshan Zhiyuan, No.1001, Xueyuan Avenue, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Unit 701-702, 7/F, Grandtech Center, 8 On Ping Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong; and Unit 06, Floor 4, 501, 7th Floor, No. 8 Xibinhe Road, Yongdingmen, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China; and Room 405, No. 5, Jixiang 3rd Road, Yixin Community, Pingdi Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China; and No. 11303, Unit 1, Building 3, Moore Center, northwest corner of Keji 6th Road, Fenghui South Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China; and No. 701 on the east side and 701 on the west side of the electronics factory in Building 3, Yanxiang Technology Industrial Park, Gaoxin Road, Dongzhou Community, Guangming Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 51652, 6/18/24.
Shenzhen Dongpengshang Electronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—DPSA Electronics Co., Ltd.

Room 5A, 5th Floor, Business Center Building, Shangbu Industrial Zone, Zhenxin Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China; and 4/F, Building 14, Baotian Industrial Zone, Xixiang Residential District, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518102, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Shenzhen Dragonfly Supply Chain Co., Ltd.; a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Small Leopard Electronic Co., Ltd.; and
—Shenzhen Xiaobao Electronics Co., Ltd.

A-606, Languang Science and Technology Building, No. 7, Songpingshan Xinxi Road, Nanshan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and 7, 803, Building A7, Chuangzhi Cloud City, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Building 14, South of the Third Floor, Fuqingshan, Tangtou Third Industrial Zone, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China; and Building 3, 5th Floor Factory Building, Hengtongfa Industrial Zone, Tangtou Industrial Park, Tangtou Community, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 84462, 10/23/24.
Shenzhen Guowei Hongbo Technology Co., Ltd., Room 14C, Guoshi Building, No. 1801 Shahe West Road, High-tech Zone Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Guowei Sensing Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—SMIT Sense.

Room 22B, Guoshi Building, No. 1801 Shahe West Road, High-tech Zone Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and Floor 23, Building 3, Chongwen Park, Nanshan Intelligence Valley, No. 3370 Liuxian Avenue, Shenzhen, China; and Floor 23, Building 3, Chongwen Park, Nanshan Zhiyuan, No. 3370 Liuxian Avenue, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96837, 12/5/2024.
90 FR 561, 1/6/25.
Shenzhen Guoweichip Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—SMIT Xintech;
—GWX; and
—GWX Technologies.

15th Floor, Guoshi Building, No. 1801, Shahe West Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen HiSilicon Technologies Co., Electrical Research Center, Huawei Base, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 43495, 8/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shenzhen Hua'antai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following alias:

South of the third floor of U-shaped factory building, Beijing Railway Technology Industrial Park, No. 49 Changjiangpu Road, Henggang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China.
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Shenzhen Huada Jiutianke Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Huada; and
—Shenzhen Empyrean.

10th floor, Building E, ShenZhen-Hong Kong International Hi-Tech Park, No. 3 Binglang Rd., Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 1001, Building 5, Northwest Shenjiu Technology Pioneer Park, at the intersection of Taohua Road and Betel Road, Fubao Community, Fubao Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Huawei Technical Services Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shenzhen Huawei Terminal Commercial Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shenzhen Huawei Training School Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shenzhen Huayi Loan Small Loan Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shenzhen Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering, a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Shenzhen Iprogift Technology Co., Ltd, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Iprogift Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Shenzhen Iprogift Technology; and
—Iprogift Shenzhen Technology.

New North Door 25H Shenhua Commercial Building, Jiabin Road 2018, Luohu District, Shenzhen, China, 518000; and Floor 2, 4 Bldg., Jinyuan Science and Technology Industry Park, Fengmen Road Bantian Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
Shenzhen Jiachuang Weiye Technology Company, Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:

l9D, Block D, Huaqiang Plaza, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and 518 West Building, Feiyada Building, Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 2702, Building A, Jiahe Huaqiang Building, Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 84462, 10/23/24.
Shenzhen Jiasibo Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:

No. 57, Busha Road, Buji, Longgang, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 25505, 4/11/24.
Shenzhen Jingyuan Information Technology Co., Ltd., No. 8 Hongmian Road, Room 401A, Building C, Yingdali Technology Digital Park, Fubao Community, Fubao Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, China and 301F, Suite C, Yingdali Technology Shuma Park, Hongmiandao, Fubao Sub-District, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518015, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Legrit Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shenzhen Naura Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Naura; and
—Shenzhen Naura Microelectronics.

No. 11, Jinniu West Road, Longtian Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, China; and About 40 meters west of Haofang Jingyuan, Yanziling 3rd Road, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen One World International Logistics Co., Limited, Shennan East Road, Hongchang Square Building, 30th Floor, Room 3005, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518002, China; and 8 Leung Yip Street, Kar Wah Industrial Building, 7th Floor, Room 18, Yuen Long, Hong Kong; and No. 1 Liyumen Street, Room 201, Building A, Zonghe Office, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone Administration, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Shenzhen Pengxinxu Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Peng Xin Xu;
—Shenzhen Pensun Technology Co., Ltd.; and

Floor 54-56, Building C, Digital Innovation Center, No. 328 Mintang Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China; and Room 403, Podium Building, Innovation Plaza, No. 2007, Pingshan Avenue, Liulian Community Pingshan Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, China; and 3001 Jin Xiu West Road Pingshan District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial except case-by-case for items not described in ECCN 3B001.a.4, .c, .d, f.1.b.2, .k to .p; 3B002.c, 3B993, or 3B994 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Qianhai Skyverse Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shenzhen Qianhai Nanolighting Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 201, Building A, No. 1 Qianwan 1st Road, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Rion Technology, 4/F Block 1. Fuan Second Industrial Park, D Yang Tian, Da Yang Road, Ruyo, Shenzhen, China All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 71559, 12/17/21.
Shenzhen SCH Technology Co., Ltd. a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Shenzhen ShenChuangHui Technology Company;
—Shenzhen ShenChuangHui Technology Co. Ltd.;
—SCH Electronics Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.; and

Room 602, 6th Floor, Unit 1, Building 2, Huali Courtyard, 118 Zhenhua Road, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China; and Room 588, Building 201, Shangbu Industrial Zone, Huaqiang North Rd, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518028, China; and Room 603, King Han Industrial Building, 8 Wang Guan Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong; and Room 506, 5th Floor, Leader Commercial Building, 54-56 Hillwood Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Shenzhen Shunjinxin Import & Export Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Shenzhen Shunjinxin IMP&Export Co. Ltd.

25H North Door Shenhua Comm. Build., Jiabin Road 2018, Luohu District, Shenzhen, China; and Room 2114, 21/FL Shenhua Commercial Bldg, Luohu District Shenzhen, China, 518001; and Room 815, 8F Zhongzhen Bld., No. 68, Luofang, South Louhu, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
Shenzhen SiCarrier Technologies Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following six aliases:
—Shenzhen Xinkailai Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Shenzhen Xinkailai;
—Huawei Starlight Engineering Department; and
—Huawei Starlight Department.

Zhongke Industrial Park, Zhonghuan Avenue, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China; and No. 91 Xuri East Road, Shanxia Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China; and Building 6, Zhongke Valley, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China; and No. 368 Tianjiao Road, Chengdu High-Tech Zone, China; and No. 16, Pingle Street, Changhe Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, China; and Building A, Xi'an Software Park, No. 68, Keji 2nd Road, High-Tech Zone, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China; and Building B4, Phase 1, Longshan Innovation Park, Wuhan Future Science and Technology City, No. 999 Gaoxin Avenue, Donghu New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Smartcom Business Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Shenzhen Speed Industrial Materials Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following twelve aliases:
—Speed Jet;
—Speed Waterjet;
—Shenzhenspeed Industrial Materials Co., Ltd;
—Shenzhen Sipeter Industrial Materials Co., Ltd.;
—Speed Industrial Materials (China) Co., Ltd.;
—Speed Stainless Steel;
—Speed Carbide;
—Speed Waterjet Mall;
—Huizhou Speed Waterjet Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Speed Diamond; and
—Speed Nozzle.

No. 5003 Longgang Avenue, Room 607E, Xuyuan Building, Nanlian Community, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518116, China; and Manjinghua Xiyue Courtyard, No. 6 Yincui Road, Room 409, Building 12, Nanlian Community, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and Baomin Road, 6B, Xianji Building, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and No. 155 Baigang Road South, 2nd Floor, Building A, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial 89 FR 14388, 2/27/24.
Shenzhen True Price Technology Co., Ltd., 605 East Liuxian Avenue, Dingxin Building, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China; and No. 6008 Liuxian Avenue, Xinwei Community, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China; and No. 6008 Liuxian Avenue, 605 Dingxin Building, Xinwei Community, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and No. 1001 South, Xueyuan Avenue, Room 508-1, Building C2, Nanshan Zhiyuan, Changyuan Community, Taoyuan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial. See § 746.8 of the EAR 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Shenzhen Xinkailai Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd., Room 1301, Building 6, Zhongkegu Industrial Park, Zhonghuan Avenue, Shanxia Community, Pinghu Street, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Yidian Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Shenzhen AEE Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Shenzhen Love Wireless Technology Co., Ltd.; and
—Ace Electronics Enterprise.

10B-1, Block B, Modern Window Building, Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and AEE Hi-Tech Park Songbai Road, Shiyan Town, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Shenzhen Zhangge Instrument Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Shenzhen Zhangge;
—Zhangge; and
—Shenzhenshi Zhangge Yiqi Youxian Gongsi.

Room 135, Longguang Jiuyu Mansion, No. 115 Guanlan Avenue, Xinhe Community, Fucheng Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Shenzhen Zhipu Future Technology Co., Ltd.,

Building A701, Vanke Cloud City Phase 6, Dashi 2nd Road, Xili Community, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China; and C1202, Building 2, Shenzhen Software Industry Base, No. 87, 89, and 91, Gaoxin South 10th Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 90 FR 4619, 1/16/25.
Shi Lirong, Yuanzhong Garden Tower A, Room 26A, Futian, Shenzhen, China; and Xinghai Mingcheng, 2nd Floor, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 82 FR 15461, 3/29/17.
Shihezi Municipality Public Security Bureau, 209 N Fourth Rd., Shihezi City, XUAR 832000, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case review for ECCN s 1A004.c, 1A004.d, 1A995, 1A999.a, 1D003, 2A983, 2D983, and 2E983, and for EAR 99 items described in the Note to ECCN 1A995; case-by-case review for items necessary to detect, identify and treat infectious disease; and presumption of denial for all other items subject to the EAR 84 FR 54004, 10/9/19.
85 FR 44159, 7/22/20.
Shvabe Opto-Electronics Co. LTD., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—UOMZ (Meizhou) Co., Ltd.;
—Shvabe Opto-Electronics Shenzhen Co. Ltd.; and
—Shvabe Opto-Electronics Meizhou Co. Ltd.

16 A, No. 4044 Pingshan Road, Building 16, Room A, Heping Street, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China; and No. 4044 Pingshan Road, Investment Building, Room 1619, Heping Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518118, China; and No. 20 Meilong Road, Bati Dasha 3rd Floor, Room 303, Meizhou City, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Si'En Qingdao Co. Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—SiEn (Qingdao) Semiconductor Corporation Co.;
—SiEn (Qingdao) Integrated Circuits Co., Ltd.;
—SiEn; and

Building M, No. 1088, Shanwanghe Road, West Coast New District, Qingdao, China; and Room 401, German Enterprise South Zone, No. 19 Taibaishan Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Sichuan Dingcheng Material Trade Co., Ltd., No. 64 Mianshan Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Sichuan Haitian New Technology Group Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Haitian Group; and
— Sichuan Haitian Hi-Tech Group.

64 Mianshan Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Sichuan University, a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Sichuan University, Institute of Advanced Polymer Materials;
—Sichuan University, Luzhou Industrial Technology Research Institute;
—Sichuan University, Qingdao Research Institute;
—Sichuan University, Suzhou Research Institute; and
—Sichuan University, Yibin Industrial Technology Research Institute.

No. 24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, China, 610065; and No. 29 Jiuyanqiao Wangjiang Road, Chengdu, China, 610064; and People's South Road, Chengdu, China, 610041; and Shuangliu County, Chuanda Road, Chengdu, China, 610207; and Block B, Building 2, Blue Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship Center II, Blue Silicon Valley Core District, Aishanwei Street, Shandong Province, Qingdao City, China; and Room 707, Building 5, Public College, No. 377 Linquan Street, Dushu Lake Higher Education Zone, Suzhou, China; and Yibin Zone of Sichuan University Park, Second section, West Changjiang North Road, Yibin Lingang Economic and Technological Development Zone, China; and No. 264-279, 4th Floor, Area 17, No. 68, Section 1, Yuntai Road, Lingang District, Sichuan Free Trade Zone, China; and Jiang'an Campus, Sichuan University, 2nd Section, Chuanda Road, Shuangliu District, Sichuan Province, Chengdu City, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Case-by-case basis 77 FR 58006, 9/19/12. 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Sichuan Zhonghe Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd., Building 26, No. 169-185, West Third Section, First Ring Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu, China; and No 169, West Section, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Sigma Technology Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Sigma Technology; and
—Sigma Technology Ltd.

45-51 Chatham Road South, Chevalier House, Room 803, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 9 Choi Yuen Road, Units 223-226, 2/F, High Tech Center, Hong Kong; and 9 Choi Yuen Road, Units 303-304, 3/F, High Tech Center, Hong Kong; and 283 Shaukeiwan Road, 05, 15/F, Seaview Plaza, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.2l(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 89 FR 14388, 2/27/24.
Signet Express Co., Ltd., Room 9-11, 5/F, Block B, Hoplite Industrial Centre, 3-5 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 75 FR 7359, 2/19/10.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Sik Yin Ngai, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Spencer Ngai.

Unit 401, Harbour Ctr., Tower 2, 8 Hok Cheung Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 74 FR 35799, 7/21/09.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Siliborn Technology Limited, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Siliborn Technology Ltd;
—Siliborn Technology Ltd Trading; and

Flat 2, 8th Floor, Workingport Commercial Building, 3 Hau Fook St, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Sinno Electronics Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Xinnuo Electronic Technology.

Rm 2408 Dynamic World Building, Zhonghang Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and Rm 10905 Xingda Garden Building, Kaiyuan Rod, Xingsha Development Area, Changsha, China; and Rm B22, 1F, Block B East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. (See alternate address under Lithuania).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR .) Policy of Denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22. 87 FR 57082, 9/16/22.
Sinovac Technology Limited, Rm 804 Sino Center, 582-592 Sino Center Road, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 32445, 6/5/14.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
SITONHOLY (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., No. 1 Cuipu Road, Yixian Science Industrial Park, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, Tianjin, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 25505, 4/11/24.
Siu Ching Ngai, a.k.a. the following one alias:
—Terry Ngai.

Unit C, 9/F Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 74 FR 35799, 7/21/09.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
SJ Semiconductor, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—SJ Semiconductor (Jiangyin) Corp.; and
—SJ Jiangyin.

6 Dongsheng West Road, Building A8-4, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, 214437, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.11 and 744.23(d) of the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Sky Rise Technology Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Sky Rise Tech.

4-4-2301 Xinyi Jiayuan, Chongwenmen, Dongcheng, Beijing, China; and Room 1905, 19/F, Nam Wo Hong Bldg., 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wang, Hong Kong; and Room 1118, 11/F, Block B1, Yau Tong Industrial City, 17 Ko Fai Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Room 1119, 11/F, Block B, Yau Tong Industrial City, 17 Ko Fai Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 80 FR 69856, 11/12/15.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Skyeye Laser Technology Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Mianyang Tianyan Laser Technology,

237 Chuangye Road Zhongduan, Mianyang, Sichuan, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 34497, 6/5/20.
Skylinks FZC, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Skylinks; and
—Skylinks Satellite Comm.

RM 1905, 19/F, Nam Wo Hong Bldg., 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wang, Hong Kong (See alternate addresses under U.A.E.).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 81 FR 14958, 3/21/16.
85 FR 83769, 12/23/20.
Skyverse, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Shenzhen Nanolighting Technology Co., Ltd; and
—Nanolighting Lab.

Room 101, 201, and 301, No. 2 Dalang Street, Tongsheng Community, Shanghenglang Fourth Industrial Zone, Shenzhen, China; and Rooms 1401 through 1404, Floor 14, Building 7, No. 19 Beiyuan East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China; and Room 102-B3, Building 8B, Shahu Science and Technology Park, No. 183 Tinglan Lane, Suzhou, China; and Building 2, Workshop Area, No. 1301-18, Yinxing Technology Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Skyverse Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Hong Kong Zhongke Feice.

1008, Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King's Rd, Tsat Tsz Mui, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Small Leopard Electronics Co., Limited, a.k.a., the following alias:
—Xiaobao Electronics Co., Ltd.

Flat/Rm 7022 BLK D 7/F Tak Wing Ind Building 3, Tsun Wen Road Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong; and Flat/Rm S, 4/F, Kwun, Tong Ind Centre Phase 2, 460-470, Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 84462, 10/23/24.
Smartcom (Hong Kong) Co., Limited, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 85 FR 83769, 12/23/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Smartech Future Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Balloons SMT.

29 Luk Hop Street, Wang Fai Industrial Building, 11/F, Room 8, Hong Kong; and 253-261 Hennessy Road, Easey Commercial Building, Room 1502, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 55035, 7/3/24.
SMIC Advanced Technology R&D (Shanghai) Corporation, a.k.a., the following seven aliases:
—SMIC New Technology Research and Development (Shanghai) Corporation;
—SMIC New Technology R&D (Shanghai) Corporation;
—SMIC Advanced Technology Research & Development (Shanghai) Corporation;
—Zhongxin Guoji Jicheng Dianlu Xinjishu Yanfa (Shanghai) Youxian Gongsi;
—SMIC Advanced Technology;
—SMIC New Technology; and
—SMIC New Technology Research & Development.

18 Zhangjiang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China; and 6th Floor, Building 3, No. 18, Zhangjiang Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Shanghai, Shanghai, 201203 China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
SMIC Holdings Limited, Building 1, No. 1059 Dangui Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.11 and 744.23(d) of the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
SMIC Hong Kong International Company Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—SMIC Hong Kong.

Suite 3003, 30th Floor, No. 9 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.11 and 744.23(d) of the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 85 FR 83769, 12/23/20. 86 FR 12531, 3/4/21. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
SMIC Northern Integrated Circuit Manufacturing (Beijing) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Semiconductor Manufacturing North China (Beijing) Corporation; and
—SMIC North.

Building 9, No. 18 Wenchang Avenue, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.4(a)(9), 734.9(e)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) 5 Presumption of denial 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
SMIC Semiconductor Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Suzhou Design Center.

Room 602, Building 1, No.158 Suya Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.11 and 744.23(d) of the EAR 85 FR 83420, 12/22/20. 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Sophgo Technologies Ltd., a.k.a., the following four aliases:
—Beijing Sophgo;
—Beijing Suanneng Technology Co., Ltd;
—Sophgo; and

901, 9th Floor, Building 8, No. 8 Kegu 1st Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Yizhuang Group High-end Industrial Zone, Beijing Pilot Free Trade Zone, Beijing, China; and Building 6, Yard 9, Fenghao East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Sophon Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Room 106-2, Floor 1, Building 1, No. 9 Fenghao East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Southwest Research Institute of Electronics Technology, a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—10th Research Institute of China Electronic Technology Group Corp (CETC);
—CETC 10th Research Institute; and
—Southwest Institute of Electronic Technology (SWIET);

No. 6 Yong Xin Street, Chengdu; and
No. 90 Babao Street, Chengdu; and
48 Chadianzi Street East, Jinniu District, Chengdu, 610036.
For all items subject to the EAR See § 744.3(d) of this part 66 FR 24267, 5/14/01.
75 FR 78883, 12/17/10.
77 FR 58006, 9/19/12.
81 FR 64696, 9/20/16.
Spacety Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following three aliases:
—Changsha Tianyi Space Science and Technology Research Institute;
—Spacety; and
—Spacety Luxembourg S.A.

9 Dengzhuang South Rd Beijing, Beijing China; and Room 445, 9th Floor, Block B, No. 18 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing China. (See alternate address under Luxembourg).
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 744.21(b), and 746.8(a)(3) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 12171, 2/27/23.
Speed Business Trading (HK) Ltd., Workshop 60 3/F Block A East, Sun Industrial Centre, No. 16 Shing Yip Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
STK Electronics (HK) Co., Ltd., a.k.a. the following one alias:
—STK Electronics Co., Ltd.

Room 1705, Block 4, Phase 2 Clound Park Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, China; and Room 2338 Guoli Plaza, Shenzhen, Futian District, Zhonghong Road, China; and Room 2607 DingCheng Building, Shenzhen, China; and Workshop 18 9/F Thriving Industrial Building, No. 26-38 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan NT, Hong Kong; and 7IF Bright, Unit 04, 33 Mong Kok Road, Hong Kong; and Unit 2D, 2nd Floor, Mai Wah Industrial Building, Nos 1/7, Wah sing Street, Kwai Chu Hong Kong; and Workshop 14 9/F, No. 26-38 Sha, Hong Kong; and 50/F Champion Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR apart from food and medicine designated as EAR 99, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. See §§ 746.8(b) and 744.21(e) 88 FR 23334, 4/17/23.
Su Bin, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Stephen Subin; and
—Steve Su.

Room 8306 Kelun Building, 12A Guanghua Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100020, China; and Room 801, Unit 1, Building 8 Caiman Street, Chaoyang Road, Beijing 100025, China; and Building 1-1, No. 67 Caiman Str., Chaoyang Road, Beijing 100123, China; and Room A407 Kelun Building, 12A Guanghua Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 100020, China; and Rm 602, 5/F, No. 106 NanHu road, ChaoYang District, Beijing, China and Rm 1019-1020 Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan New Territories, Hong Kong; and Room 1522 Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan New Territories, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/1/14.
85 FR 83768, 12/23/20.
86 FR 12531, 3/4/21.
Suanli (Fujian) Technology Co., Ltd., Building 2, Phase 2, China Southeast Big Data Industrial Park, No. 2 Hujiang Road, Wenwusha Neighborhood, Changle District, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China. For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 90 FR 4622, 1/16/25.
Sugon, a.k.a., the following nine aliases:
—Dawning Information Industry;
—Sugon Information Industry;
—Shuguang Information Industry;
—Zhongke Dawn;
—Zhongke Shuguang;
—Dawning Company; and
—Tianjin Shuguang Computer Industry.

Sugon Building, No. 36 Zhongguancun Software Park, No. 8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing; and No. 15, Haitai Huake Street, Huayuan Industrial Zone, Tianjin; and Sugon Science and Technology Park, No. 64 Shuimo West Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 84 FR 29373, 6/24/19.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Suki Zhan, Room 2114, 21/FL Shenhua Commercial Bldg, Luohu District Shenzhen, China, 518001; and Floor 2, 4 Bld., Jinyuan Science and Technology Industry Park, Fengman Road Bantian Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 85 FR 59421, 9/22/20.
Sunrising Logistics (HK) Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Sunrising Electronics;
—Sunrising Electronics China Ltd.;
—Sunrising Electronics HK Ltd;
—Sunrising International; and
—Sunrising Logistics.

15-17 Hing Yip St. Room 5-6, 15 Block B, 4FChung Mei Center, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Room 205, 2/F Winful Center, 30 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Flat 11, 12F Shing Yip Industrial Building, 19-21 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 66273, 9/27/23.
Sunton Tech Hong Kong Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Sunton Tech (HK) Limited; and
—Shenzhen Unicom Electronic Technology Limited.

Unit A10, 8/F, Block A, Proficient Industrial Centre, No. 6 Wang Kwun Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and 11/F, Front Block, Hang Lok Building, 128-130 Wing Lok St., Sheu, Hong Kong; and Rm. 2318, Dengcheng Plaza, Zhenzhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China; and 18th Floor, Building B, Guoli Building, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) See §§ 744.2(d) and 744.3(d) of the EAR 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Suntop Semiconductor Co., LTD., No. 34-36 Au Pui Wan Street, Block B, Veristrong Industrial Centre, 12th Floor, Room 03, Shatin, New Territory, Hong Kong; and No. 116-118 How Ming Street, Manning Industrial Building, 1st Floor, Room B5, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Zhonghang Road, Dynamic World Building, Room 811, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518031, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 88 FR 70353, 10/11/23. 89 FR 87265, 11/1/24.
Suntric Company Limited, a.k.a., the following one alias:
—IC.CN Company Limited.

Rm. 311, 3/F, Genplas Industrial Building 56 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and Unit C, D 10/F Shenmao Building News Road, Shenzhen, China; and Room 2113-2115, Level 21 Landmark North, 39 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 87 FR 38925, 6/30/22.
Sunway Microelectronics, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Chengdu Shenwei Technology; and
—Chengdu Sunway Technology.

Building D22, Electronic Science and Technology Park, Section 4, Huafu Avenue, Chengdu, China; and Shuangxing Avenue, Gongxing Street, Southwest Airport Economic Development Zone, Shuangliu District, Chengdu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 86 FR 18438, 4/9/21.
87 FR 62202, 10/13/22.
Superburning Semiconductor (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., No. 8, Lanhua Road, Room 806, Building 4, Pukou District, Nanjing, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 88 FR 71992, 10/19/23.
Superchip Limited, a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Superchip Ltd; and
—Superchip (HK) Limited.

Unit 704, 7th Floor, 135 Bonham Strand Trade Center, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
For all items subject to the EAR (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.11 of the EAR ) Policy of denial for all items subject to the EAR . See § 746.8(b) 89 FR 68548, 8/27/24.
Suzhou Cambricon Information Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following five aliases:
—Suzhou Cambrian Information Technology Co., Ltd.;
—Suzhou Cambricon IT;
—Suzhou Cambrian IT;
—Suzhou Cambricon; and
—Suzhou Cambrian.

Unit E502-3, International Science and Technology Park, No. 1355 Jinjihu Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See §§ 734.9(e)(2) and 744.11 of the EAR ) 4 Presumption of denial 87 FR 77508, 12/19/22.
Suzhou Centec Communications Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Centec Networks (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Unit 13/16, 4th Floor, Building B, No. 5 Xinghan St., Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China; and Room 076, 21st Floor, 23rd Floor, Building 22, Shouti South Road, Haidian District, Beijing.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Suzhou Centec Technology Co., Ltd., Room 201, Building 6, No. 5, Xinghan St., Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China. For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 88 FR 13675, 3/6/23.
Suzhou Huawei Investment Co., Ltd., Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. For all items subject to the EAR , see §§ 734.9(e) 1 and 744.11 of the EAR 2 Presumption of denial 84 FR 22963, 5/21/19. 85 FR 29853, 5/19/20. 85 FR 36720, 6/18/20. 85 FR 51603, 8/20/20. 87 FR 6026, 2/3/22. 87 FR 55250, 9/9/22.
Suzhou Keda Technology Co., Ltd., a.k.a, the following one alias:

No. 131, Jinshan Road, High-tech Zone, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China; and
No. 131, Jinshan Rd., High-Tech Zone, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China; and
4th Floor, No. 111, Anju North Road, Shuimogou District, Urumqi City, China; and
Room 1201, Ruichang Building, No. 136, Youhao South Road, Shayibake District, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China. (See alternate addresses under Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea, and Turkey).
All items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 86 FR 36499, 7/12/21.
Suzhou Nanda Optoelectronic Materials Co., Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:
—Suzhou Nata; and
—Suzhou Nanda.

No. 40, Pingsheng Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China; and No. 67, Pingsheng Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China.
For all items subject to the EAR (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 96836, 12/5/24.
Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute Co. Ltd.,

1788 Xihuan Road, Suzhou, 215000, China
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 84 FR 40241, 8/14/19.
Suzhou Telecom Electric Plant Co., Ltd. a.k.a., the following one alias:
—Suzhou Telecom Motor Factory Co., Ltd.

No. 482, Xujiang Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China.
For all items subject to the EAR . (See § 744.11 of the EAR ) Presumption of denial 89 FR 41888, 5/14/24.
Suzhou Tiangong Mechanics Testing Technology Co., Ltd., No. 66, Tongdun Street, Suzhou, China; and Building 4, No. 99, Taishan Road, Suzhou, China. For all items subject to the