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Enforcement Policy Memoranda

Addressing the National Security Risk that Foreign Adversaries Pose to Academic Research Institutions

Further Strengthening Our Administrative Enforcement Program

Enhanced Enforcement of the Antiboycott Rules

Addressing Foreign Government Prevention of End-Use-Checks

Voluntary Self-Disclosures and Disclosures Concerning Others

Strengthening Antiboycott Reporting and Compliance Memorandum

Further Enhancements to our Voluntary Self-Disclosure Process


Industry Guidance

BIS-FinCEN Joint Alert - Russia (June 2022)

Red Flag Indicators – Russian Procurement Techniques 

Commerce, Justice, and Treasury Compliance Note on Russian Evasion Tactics

BIS-FinCEN Joint Alert II – Russia (May 2023)

BIS Guidance to Exporters on Priority HS Codes

Best Practice: Certification to Prevent Diversion to Russia of Highest Priority Items 

Commerce, Justice, State, and Treasury Advisory on Iran’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-related Activities

Commerce, Justice, and Treasury Compliance Note on Voluntary Self-Disclosures

Export Enforcement Five Guidance for Industry and Academia on Russia Sanctions

Commerce, Treasury, and State Alert on Impact of Sanctions and Export Controls on Russia’s Military-Industrial Complex 

Commerce, Justice, State, and Treasury Advisory on Iran Ballistic Missile Procurement 

Russia Export Controls – List of Common High-Priority Items 

BIS-FinCEN Joint Alert - Evasion of Export Controls Globally

Commerce, Justice, Homeland Security, State, and Treasury Compliance Note on “Know Your Cargo” 

Commerce, Justice, and Treasury Compliance Note on the Obligations of Foreign-Based Persons

Freight Forwarder Guidance and Best Practices

Guidance to Industry on BIS Actions Identifying Transaction Parties of Diversion Risk