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A BIS license is required prior to such a transaction. As stated in § 744.11(a), a license is required for the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) of items subject to the EAR when an entity on the Entity List is a party to the transaction as described in § 748.5(c)-(f). Parties to the transaction may include purchasers, intermediate consignees (such as forwarding agents), ultimate consignees, and end-users. Any application for such a license will be reviewed in accordance with the License Review Policy associated with the listed entity on the Entity List. This policy is, most commonly, a presumption of denial. BIS also recommends consulting the other export screening lists maintained by the U.S. Government to ensure that any listed entity performing an activity (e.g., services) not subject to the EAR does not violate sanctions or restrictions administered by other U.S. Government agencies. Do the license requirements and policies of the Entity List apply to separately incorporated subsidiaries, partially owned subsidiaries, or sister companies of a listed entity? Subsidiaries, parent companies, and sister companies are legally distinct from listed entities. Therefore, the licensing and other obligations imposed on a listed entity by virtue of its being listed do not per se apply to its subsidiaries, parent companies, sister companies, or other legally distinct affiliates that are not listed on the Entity List. If, however, such a company, or even an unaffiliated company, acts as an agent, a front, or a shell company for the listed entity in order to facilitate transactions that would not otherwise be permissible with the listed entity, then the company is likely violating, inter alia, General Prohibition 10, EAR section 764.2(b) (causing, aiding, or abetting a violation) and possibly other subsections of 764.2 as well. Those who export, reexport, or transfer items subject to the EAR with knowledge that the items are destined to a subsidiary, sister, parent, or other affiliate of a listed entity are encouraged to take extra due diligence steps to ensure that (i) the items are not ultimately destined for the listed entity and (ii) the affiliate is a separate legal entity (as opposed to a branch or operating division of the listed entity). If one is uncertain whether a planned transaction involving an actor with some relationship to a listed entity would be affected by the obligations pertaining to the listed entity, one may seek an advisory opinion from BIS pursuant to section 748.3.