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This list is published in the IAEA’s Information Circular titled "Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities" (INFCIRC/754), which is available at the IAEA’s website ( In this document there is an annex (the "List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement Between the Government of India and The International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities") that contains the list of nuclear reactors (including power plants) and fuel fabrication facilities under IAEA safeguards. Please note that this list is updated regularly with the publication of documents titled "Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities: Addition to the List of Facilities Subject to Safeguards Under the Agreement" and that these updates are numbered as follows: INFCIRC/754/Add.1, INFCIRC/754/Add.2, INFCIRC/754/Add.3, etc. BIS recommends that exporters check the most recent version of the list on a regular basis by searching the IAEA’s website for "INFCIRC/754". As of November 18, 2013, the most recent version of this document is INFCIRC/754/Add.4.